Freindly and hostile effect vissuals

I would like certain effects to be different if they are freindly than when they are hostile.


Namely things like mines, disentigrator beams,  and radiation feilds  (which if I am  not mistaken deal less damage to the team that drops them than to enemy teams, i could be wrong there as I generaly just avoid them).



But it would be nice to know if the minefeild droped on the point was freindly or hostile, so you can intiligently fly around it or try and bait enemies through it, something as simple as freindly ones being blue glowing dots instead of red ones.


The disentigaror aiming beam is similar, it would be nice to be able to instantly know when you see that aiming beam if its a freindly LRF applying covering fire (in which case you would want to try and bait enemies into flying in a strait line to be an easier target), or an enemy LRF (in which case you either seak cover and/or go into dodging manuvers).


essentialy i think you should be able to visualy distinquish any lasting efect that treats members of one team different than members of another team.

Radiation fields damage both teammates and enemies. Generally avoid ALL beams. Either you got hit by bunch of dmg, or block your teammate’s (usually charged) shoot.

Ooooo I was gonna post something like this a few days ago! 


What if laser fire was different between teams?  I.E. Jericho = Red, Federation = Blue, Empire = Yellow/Green.  Something like that would make it a lot easier to tell who might be shooting at you, and the good player will react effectively.


But yeah, I agree with the minefield and disintegrator changes =]  What if the minefields were only visible to your team?  That may cause spamming, but I hate how they’re practically useless unless you’re deploying them to get a kill in the next 10 seconds…

Radiation fields damage both teammates and enemies. Generally avoid ALL beams. Either you got hit by bunch of dmg, or block your teammate’s (usually charged) shoot.

I know they damage both, but I was under the (posibly mistaken) impresion that they hurt teamates less. 


Ooooo I was gonna post something like this a few days ago! 


What if laser fire was different between teams?  I.E. Jericho = Red, Federation = Blue, Empire = Yellow/Green.  Something like that would make it a lot easier to tell who might be shooting at you, and the good player will react effectively.


But yeah, I agree with the minefield and disintegrator changes =]  What if the minefields were only visible to your team?  That may cause spamming, but I hate how they’re practically useless unless you’re deploying them to get a kill in the next 10 seconds…


standard weapon fire could be nice, but as it is now they are color coded by damage type (red thermal, yellow kenetic, blue EM), which is important for guard frigates so they can make sure their sheilds are set to the proper damage type.


as for invisable mines, I think not, they deal a bit too much damage to be essentialy unavoidable.

The colors are fine as they are right now, if they add even MORE colors it will be a real pain to be a Guard.

As a rule of thumb, you should not cross the red pointing laser of the LRF, either you get shot at and die, or you block your teammate shot and screw his kill.

About the mines, the Recon’s mines, they have such a low range that can be easily avoided.

In random games, you usually know where each shot is coming from, I mean, you have awareness of where your teammates are, so its easy to know it. In squad’s games it’s even easier. I don’t think any change should be made.

As a rule of thumb, you should not cross the red pointing laser of the LRF, either you get shot at and die, or you block your teammate shot and screw his kill.

In my experience it’s a teammate shooting at me with a disintegrator.

In my experience it’s a teammate shooting at me with a disintegrator.

I’m not surprised, dumb teammates in LRFs is a constant in every game I play.

I’m not surprised, dumb teammates in LRFs is a constant in every game I play.

It’s generally someone who recognizes me from the forums.  I think Zap did it to me the other day.  I was just planting a micro locator.  When it’s the other team it’s more obvious based on the angle of attack.


I have noticed being hit without seeing a red line but I’m not sure if it’s the LRF’s skill, which most don’t have, or a bug.