5 hours ago, Milfeulle said:
What exploit? I use Thar’ga to play r9 tournment vs elite squads that has Thar’gas and still manage to obtain high score and kill counts with high ping. What is it that make my Thar’ga different than theirs?
There are other TharGas who have the same setup or similar as you two, and while its true, skill, and being in a squad, certainly pushes you to the invincible status in those games, but it’s certainly the ship, not just the pilot. I mean cmon, you one shot my apollo after spawn ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) not complaining, because it was the right choice for you, but … one shot!? an empire gunship?! not in survival!?
it’s really the mix of regen and the crazy damage of that gun, and yesyes, your usage of energy converter is smart, good boy, aikido sensei
I was just asking myself, after being on both sides of the games - is it still fun to play like that!? I certainly would get bored. ![:wacko:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/wacko.gif “:wacko:”)
That one game where the enemy had a tharga, and the whole team kinda managed to outhero it, and kill it and win by a slight margin yesterday was for me personally the most "gg"d game with randoms i ever saw in star conflict the last 15k battles, even if in the end i felt like a spy drone dispenser. So some of us still enjoy the hardship, it certainly helps bonding. But it is kinda like spawning biomorphs in the battle compared to this was really relaxing.
So to summarize: I think you can’t blame some single players to enjoy this or use it. Think about it this way, milf does everything to produce valuable true statistical data. So if you get farmed, think this way: It’s for science.
What you say?
Science, b*@#!, science!
The mascara is fading, but show must go on…
16 minutes ago, GeMichi said:
They have to make new ships slightly better than old ones to motivate people to actually spend money on them…
“slightly”. ![:laugh:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png “:laugh:”)
try your phase supressor spy drone theory on those two, if you believe slightly is the correct term here. You will still have to deal with the fleet next to them aswell.
The whole problem is: introducing slightly better is okay. This is a bit over the top. Just sayin’…