Game lessons with "Igromania"! The best Covert Ops interceptors



Hello! This is Star Conflict, and today we’ll talk about five best covert ops interceptors.


Like in previous episodes, our list will include one ship from ranks 1 to 6, 7 to 9, 10 to 12… and, finally, 13 to 15. The best premium starship will get its own, separate mention.


Remember, this compilation is not a “top anything” list. Each featured ship is the best at its ranks, and that’s it. There are also no craft ships here, because their modifiers and bonuses are for players to tweak and therefore literally impossible to account for.

Star Conflict Team

You guys have forgotten about Cutter’s nerf, I get it that you make these videos in advance, but you should probably update it regardless.


All screenshots from 16.10.  Cov ops OP = intys OP = ECMs OP= intys OP =Tai’kin OP = No skill ships with uber OP modules and weapons that can do extra big damage output. 


9 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:


All screenshots from 16.10.  Cov ops OP = intys OP = ECMs OP= intys OP =Tai’kin OP = No skill ships with uber OP modules and weapons that can do extra big damage output. 


0ziLIza.png  VkQw1UH.png


Fighters OP, Commands =OP, Granite=OP, Gunships=OP

nErF tHe SiLeNt FoX!12111

6 hours ago, GatoGrande said:


All screenshots from 16.10.  Cov ops OP = intys OP = ECMs OP= intys OP =Tai’kin OP = No skill ships with uber OP modules and weapons that can do extra big damage output. 


Those are your results. You are saying left and right how good you are. Why we should be surprised that one of the best interceptor pilots have good results?


Hell I can post something as well:


yaaawn. All those flying straight interceptors. They were literally feeding my kill counter. 

I think this screenshot is undeniable proof that covops need to be nerfed:  eWgKiPb.png

4 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Those are your results. You are saying left and right how good you are. Why we should be surprised that one of the best interceptor pilots have good results?


Hell I can post something as well:


yaaawn. All those flying straight interceptors. They were literally feeding my kill counter. 


you are the only one here who is posting screenshot from PvAi or even at PvE and you are not even funny.


You are not so good to make 10kills in one game even if you fly first Thar’ga when it was released and all others Lynx.


Since my screenshots weren’t clear as well I will post better ones;


Also Ownage it is not polite to troll on the forum and be Game moderator at the same time on the same forum.

As I said before you are the biggest theoretic from all that post here, but practice is something else.



9 hours ago, xKostyan said:

0ziLIza.png  VkQw1UH.png


as far as this goes I agree, cut all extra damage and survivability buffs for low-rank ship, and also try to do this in EU = RUS prime time and not when you are only decent player online in US main time.

Never the less I do think that you play well this game  unlike some others here pointing up at OM - > N.


2 hours ago, Cr0 said:

I think this screenshot is undeniable proof that covops need to be nerfed:  eWgKiPb.png



This deserve more serious respond since you are one of the best players here.


Yes cov ops are OP since thay have active modules that can make them escape 99.9% of all sh it that they face.


I also stay 100% behind this;


10 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

Cov ops OP = intys OP = ECMs OP= intys OP =Tai’kin OP = No skill ships with uber OP modules and weapons that can do extra big damage output. 


I’m maybe ( looking at the weekly pilot rating =  irony) not good enough so I will post some screenshot about OP from ECMs; 


And yes ECMs are OP as well, I can also post some screenshots from OP Tai’kins when good players are using them, looking up to OM I didn’t mean you  ![:beee:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/beee.gif “:beee:”).

1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

as far as this goes I agree, cut all extra damage and survivability buffs for low-rank ship, and also try to do this in EU = RUS prime time and not when you are only decent player online in US main time.


You can start by showing us FULL screenshots, so we can all, collectively as a group, sit and be amazed how awesome and great those players, from “prime EU/RU” times.

9 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

You can start by showing us FULL screenshots, so we can all, collectively as a group, sit and be amazed how awesome and great those players, from “prime EU/RU” times.


this is when I play on US time  ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)


Maybe you know someone from here


or here


this was on your main time


perhaps you know someone from them


but you sure know someone from those guys ?


Good enough for you?


16 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:


this is when I play on US time  ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)


Maybe you know someone from here


or here


this was on your main time


perhaps you know someone from them


but you sure know someone from those guys ?


Good enough for you?


At least half if not all of those better players often play around my times, as well as plenty of others that are not on your screenshots.

On average it is much easier to score sh$t tons of efficiency points in RU times, because the whole population is bigger, and skilled players representing smaller percentage of the population online, while in my times, if those players online - all of them are in every single game, since there is nobody else, so cut the crap with “hur durr EU and RU prime times” - EU and RU prime time is pretty bad for past 4 years, after most of ESB and better NOVA players left the game, all that left now is 5-8 really good players in the game, and everything else is just a new generation of “meh”

12 hours ago, GatoGrande said:


All screenshots from 16.10.  Cov ops OP = intys OP = ECMs OP= intys OP =Tai’kin OP = No skill ships with uber OP modules and weapons that can do extra big damage output. 


Don’t forget Brokk = OP


6 minutes ago, xKostyan said:


At least half if not all of those better players often play around my times, as well as plenty of others that are not on your screenshots.

On average it is much easier to score sh$t tons of efficiency points in RU times, because the whole population is bigger, and skilled players representing smaller percentage of the population online, while in my times, if those players online - all of them are in every single game, since there is nobody else, so cut the crap with “hur durr EU and RU prime times” - EU and RU prime time is pretty bad for past 4 years, after most of ESB and better NOVA players left the game, all that left now is 5-8 really good players in the game, and everything else is just a new generation of “meh”


I believe all this that you wrote.

I also wonder how is possible when my friends that play when I do and we queue at the same time never get in the same game with me when we queue alone.

They also post me many screenshots with players that I have never seen. So I wonder if just perhaps we have different levels or how to say PvP opponents since I mostly get in really hard games when I queue alone.

A different story is in a squad of course, where three or four good players can easily farm everything even two good players are in 80% enough to win game.

3 minutes ago, John161 said:

Don’t forget Brokk = OP



Eh, Johnn you are an exception because you are OP in every ship that you use.

Brok is good, but two Waz’gots in one team are mean.

3 hours ago, GatoGrande said:


you are the only one here who is posting screenshot from PvAi or even at PvE and you are not even funny.


You are not so good to make 10kills in one game even if you fly first Thar’ga when it was released and all others Lynx.


You wish. My current record is 29 kills on this account with 68 battles win streak. So as I said - you cannot be that person that was the owner of this account. But if you wish - please, beat me on those stats - you are so better than me. Then we can start to talk. 

PS That Brave has ~200 hull resists and it’s doing almost 9k constant DPS. Pair it with engie and a recon with microlocator and you have results. Just a simple combo test - Brave with coilgun, Wazgot with station and microlocator around if someone was smart enough to kill the station first. But that’s too much for your solo play, where your poor deconstructor cannon is doing 1k dmg per shot against any properly built interceptor around… Please, stop. You are embarrassing yourself. Or actually not - it’s a good laugh. 



I can also post some screenshots from OP Tai’kins when good players are using them, looking up to OM I didn’t mean you  ![:beee:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/beee.gif “:beee:”).

No problem mate. I cannot fly Tai’kin, you cannot hit it with your gun. Even when I was flying it. Straight. For 4 kilometers. With 4 predators around. With 1400 HP left. And no jumps. And  heals on cooldown. When I was writing “Hi, how is your day today, found something interesting around?” in the chat and you decided you have to kill my ship. Good you had your plasma web, otherwise you couldn’t brag about destroying my ship. ![:01414:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/01414.png “:01414:”)

47 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:

account with 68 battles win streak


![:lol:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/lol.png “:lol:”) T1 or T2?




Try to do this alone = not in the squad or in wing, 

BtW, I prefer to play alone since playing in a squad would not be fair to others  ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)



4 hours ago, xKostyan said:


At least half if not all of those better players often play around my times, as well as plenty of others that are not on your screenshots.

On average it is much easier to score sh$t tons of efficiency points in RU times, because the whole population is bigger, and skilled players representing smaller percentage of the population online, while in my times, if those players online - all of them are in every single game, since there is nobody else, so cut the crap with “hur durr EU and RU prime times” - EU and RU prime time is pretty bad for past 4 years, after most of ESB and better NOVA players left the game, all that left now is 5-8 really good players in the game, and everything else is just a new generation of “meh”


Best players (who never had any bit of respect for you) left years ago, and yet, you are still here shilling on behalf of gaijing.




everytime I open this forum there is still a f#g defending this scamming company.



shill is shill.

meanwhile the game is dead, you i

sub human immigrant with “leftover sindrome” could move to some of the other crap games by gajgin, if you want to lick asses. this one is dead, move on.


oh wait, even war thunder went to dumpster to the point fan boys are on strike.



enjoy the shitshow.


this company should die asap, and whomever defended them, aswell. cancer of the industry.


32 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:


Aww look who is barking, the clueless macaroni is back.

3 hours ago, GatoGrande said:


![:lol:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/lol.png “:lol:”) T1 or T2?




Try to do this alone = not in the squad or in wing, 

BtW, I prefer to play alone since playing in a squad would not be fair to others  ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)



T3 - you can easily check that on the profile page.

I was saying that over and over again - I hate to fly in this game alone. This game is designed from the ground up to be squad/team vs squad/team game. Everything in this game screams about that. If you prefer to play solo - up to you. For me flying solo doesn’t make much sense these times - people don’t do team play, so I cannot even select a proper role to support the team that flies around like headless chickens shooting everything that moves. Just not my cup of tea. 

PS. also you perfectly know why I cannot fly interceptors or any other agile ships. 

well this escalated quickly


18 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

Cov ops OP = intys OP = ECMs OP= intys OP =Tai’kin OP = No skill ships with uber OP modules and weapons that can do extra big damage output. 

especially if they get rank bonus!



5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

you cannot be that person that was the owner of this account.

are you sure you think of the right person? cannot remember that player to be any different ingame.

although, when i met gato, usually i saw a disconnect. guess it was a lucky miss.


6 hours ago, xKostyan said:

and everything else is just a new generation of “meh”

see it positive. you get some kills as well!


5 hours ago, xKostyan said:

so cut the crap with “hur durr EU and RU prime times” - EU and RU prime time is pretty bad for past 4 years

interesting twist tho, how would you know?

anyway, BS, 3-4 years ago, exaggerating much?


do you dream this up when you are in the ship selection? because there i see you a lot if we play the same game.


5 hours ago, xKostyan said:

On average it is much easier to score sh$t tons of efficiency points in RU times, because the whole population is bigger

maybe a few games are like this, but most are not. and you can meet people, even old esb players, they just play shorter.

and no, it is also easy on your kingships’ time. i do like murrican timezone because less people abuse stuff tho.

maybe that’s what you never experience then.


anyway, who doesn’t love to bully others in some kind of narcissistic mob and feel good about themselves?
