Full 'Purple Ships

Best bet would be equipping a ship into 1st Hangar slot, and when you hover your mouse over the ship for stats, make sure to hover in top-left corner edge of the ship icon (it will move the stat window the furthest from equiped modules) if it still overlaps, you gotta go higher in resolution :frowning:


Meh, as i thought. My native resolution is 1280x1024… and the game doesnt let me swap to others which are more “broad”.

Gunships with Singularity just /spit on the command’s diffusion shield.

Gunship with singularity can sppit on anything else coz the singularity is still extremely OP…Dev just must put the slow barrel back on that weapon coz it is really abused…Not the slowest slow barrel sure…but slow barrel is needed on singularity asap.

Gunships spitting on everything :stuck_out_tongue:

post-240942-0-76285000-1384748792.jpgThis is My Wakizashi AE. I’d show my stiletto, but it’s pretty similar.

![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[2013-11-17_00001.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=7048)This is My Wakizashi AE. I’d show my stiletto, but it’s pretty similar.


Man i bet that thing is ridiculously hard to take down without torps

Man i bet that thing is ridiculously hard to take down without torps


Id say completely the opposite - Its a strange build In my opinion, would be very easy to take down the shields in the right situation

Who do I fear? Let’s start by who fears me.

yeah… about that…


![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[2013-11-17_00001.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=7048)This is My Wakizashi AE. I’d show my stiletto, but it’s pretty similar.

Thats pretty much sums it all up :slight_smile:

There are quite a lot of  :01414: for a single build

Once my shield is down, It will repair quite quickly. with the bubble shield and my ion, it will be close to full again. once you start firing, I will use the multiphase shield adapter. (I’d normally use it at the start, along with the energy drain.) if you’re an interceptor, that can’t get a straight shot for more than 3 seconds at a time, I will not die. a fighter, I’ll usually have you dead and with a frigate… it depends.

It goes without saying that if there is a heal frigate on my team, you best try to kill it first.

I mainly play capture the beacons, and I only play with this ship currently. 75% of the time, I win.

All of my modules have a very fast regeneration rate.

With only one ship in the stocks, you might say “Madness”, but I say, “Release your inner masochist”.

Once my shield is down, It will repair quite quickly. with the bubble shield and my ion, it will be close to full again. once you start firing, I will use the multiphase shield adapter. (I’d normally use it at the start, along with the energy drain.) if you’re an interceptor, that can’t get a straight shot for more than 3 seconds at a time, I will not die. a fighter, I’ll usually have you dead and with a frigate… it depends.

It goes without saying that if there is a heal frigate on my team, you best try to kill it first.

I mainly play capture the beacons, and I only play with this ship currently. 75% of the time, I win.

All of my modules have a very fast regeneration rate.

With only one ship in the stocks, you might say “Madness”, but I say, “Release your inner masochist”.

It is purely a 1v1 build, as long as it isn’t recon it is ok for 1v1, thats it. (could be much better though)

a) Any sane interceptor can keep you in his aiming reticle 24/7, they will outmaneuver you all day long. Your rotation stats are, let me put it nicely, very-very bad for a T5 interceptor, many fighters maneuver better than your space brick

b) your regen tank, that is occupying 5 module slots cut in half and become next to useless just by single drone, your active tank is only 8 seconds

c) as soon as your shield resists vears off you are (no EB or any resists) susceptible to 1 shots from lots of stuff in the game

d) Curved reflector, weapon mod itself is fine, i like it alot myself, but your engines will not allow you to be any efficient in vs any good interceptor fights, you don’t even compensate for lack of rotation with acceleration. That weapon mod with your engine build is a huge no-no-no 

e) sensor on an ECM, meh


The only thing that works for you is generaly low population and small games in T5

It’s a support role, I use these modules for survival. I’ve never been outmaneuvered by fighters. I use strafing as well as I can to make up for lack of turn,

that being said, I usually don’t have to turn to kill. 

Acceleration is very situational. 

I know how deadly speed can be, but this ship cannot outmaneuver the fastest, so I will make it possible to outlast.

A sensor that goes beyond 12k can be overkill. 

I use it for its usefulness. If you don’t have a competent recon you must have a way to see as much as the enemy as possible.

Without it, it’s hard to plan the next move.

It’s a support role, I use these modules for survival. I’ve never been outmaneuvered by fighters. I use strafing as well as I can to make up for lack of turn,

that being said, I usually don’t have to turn to kill. 

Acceleration is very situational. 

I know how deadly speed can be, but this ship cannot outmaneuver the fastest, so I will make it possible to outlast.

Rotation and acceleration are the core of dodge, your build is heavily relying on dodge or other meanings on not taking any dmg, because it can not take dmg, burst or any continuous dmg will tear you in shread in no time. So you rely on dodging and you dodge on T2 level T1 since last patch with Varnier engines on R4.


Same goes for your weapon

If you use that modules for survival why you don’t start with a EB? And why you don’t just put a Voltage Regulator for the energy, and a Regenerative Coating in your hull? Yes your shields regen very fast, but considering that a Lightbringer would take almost all the shield with his purple Singularity, and the rest of it + your hull with Particle Purge, I don’t see where those regens will help you to survive.

It’s true that I could add in acceleration instead of that small bit of speed, but I must also keep in mind that I cannot go below 450.

In truth, one engine slot is still under consideration.

The only way to keep the energy regulated is to make the extra energy on the hull slot.

The shield is also the only redeeming defensive property on jericho ships. once it’s down, the hull is like butter., that’s why I focus all on shielding.

3844024.jpglook at his rotation stats, speed is slow, but could be boosted with submatter shield (and i believe he is using Giga r9 implant instead of speed)

any sane ship in T4+ will have at least one Vernier engine, some 2

That would be hard to take down, considering the amount of hull resistance on that thing. but the turn speed does not mean he will be able to get behind me and stay there. It just means that I won’t be able to stay out of sight. That being said, speed implants and the overdrive might be able to make that happen, but, like my adaptive multiphase shield, its time is limited. I will use ion and the bubble shield in that time. 

Any sane fighter pilot would go for turn speed, any sane interceptor pilot will go for strafe.

unless, of course, your interceptor is the fastest in the game.

 any sane interceptor pilot will go for strafe.


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/20845-interceptor-guide/page-13](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20845-interceptor-guide/page-13)

o/ which comment should I be reading?

look at his rotation stats, speed is slow, but could be boosted with submatter shield (and i believe he is using Giga r9 implant instead of speed)

any sane ship in T4+ will have at least one Vernier engine, some 2


How is one supposed to kill that thing? xD

o/ which comment should I be reading?


post-240942-0-89166200-1384809393.jpgUpdated the engine slots. what do you think?