[Gamemode] Supercapital brawl.

I was thinking, a cool gamemode for this could be a TDM like mode where 2 Super Capital ships are set broadside to each other and are firing away at each other. And your mission is to blow up the other Super Capital.

The way you could go about doing it is having the ship broken up into tons of subsections (Kinda like most ships are). And you have to blow up each section to reduce the ships shields or do damage to the ship itself. But the ship should also have point defense and AA turrets and other things like that. Plus you would be fighting other players. Also, the super capitol ships should shot at each other which should also do damage. And maybe they could fire huge slow moving missiles/torpedoes that do massive damage but can be shot down.

This gamemode would be elaborate because you would have to have you team split off into 3 different roles. Bombing, Intercepting, Defending. The bombers would be the ones trying to blow up the other capital. The Interceptors would be defending the bombers and blowing the massive missiles. And the Defenders would try to blow up the enemy bombers.

And you could add extra objectives, like having AI controlled Capitals that shoot at enemy fighters/capitals. And have them be destroyable too.

I feel like im a 12 year old saying “Ooh ohh, and you know what else is cool!”

This reminds me a little bit of Star Wars Battlefront 2.:fed006:

And with the Clan Dreadnoughts this could be match for bigger Clan Wars.

We will see what the future brings us.:00111:

swbf2…super cap ships…sure no reason in arguing

maybe there could also be some sort of halo like fire fight mod…enemies enter the fight zone an the players fight as long as they can…

the enemies might be npcs or other players…

Actually, I took my idea from the mod for hl2 “Eternal Silence”

love the idea mabe for clans you will need larger than normal maps.

It looks like they are planning to do it. check out the pic in the meda section

This reminds me a little bit of Star Wars Battlefront 2.:fed006:

And with the Clan Dreadnoughts this could be match for bigger Clan Wars.

We will see what the future brings us.:00111:

this is exsactly what it put me in mind of :smiley:

however i think this should only be for clan matches dont wont it for the public the idea is great but for now it wont happen

like the idea about Super Capital ships … that would be amazing for clan war if they add some sort of territory for clans like in WoT … it would be good even if its just a deathmatch game oh well maybe it will be called something else not deathmatch like Super Capital War or w/e … we will see what the name will be if they add this option with Super Capital ships

yeh lol super captial war :smiley: lol that will be reverted to invasion or blockade or somthing like that

I like this idea