Game and it's future

Hi and Hello

I am really concerned about this game,

i think it’s going in wrong direction.

I’ve played for about 2 years with very big gaps.

There were no restrictions about what weapon or module u can have on ship.

Game was more intresting even though there were less stuff in it.

Now game seems to be based on endless grind for next ship then endless grind for modules&loality.

I dont now how much u play but i won’t spend a months on 1 ship which i dont even like.

It seems to be wierd that players cant stay in game for longer time.

I am in corp, when i click to see it’s status im like OMG

About 20 people offline since few months to year and half.

2 years ago there were more players, even though u waited for 5 min to find battle.


How your experiences look like ?







Exactly like that. The changes the devs made to the ships brought balance to the game’s matches (no longer can you have cloaky Gunships or jamming Recons), though I do miss having FACTION F-skills, instead of role-based.

0.7 and the weapon revamp were THE best patches the devs came up with. Nothing else.


Everything else, including any Premium ships made, seemed to have been purely detrimental to the game but, worst of all, to anyone’s progression, as it went from average to a complete standstill.


Amongst oh-so-many other negative aspects…



Swear to god, if this gets deleted… Godamned censorship.

I have been playing for a year now. I have 1100 hours with the game logged as per Steam, and half of that of battle time. Considering I have all ships unlocked and elited, that makes about 4 hours playing per ship. Not considering that high tier ships are more costly in synergy. In fact you should be able to upgrade to elite status all ships up to tier 3 in a few months.


Concerning modules, If you want to have all ships with full purple/orange, then yes, you will have a bad time. But what I do is spend only purples in the ships I really like, and keep the rest just with green modules.

Evis, the point isn’t about where to put purples where. It’s about even having them. For pilots who DON’T spend their entire free time playing… it’s extremely hard even getting one, let alone a full ship. I tell you, loyalty “vouchers” were the worst change to the game…

i cant say how many people played and play. but i get very fast a match for every mode  :fed001:

i am sure game will be even better in future!

there are patches nearly every week, cool stuff at weekend and a lot great players play this game

I really cant say anything Direct. But I feel Im losing the “Fun Factor”. 


I really like playing with friends. A game like this demands everyone working as a team and being social. But when it punishes you for being a good team, and denies you rewards in the same respect. Then that fun factor is lost. Your forced to be loner with this current design model. This is what is really concerning me. 

I really cant say anything Direct. But I feel Im losing the “Fun Factor”. 


I really like playing with friends. A game like this demands everyone working as a team and being social. But when it punishes you for being a good team, and denies you rewards in the same respect. Then that fun factor is lost. Your forced to be loner with this current design model. This is what is really concerning me. 

Yeah, they have pretty much restricted squad play to t2 and t3, and then only at weekends and peak EU/Russia time.  They need to loosen a bit on squads. such as introducing and equivalence between 2 man and 3 man for MM.


Weapons and module system is fine imo, and I likevthe fact that even now after 1.0 launch, they are still bringing out new modules with very interesting mechanics.  After almost 1800 hours into the game, I am still testing new builds on my ships, that’s what I absolutely love about this game!!!

Yeah, they have pretty much restricted squad play to t2 and t3, and then only at weekends and peak EU/Russia time.  They need to loosen a bit on squads. such as introducing and equivalence between 2 man and 3 man for MM.


Weapons and module system is fine imo, and I likevthe fact that even now after 1.0 launch, they are still bringing out new modules with very interesting mechanics.  After almost 1800 hours into the game, I am still testing new builds on my ships, that’s what I absolutely love about this game!!!


Yeah, team play for me is super important. 


I wish they didn’t force the squads to face another squad of the same size but used the SR as a deciding factor in the match. IT was good when a 2 man squad could face a 3 man squad because the average SR was the same. 


If 2 players with 1500 SR faced 3 players with one 1700, 1400, and 1500 SR. it would a theoretical even team. Any thoughts? 

The game has improved in some respects:


New weapons, more passive slots, more ships, more maps, graphics improvements.


But in other areas has become difficult:


0.9.8 - “Voucher” update. Players no longer unlocked access to Mk3 gear that could be bought with credits upon reaching a reputation rank with a faction. Added massive grind.

0.9.9 - “Synergy” update. Players now had to ‘unlock’ new ships by achieving a set amount of synergy on previous ship. Added massive grind.


Those two updates alone pretty much killed game progression.


Instead of letting players rank up to earn access to Mk3 gear that they could then pay for with credits, they replaced the unlock system with consumable ‘vouchers’. Players like myself who had ranked up to a high level with a particular faction were given a small sum of vouchers to compensate us, which were completely consumed by purchasing three Mk3 items. Just so you understand, that was several months worth of grinding down the drain for nothing.


Then rather than making some of the low-rank ships more competitive (because players would save up enough money to simply skip over them because of their terrible stats), they decided to force players to fly them for synergy unlocks.


That seems to be the development strategy. If players skip over a feature, don’t improve the feature; make it a requirement for progression.

don’t forget tho, that in the old system, it was grindy aswell.


T3 is not just populated because “they” restricted anything - more or less it’s the playerbase maintaining it. Many of the T3 players who squad do have higher teched stuff, but want to play big games, where most people have well equipped ships.


Getting into T3 is still easy for someone with dedication, or someone who “starts a new account”, but a larger task for someone who only plays occasionally, meaning the old system benefited him.


Still, something should be made clear: from T3 on, teamplay is more important with each step.

It was not meant to be “grinded up” mindlessly to T5, before you start understanding game mechanics, flight controls, etc.


I also see a grind problem occasionally, even tho I know, once you have fun in T3, T4&T5 were only a matter of time. But with the current population sometimes T4 seems to be a bit pointless. It’s too far for people who start anew to get playing with their friends; too expensive to try out every role and make some mistakes. After transitioning into T3 from T2, I had also a bit of a lack of enthusiasm for “repeating” the same experience yet twice, so I said to myself: I will go T5 straight, back then. I didn’t feel the grind from there on.


Game mechanics wise however, I have no problems with restrictions. Restrictions create decisions, and thus, create variety. I am okay with the fact, that each role has restrictions, and I think, that part of the game did evolve. I like the current gameplay. It’s more offensive, less uncreative 3-gunship-cookie-cutting, but I am still a bit concerned, that in the forums, or in the community, little new blood has arrived; and i am also a bit sad, that some corps do not strive to create new strong pilots as much as in the past.



4man-squads taking up 3 2-man squads would be epic. also, corp vs. corp matches (of the same corp) if no other squads are found, would be lovely. it’s not like most people dont enjoy a fair fight.

I still believe tho, visualizing more what is happening (more transparency) in the main game menus would be important, so people actually know what is going on in each tier (also open maps, or ships for discussions). also while waiting for a game.


Srsly, small things like ship browsing while queue could make wonders in this regard, and bore people less.

People stay in T3 because that’s where about 80% of the entire population is sitting at. If you even THINK of buying an R10 ship, the game punishes you immediately.

Even with 80% there, T3 waiting times are sometimes still too long.


Punished? Only if you farm one role/faction up, without getting all factions to T3. And right, then the lack of fleet strength, experience, etc. will be punishment, once you realize, nobody is there, except people who have better stuff than you.


There was a short joyful T4 era, when T5 was released but even then, it took a bit of time. But all those people have now T5 ships. Still, the game allows you, thankfully, to advance the next tier without leaving your own, even if it is grindy. Which is a good thing now, but actually, got this mess, since a lot of old players could headstart up to T5 in the first place after release.


The devs have stated there is just not enough population for T4&T5 - lets hope that changes; but the fault lies not with “restrictions”, there are none, except a lack of players.

And those I and some others noted earlier.

The devs have stated there is just not enough population for T4&T5 - lets hope that changes; but the fault lies not with “restrictions”, there are none, except a lack of players.

If this keeps up, T1 will be mixed into T5!!!

Yup. I have one t5 ship, and i can still manage to completely farm people in pvp up there. 


There’s too much grind though. There’s a fine line between not enough grind and too much grind. they need to make it easier to get money, and premium stuff doesn’t affect synergy. 

People stay in T3 because that’s where about 80% of the entire population is sitting at. If you even THINK of buying an R10 ship, the game punishes you immediately.

i like t2-t3 much more then t5. t5 has very strong implants  :008j: 

Even with 80% there, T3 waiting times are sometimes still too long.


The devs have stated there is just not enough population for T4&T5 - lets hope that changes; but the fault lies not with “restrictions”, there are none, except a lack of players.

And those I and some others noted earlier.


I’ve played a couple of match in t4/5 dsr<1300, 10vs10 at least (i forgot my r12 tackler in hangar mixed with t3 ships). While in t3 i was only able to find 3vs3 match… there’s something wrong. 

i like t2-t3 much more then t5. t5 has very strong implants  :008j:


You said the other day that Implants weren’t important.

I think that my idea, at least in some way, makes things way better, than they’re now.


Take a look here:


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24780-slightly-revised-loyalty-system-for-mark-iii-upgrade-system/)

If you play in the less than 1300 dsr queue, you can have 12v12 pretty consistently in T4-5 queue, with small waiting times in euro evenings.


The main problem is that good players who buy their first T4 ship, found themselves in the high rank DSR queue in 5v5 against full purple T5 lineup veteran players. That is not good.