Fusion Bolt [Weapon]

Name: Fusion Bolt

Type: Primary Weapon for Long Range Frigates

Fits ship: Kraken

Damage: medium - very high thermal

RoF: 80rpm with no charge

Charge time: 3 seconds

Range: Very low - extreme

Spread: very high - zero

Tooltip: A single trigger pull sends out a cloud of superheated gas to damage nearby enemies in a large radius. As the trigger is held, the gas is condensed in to a single, precise charge that deals greater damage the farther away the target is.

I like it. This could be a weapon unique to the Kraken to give SP ships some toys.

1 hour ago, Scar6 said:

I like it. This could be a weapon unique to the Kraken to give SP ships some toys.

I am 100% for this.