Fuel Stations

Just a simple suggestion to change those wrecked carriers that spawn fuel cells next to them in to actual entities that have a HUD icon and are shown on the radar. They could also act like modern fuel stations and “sell” fuel to passing ships for small amounts of credits. This will be a part of the suggestion coming directly after this one, because apparently the devs like each suggestion to be in its own topic no matter how alike or relevant.

Credits for fuel, ok. At least could be fuel get delivered to us?


Maybe some fuel drone deliver or get the fuel “magically” spawned in front of your ship for more credits.

yes pls, one fuel station per sector, no pirates near it.


no pirates would balance only one station per sector

credits for guaranteed fuel.


this all seems very nice tho.



I dunno,i can just fly there with the recon,get some insane rotation speed and just circle the tanks as you collect them,but i guess we can use a more civilised way to steal…i mean “collect” fuel.



On 14.5.2016 at 8:11 AM, ntboble said:

Credits for fuel, ok. At least could be fuel get delivered to us?




![:wopl_smile_war_thunder:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wopl_smile_war_thunder.gif “:wopl_smile_war_thunder:”)