game guide

when i first started playing star conflict, i was having fun then as i progressed in the game i had issues of finding the right weapons for each ship.  now as time went on i have noticed that i am not happy with the game because they just havea basic game guide.  meaning the developers need to make a detailed game guide explaining what weapons go with what ship.

Simple weapon guide:

Laser–low dps, no bullet speed

Rail gun–low dps, higher crit

Plasma–high dps, slow bullet speed


Assault–normal weapon

Rapid fire–higher dps, lower range (does not apply to railgun)

Long range–lower dps, longest range

Heavy–highest dps, longer range, moving turret takes time

Rapid fire railgun is a slow firing scatter shotgun

long range plasma and heavy plasma can charged to fire multiple shot at once

when i first started playing star conflict, i was having fun then as i progressed in the game i had issues of finding the right weapons for each ship. now as time went on i have noticed that i am not happy with the game because they just havea basic game guide. meaning the developers need to make a detailed game guide explaining what weapons go with what ship.

Nice post Blade thanks for that. Noticed also lasers zap shields faster and railgun is tougher on hulls.

Nice post Blade thanks for that. Noticed also lasers zap shields faster and railgun is tougher on hulls.

That has to do with the resistances and damage type (plasma = EM, laser = thermal, railguns = kinetic), which can vary by ship and modified by modules. In higher tiers you get access to weapon modifiers which can modify the type of damage your weapon outputs. Likewise, missiles and mines have damage types.


In general, shields are weak against EM and strong against kinetic while Hull is strong against EM and weak against kinetic.