Game Client Crash

There seems to be a strange game client crash. Flying Fire Support with a squad of four in R13-15, it seems to happen at random times to most squad members at the same time.

First game: Fire support, crashed within seconds of loading in. xKostyan and deleted96 also crashed soon after. Papi managed to stay in.

Second game: Fire support, crashed after a minute or two. Papi, kost, and deleted all crashed, leaving me with a slightly hitching game.

(Third game: Fire support with a squad of three + 1 random. Did not crash. Logs not attached currently.)








can not attach files in EDIT mode

Same here … SC never crushed on me - Now 2 times in couple of days …

Are there crashreport window after the game crash? If yes, did you send report?

I did not have a crash report window, Papitas had, and i believe he has sent 1 crash report

I sent 1 report saying something like: “crashed at fire support mid game”.

I didn’t find your crashreports. Can you find, zip and attach here ‘Exceptions’ folder ?

added 2 days just in case…


Zip not rar…

i only have rar ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Rar can zip…

In fact, Windows can zip right out of the box (select, right click, send to > zipped folder).


8 hours ago, StatueofLibroty said:

Sorry, but this report was damaged. However, I see that your OS is a 32 bit version. There is a known bug, linked with 32 bit OS versions: Windows can’t give more then 2 GB RAM for game. 

Can you change your OS to 64 bit version ?

2 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

Sorry, but this report was damaged. However, I see that your OS is a 32 bit version. There is a known bug, linked with 32 bit OS versions: Windows can’t give more then 2 GB RAM for game. 

Can you change your OS to 64 bit version ?

I was running in 32 bits too (windows 7). I have W7 64 bits with SC installed as well, although i havent played in it the last few weeks cause i need to use programs from the 32 bits partition (not all of them can be executed from 64 bits).

8 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

Sorry, but this report was damaged. However, I see that your OS is a 32 bit version. There is a known bug, linked with 32 bit OS versions: Windows can’t give more then 2 GB RAM for game. 

Can you change your OS to 64 bit version ?

I am actually using 64 bit OS, so I’d assume I have the capability to do so. I don’t know how to run something that normally runs in 32 bits in 64 bits instead, though.


Also, I’ve never had Star Conflict use much more than 1 GB of RAM. That’s why I’m not sure that the 2GB limit would be the reason why Star Conflict crashed.

We found a core of this problem. The map for special operation ‘Fire Support’ have too many triangles.

We will try to optimise this map.

Just out of curiosity: What triangles does ‘Fire Support’ have?