Fuel Siphon [Module]

Name: Fuel Siphon

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: 6-15

Cooldown: 60s

Tooltip: Siphons 25 points of fuel over 5 seconds from your actively locked target within 1500m.

A OS only module? It’s intriguing because you can trap someone in the sector until find out more fuel. Giving you more time to kill.

Yep. Though a PvP use would probably be needed, no matter how weak of an effect. Maybe some sort of energy or shield siphon as well just to give it a “not completely useless” use in PvP.

Yep. Though a PvP use would probably be needed, no matter how weak of an effect. Maybe some sort of energy or shield siphon as well just to give it a “not completely useless” use in PvP.


Yep, you could ruin the windshield of the ship with something colorful and sticky.  Making everything look blurry as if you wore 2 glasses of more.

Lol that would be OP (for some people).

Especially me, as I’m already half blind. XD

It’s a fuel siphon not a paintgun.

Lol that would be OP (for some people).

Especially me, as I’m already half blind. XD


In my case I could improve my aim. I’m used to too much tequila.

Lol. You’re probably not alone. All I can think of is the Vodka On Tap people flying around with blurred out HUD’s, chasing their exhaust tails around in circles. XD

This is a way to OP or nonsense module in itself.

If you have <= 25% fuel, you have next to no energyregen = no AB, no modules NOTHING really left.

If your enemy have >50%, this module make no sense and is useless. Either he can escape so, or he would be trapped.

But what this module make it so blatant OP is its group focus fire. 4 at the same target = autokill for this.