Free missile reloads, rewarding death, punishing survival.

I die a MAX at least 2 times on purpose in T2, only to get missiles, as I can have 100% aim in that tier so I need fast and quick kills.


T3 and T4 penalize you the most for dying due to the small MM setups… 

I actually like how it is now.


I would love them pylons to reduce the cartridge reload timer tho.

I actually like how it is now.


I would love them pylons to reduce the cartridge reload timer tho.

they do

Been away a while but recently came back, wanted to honestly thank you guys, you really listen, that’s so rare in a gaming company!

they do


They don’t : 



No, we did not plan for them them to affect clip recharge time. It still affects recharge time between shots, of course. 



Antibus reply this when someone asked if the pylon was able to reduce cartridge CD. 'Discussion Patch 9.9.2udapte2 page 3 or 4)

I actually like how it is now.


I would love them pylons to reduce the cartridge reload timer tho.

they do

 "on 10 Oct 2013"


They don’t : 


Antibus reply this when someone asked if the pylon was able to reduce cartridge CD. 'Discussion Patch 9.9.2udapte2 page 3 or 4)

Prior to 0.9.9 Including Update 1 (Did not test on update 2), improved pylons did affect a cartridge reload time, according to Antibus it was not intentional, but they did affect.

To my mind, the “rewarding” of death should be balanced by the penalties of dying.


The reason you don’t punish death is it can create a bad cycle - you die, you respawn at less than full strength, so you’re more likely to die again.


In theory, it is better to be alive and under-strength than dead. As long as you are alive you can fight, buff allies, debuff enemies or just distract people from the objectives. While dead, all you can do is respawn.


This is why I have no problem with full reloads on death. I’ve seen the course of matches change because a team went from being field-dominant to mostly dead, and from then on just trickled into a meatgrinder in ones and twos, whereas before they had an 8-10 ship deathball.