Frigates should have either damage buff since only forward arc firing or be given 360 firing arc.

With the free aim toggle, you can actually fire behind you, but with reduced damage.


Also, I think you still haven’t faced an EM torpedo. They hurt a lot. (yeah, since EM torpedoes are unguided, you can fire them at any direction, even behind you)


Upper half of the back you can, lower half of back the ship blocks its own LoS, its dead zone that you can shoot at by any means, and its very easy for a fighter or faster to stay in the dead zone.



It ge very annoying when target has like a 100hp left and yet still burn you down from full health coz the dead zone.

Then learn to use surrounding cover and your own ship rotation to force enemy into your firing arcs.

Then learn to use surrounding cover and your own ship rotation to force enemy into your firing arcs.



in his case , As$-torp term would be more appropriate :smiley: