Full 'Purple Ships

![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[2013-11-18_00001.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=7050)Updated the engine slots. what do you think?

Keep in mind that acceleration modificators do NOT affect strafe acceleration value, so if one to look for a balance of rotation+strafe it is better achieved via Strafe implant+rotation engine (NOT rotation implant and strafe engine)

 I, personally, find Strafe engines as least useful in current game

That’s a pity. they should update that.

Thread dead? *calls ambulance*



Why not capacitor Power Relay?

Thread dead? *calls ambulance*



Why the hell do I always have to use my Engineer if others’ are better!? Mine’s xxxx full blue with purple polka dotted modules, wth!

dont…tease…me…  :lol:

Why not capacitor Power Relay?


For surviving given Torpedo-Facials ofc!

Why not capacitor Power Relay?


For surviving given Torpedo-Facials ofc!

My purples are in T3…QQ

I need more loyalty to get more purples, but I’m not sure what tier to use loyalty on.  I’m still using whites!

T5, save them all for up there.

If you’re gonna grind, it might as well be in the end game.

My purples are in T3…QQ


why would you wish them to be anywhere else?

T5, save them all for up there.

If you’re gonna grind, it might as well be in the end game.

For an endgame like that, I’m tired of waiting forever to get one. I say upgrade your T3s, it’s cheaper and you will also get to play more games with it.

T5, save them all for up there.

If you’re gonna grind, it might as well be in the end game.

I’m not in a hurry. I have T1 and T2 full purpled, now almost done with T3. Next will be T4,if someday we find players to fill that tier. And finally T5. 

At the moment, as I said in other topic, T4 is just empty. Rather skip upgrading the modules above green in T4 and save it straight for T5, it’s impossible to get a game in acceptable waiting time in T4.

cheaper, true, but in the long run, getting to T5 faster is the cheaper path, though the steepest climb. the rewards are

too good to pass up. If you’re still in T2, tier-hop right now. you’ll get more artifacts in T5/credits etc. in the long run, you will complete the game faster.

In fact, if you’re in T3, but think it’ll take too long to get to T5, get a small amount of gs, purchase as much synergy as you can, 

and sell all of the T3/2 ships. have T4? sell them as you go. you’ll be in T5 within a heartbeat. once in, your grind rates will improve drastically.

just make sure to keep the modules, etc. so, with that in mind, you won’t be losing any progress in the tiers. you’ll be gaining a drastic increase.

I suggest focusing on 1 specific line. well, 2, but you have to choose 1. guard, or healer. as for which guard, either the T-Rex MK.II or the rank 13 Inquisitor.

in the healers, take your pick. but only choose 1. don’t go for all of the lines, or else you’ll be increasing the grind rate. one at a time.


2 steps forward, 1 step back, but you’ll enable yourself to take a 20 step jump the next turn.

in sector conquest, T5. I get 1.3M credits (depends on score) per loss/win. per artifact sold normally, (salvage yourself) depending on the type, around 23.

I don’t like this idea and “shortcuts”. Better to hoard it slowly, you will need all that at some point, and selling is not really worth it. Just play the game… Only trouble is T4, that will be a bit of problem to gain sinergy, but soloing would probably work.

the only stuff you truly need to keep are the modules. don’t sell those. once in T5, you can repurchase the ships thrice as fast as you originally did.

if anything else, try selling all of the ships you don’t intend to use. as well as the modules that are extra. for instance, a module on one ship sitting in the 

storage when you could have simply unequipped it from that ship instead of buying a new one for the ship in the hangar slots.

I need more loyalty to get more purples, but I’m not sure what tier to use loyalty on. I’m still using whites!

Why not use greens at least, they’re not that hard to get

I do have a semi full purple suite of T4s, and a fully green T5. 


Personally, right now, Im just synergizing all my T2,3 of the Jericho and Empire, and the Federation is complete. (Still needs some T3) 


I dont play the higher tiers unless I am A) within a squad and B) playing at a time of higher population. 


Free synergy is my goal, and hopefully, I will reach 60% soon.