Free missile reloads, rewarding death, punishing survival.

I’d have that at around 30% or something, haha


Well I HATED guided rockets cause they lack speed and damage whereas unguided are so much better. 


But this game is riddled with Lag, ping, and server issues that even if you press at the right moment your target indicator points at you still have a chance of missing. 

If I could see all the info on what I want to know there would be no end to info streaming in front of me :stuck_out_tongue:


Personally, I LOVE info, I want info and windows and modules everywhere. 

Like I personally like to have the amount of seconds show instead of a little graphic for a timer…

"Well I HATED unguided rockets cause they lack speed and damage whereas unguided are so much better. "


It is also riddled with misspelled words and weird people :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, I LOVE info, I want info and windows and modules everywhere. 

Like I personally like to have the amount of seconds show instead of a little graphic for a timer…

I’m not just talking about ingame :wink: RL I got a lot of that kind of questions…

My mind is so goddamn active it is sometimes making me crazy :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not just talking about ingame :wink: RL I got a lot of that kind of questions…

My mind is so goddamn active it is sometimes making me crazy :stuck_out_tongue:

Woops< misspelled that thanks 

I still remember the times when I brought 2 of the same ship roles just in case I ran out of missiles/mines.


Game was much better back than.

I disagree partly.

Every earlier point release(8.0 etc) had it’s good and bad things in comparison to now. And I wouldn’t be surprised if this system might actually be better.

I meant the part of the game that made missiles and ship selection because of missiles more tactical. Now it just doesn’t matter anymore, it’s all about the modules. And some ships are utter crap because of displaced and non logical modules.

I meant the part of the game that made missiles and ship selection because of missiles more tactical. Now it just doesn’t matter anymore, it’s all about the modules. And some ships are utter crap because of displaced and non logical modules.


+1 to this. 

I meant the part of the game that made missiles and ship selection because of missiles more tactical. Now it just doesn’t matter anymore, it’s all about the modules. And some ships are utter crap because of displaced and non logical modules.

Still, I’m not sure if it actually was better.

Both systems I have fun to play with, but with the current system a ship stays useful* for the entire match instead of having losing a lot of DPS and usefulness once you launched your missiles.

 *With useful I mean the ability to launch a missile

If the Cool Down for missiles was affected by modules and implants to get it down from 180 seconds to lets say 100 seconds, then we have a useful mechanic. 


I have personally tested it awhile ago and i can confirm that at this moment Improved Pylons are affecting Cartridge reload time (it is not indicated in missile info screen) But there is a diminishing return on stacking those (Es example i tried Deimos (Prem t3 recon Empire) it has passive 20% missile reloading speed + 3 Improved pylons mk3, I ended up with 80-90 seconds reload time for cartridge. Now there is a Jericho implant that will reduce reload time for missiles even further (r11? don’t remember rank) and that will affect cartridge reloading time.

 You are welcome :slight_smile:

I have personally tested it awhile ago and i can confirm that at this moment Improved Pylons are affecting Cartridge reload time (it is not indicated in missile info screen) But there is a diminishing return on stacking those (Es example i tried Deimos (Prem t3 recon Empire) it has passive 20% missile reloading speed + 3 Improved pylons mk3, I ended up with 80-90 seconds reload time for cartridge. Now there is a Jericho implant that will reduce reload time for missiles even further (r11? don’t remember rank) and that will affect cartridge reloading time.

 You are welcome :slight_smile:


Thanks for that. But that means a whole build change for me. 


90 seconds is a long time, espcially in the heat of battle. 

180 is pointless, might as well suicide. 


Imagine a mechanic where for every kill, NOT assists, you get -12 seconds on the reloading time, AFTER you use all your missiles?


Thats 15 kills to gain my missiles back, an impossible number. Most get that within a whole 10 minute match. 

Thanks for that. But that means a whole build change for me. 


90 seconds is a long time, espcially in the heat of battle. 

180 is pointless, might as well suicide. 


Imagine a mechanic where for every kill, NOT assists, you get -12 seconds on the reloading time, AFTER you use all your missiles?


Thats 15 kills to gain my missiles back, an impossible number. Most get that within a whole 10 minute match. 

R13 Empire Implant?

Id say make it posibble to reduce cooldown using implants to, lets say, 80 seconds, but the CD continues after death.

Id say make it posibble to reduce cooldown using implants to, lets say, 80 seconds, but the CD continues after death.

There are implants that directly affect Cartridge reload time already in the game.

There are implants that directly affect Cartridge reload time already in the game.


See, its not apparent to new people unless you test them. It should say that it affects reload time of the cartridge.

See, its not apparent to new people unless you test them. It should say that it affects reload time of the cartridge.



Tell Meh zeh implantz!

Uh… Guess im not so experienced as i tough, lol

Prepare your implants, prepare your uberopecmthatcanstunyouaverytime!

While I understand the problem, I have to agree with Neocodex. Dying on purpose to get missiles back is not the right way but it’s still better to fight a losing battle with bigger guns. Also, the more you die the longer the respawn timer is (as I noticed, might not be right).


Usually I just try to be defensive if I run out of missiles and if I eventually die then hey, new clip - new chances. :stuck_out_tongue: