Full 'Purple Ships

Its the crit boost module

Ah yeh - Its not longer available in T3 :lol:


And yes its a Target Tracking Co-Processor (boost’s crit damage)


Infared scanner


Its the crit boost module

You’re clearly confusing modules. Kipps ain’t using Infrared Scanner, take a good look at the module, it isn’t RED. I asked because I haven’t seen it (yet).

Infrared Scanner: Higher probability of criticals.
Target Tracking Co-Processor: Higher critical damage.

By the way, nice ships Kipps :smiley:

Oh, oops















This is why the rest of us can’t have nice things…  :smoke:

I wanna see that Tiger II stats, I doubg that ship can afterburn at all… + energy use due to that Engine thing I don’t remember, - energy regen due to that Capacitor thing that gives you damage at cost of energy, and reduced also the energy pool.


I got all my T1 ships full purple if that counts for anything :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice Wynnypuh :good:


I love the fact that Empire Gunships STILL have WAAAAAAY more hp than anything else, including Commands, when it should be the other way around…

But with their special abilty, command have more survivability than gunship.

But with their special abilty, command have more survivability than gunship.

Gunships with Singularity just /spit on the command’s diffusion shield.

but if the gunship has another weapon (let’s say gauss because he’s hunting inties) he loses. Depends a lot on the gear of each ship.

I guess thats my CEOs Tourney-ship. 

Its not a build I would go solo in a PUG. 

I guess thats my CEOs Tourney-ship. 

Its not a build I would go solo in a PUG.

I am abit confused, his build is screaming for med range Ion Emitters in weapon slot. Is it a desinformation :))?

I am abit confused, his build is screaming for med range Ion Emitters in weapon slot. Is it a desinformation :))?


I guess you will participate in the NA Tournament? Then you will never know exactly  :beee:


A Question, how can i show modules and stats at the same time without overlapping some of the modules. 

Or is this only possible on 1440x900 Monitors?

I guess you will participate in the NA Tournament? Then you will never know exactly  :beee:

I doubt NA timezone can produce more than 1-2 teams for T4, and i, most likely, won’t be able to participate anyways :frowning:

I guess you will participate in the NA Tournament? Then you will never know exactly  :beee:


A Question, how can i show modules and stats at the same time without overlapping some of the modules. 

Or is this only possible on 1440x900 Monitors?



Zoom out in the hanger ? lol


Im running 1920 * 1080 resolution btw

I love the fact that Empire Gunships STILL have WAAAAAAY more hp than anything else, including Commands, when it should be the other way around…


Imagine if instead of submatter shield it had a shield increase mod. Also remember that he has very decent speed (350) he could have 2 heavy hulls and +1 galvanized armor, also notice that he could get +10 to hull resistances with booster.


I guess around 30k hp

I guess you will participate in the NA Tournament? Then you will never know exactly  :beee:


A Question, how can i show modules and stats at the same time without overlapping some of the modules. 

Or is this only possible on 1440x900 Monitors?

Best bet would be equipping a ship into 1st Hangar slot, and when you hover your mouse over the ship for stats, make sure to hover in top-left corner edge of the ship icon (it will move the stat window the furthest from equiped modules) if it still overlaps, you gotta go higher in resolution :frowning: