Full 'Purple Ships

For an endgame like that, I’m tired of waiting forever to get one. I say upgrade your T3s, it’s cheaper and you will also get to play more games with it.


This is true, for now. T3 surely is ‘the tier’ right now but i sure hope that at some point t5 will be a popular tier (it should be)

At the moment, as I said in other topic, T4 is just empty. Rather skip upgrading the modules above green in T4 and save it straight for T5, it’s impossible to get a game in acceptable waiting time in T4.


I have 45 t4 kits waiting… maybe some day they will be used, if not, I’ll get shitloads of artifacts

too bad we cant pay credits for vouchers. 


1,000,000 = 10000 vouchers. 

Finally, my 1st full mk4 T5


Finally, my 1st full mk4 T5

Congrats, I’ll be there soon enough :wink:

Bah, I have alot of purple T4s. yep


T5s are a pain for me. 

Bah, I have alot of purple T4s. yep


T5s are a pain for me. 



you mean purple modules or purple kits? I got like 60 kits but just 5-10 modules… i wont even bother to waste vouchers in that tier anymore

you mean purple modules or purple kits? I got like 60 kits but just 5-10 modules… i wont even bother to waste vouchers in that tier anymore


Yep, I dont have any reason to continue to fly T4, except to just energize the ships

Even then you have to synergize them in PvE.

Even then you have to synergize them in PvE.

T3 prems +r15 Jericho +fleet strenght+ license gives quiet a lot of free synergy, I leveled most

T3 prems +r15 Jericho +fleet strenght+ license gives quiet a lot of free synergy, I leveled most

  • Synergy discounts every now & then.
  • Synergy discounts every now & then.

For once I am actually glad it is not a regular price, man I would’ve wasted so much moneys

For once I am actually glad it is not a regular price, man I would’ve wasted so much moneys

150/GS is just a pathetic value…

150/GS is just a pathetic value…

absolutely, but it sure saves me money :)))

absolutely, but it sure saves me money :)))

… Can’t argue there, it’s very true.

Eh, even the 300 to 1 GS was  bad. 


Seriously, what is 1 weekend gonna do to make it 1 GS to 500 FS?

Eh, even the 300 to 1 GS was  bad. 


Seriously, what is 1 weekend gonna do to make it 1 GS to 500 FS?

Get people to spend more money? They don’t seem to understand the concept of “discounts”. I can only imagine a room full of suits poking at the concept with a 10 foot pole, afraid it’s gonna bite them or something, haha


Damn dude! Thats cool.

Showing off long and hard purple ships is about balance… right.