Free missile reloads, rewarding death, punishing survival.

So I was away a while and recently got back.


It feels like the game highly REWARDS death by refilling missiles, mines etc. and punishes survival by lengthy missile reload timers. Previously once a ship ran out they ran out til the end of the battle. This rewarded smart use of missiles, IE only firing sure hits on the appropriate targets IE plasma on shields and greatly rewarded them (cause missiles are awesome). Now it refills over a lengthy period while alive (which is fine) but insta refills on death (really whack IMO and extremely rewarding and promoting of bad play). I can say with 100% confidence that there are players that will unloac their missile racks and suicide to get more, anyone who doesn’t take stats seriously would (and that’s always a majority).


I think there 100% needs to be change, I think it either needs to reload missiles on an even basis for all concerned, or reward survival. One way or another I think missiles need to be a bit mroe scarce, right now it’s a bit crazy and I’ve actually removed some of my flares, cause damn there’s too many missiles for flares to often count for much.


All that said I added a poll, it IS multiple choice for players to select which options they would be happy with, it’s multiple choice because there are so many options and a lot of them make sense to me, personally I’m mostly okay with any that don’t reward death, weather they reward survival or not. In short, I think it should either reward survival or reward neither/both equally. I think not only rewarding death, but rewarding it so highly is pretty crazy, also I feel in general there are too many missiles flying around. I know whenever I get a new load of missiles enemies start dropping like flies til I run out.


If I missed anything let me know. Some options promote ship diversity IE reloading over time while dead, others promote survival, others promote death, and others a various balance between them.


Edit: Crap I think this may be on the wrong section. Should probably be in…balance suggestions? Balancing people that live and people that die? xD

The old way with multiple missile slots and no reloading at all would work just fine for me tbh.


  • The same reload timer continues even after you die for each ship, no free reloads.
  • Missiles reload one at a time after a period, they reload at 1.5x speed while the ship is active.


These are the best 2 i can find to be balanced and decent.

Why not treat missiles as a secondary weapon that also never runs out of ammo? The way things are with any sort of reload timer it’s better to die as soon as you can’t maintain your highest DPS so that you can reload and continue at the top of your game. 


Either make the module reload timer much shorter (maybe 60 seconds instead of 180) or remove it altogether. 

Why not treat missiles as a secondary weapon that also never runs out of ammo? The way things are with any sort of reload timer it’s better to die as soon as you can’t maintain your highest DPS so that you can reload and continue at the top of your game. 


Either make the module reload timer much shorter (maybe 60 seconds instead of 180) or remove it altogether. 

reloading 1 missile at a time kinda does that, depending on the missile type your DPS never dips but can increase if you let it be for a time.


Why not treat missiles as a secondary weapon that also never runs out of ammo? The way things are with any sort of reload timer it’s better to die as soon as you can’t maintain your highest DPS so that you can reload and continue at the top of your game. 


Either make the module reload timer much shorter (maybe 60 seconds instead of 180) or remove it altogether. 

you do zero damage while you are dead, and since your weapons do a lot more dps than missiles you are going to lose alot of effective dmg you could’ve done while you freely reload your missiles.

The old way with multiple missile slots and no reloading at all would work just fine for me tbh.


  • The same reload timer continues even after you die for each ship, no free reloads.
  • Missiles reload one at a time after a period, they reload at 1.5x speed while the ship is active.


These are the best 2 i can find to be balanced and decent.

Getting rid of the current missile system would nerf inties quite badly actually. Since they need them to kill things in a quick way.

Getting rid of the current missile system would nerf inties quite badly actually. Since they need them to kill things in a quick way.

Well, true indeed. If it were to choose only one i’d choose the 1 by 1 background reload. As soon as you use the first missile it starts reloading that missile. If you use another missile during that load, the loader goes on for the first missile, while the second one waits for the first one to complete the reload. I’m just thinking if it’s gonna be a missile spam like this or not. Depends on timer scale.

Well, true indeed. If it were to choose only one i’d choose the 1 by 1 background reload. As soon as you use the first missile it starts reloading that missile. If you use another missile during that load, the loader goes on for the first missile, while the second one waits for the first one to complete the reload. I’m just thinking if it’s gonna be a missile spam like this or not. Depends on timer scale.

Probably have to be balanced based on missile type, obviously non guided would reload 8x faster than a nuke for example. Right now it already does feel a bit like missle spam though. It could even take ship type into account as mentioned above, IE ints passively reload faster etc. There’s always going to be tweaks needed for balance but rewarding death just isn’t the way to go IMO.


Isn’t it bad that players feel it’d weaken interceptors too much though? Because I personally usually reload 1-2 full racks before I die in my interceptor. Essentially if people are saying this is a nerf to interceptors they’re saying I’m playing inefficently by not suiciding after I run out of missiles. Clearly something wrong with that picture, I should add that I’m a very aggressive in your face kind of interceptor player not overly cautious at all, I’ve lasted half the match more times than I can count on <20% hp while almost constantly worrying about overheating my weapons.


Also ty for the move Error.

Beerstein I have done the same in inties, but their rockets are a great way of applying a lot of damage in a short amount of time together with your main guns against frigates for example. That is what I meant.

Once you run out of missiles you can still kill frigates sure, but it will take slightly longer.

Did not read long OP yet, just wanted to mention that right now game mechanics promote bad play and dying by giving free missile reloads, punishing good players staying alive. In a way. It also promotes staying alive much longer to actually get the reload.


In another way, it makes things balanced. It really does. It might not seem fair, but it is how it works. It gives you another chance with reloaded missiles to take on enemy, in case you died (you already got penalized with death, cooldown timer, lowering your success for win, repair bill and dsr drop if you care about that). Not doing it this way, it would make the leading team in the game even more OP. Devs do not want do that. They want to give everyone a chance. It’s how the game works, and I seriously doubt we will change that.


Games nowadays are not as hardcore anymore and are more and more casual oriented, giving everyone a fighting chance (example: LoL is a casual copy of Dota because it lacks deep mechanics like denies and penalties on death, and that is why I despise LoL, it is Ace friendly and takes less skill. Same with Hearthstone, it is really fun, but way more casual and less complex than MTG).


It is not what we want, and what I want, but it is how it is. The missile mechanic will stay, because than you would have no fighting chance to take down the dominating team on the map. Remember, games are short, and with each death you already lost a lot, a few extra missiles are not really helping you much there. Only thing that is not right is promoting CO nuke/suicide combo, but both got nerfed, and I think it’s not worth anymore doing it, they are just hurting their team most of the time by suiciding.

good suggestions. rewarding death with free reloads sucks. especailly if you are the captain and got them on cooldown while the enemy suicide nukes around :confused:

As said, both nukes and suicides got a nerfbat, so it isn’t such a big issue anymore, I think they made a good middle of the road approach, still providing the slightly less powerful cheap option “so everyone has a chance”.

I have the unique situation where I am FORCED to die, as I never die in some matches, all to GET missiles…


If the Cool Down for missiles was affected by modules and implants to get it down from 180 seconds to lets say 100 seconds, then we have a useful mechanic. 


But the ORIGINAL way, where you have 2 types of missile slots and those were the ONLY missiles you get where the best option. You were rewarded for landing a missile on a target. Now its just DIE, spam, DIE, spam…

But the ORIGINAL way, where you have 2 types of missile slots and those were the ONLY missiles you get where the best option. You were rewarded for landing a missile on a target. Now its just DIE, spam, DIE, spam…

Up to 3 slots, iirc, on some T4 ships. Some ships even had multiple slots of the same size.

Up to 3 slots, iirc, on some T4 ships. Some ships even had multiple slots of the same size.


Yup, I had 3 slots on my Konkistador, and now I can even use it as its a crappy premium ship with no real benefits. 

Some ships had 3 missile slots yes, some ships had the same type of slots, some ships like the arigato has 20 rockets…

Some ships had 3 missile slots yes, some ships had the same type of slots, some ships like the arigato has 20 rockets…


20 rockets were AMAZING, but they were unguided, thus some pilots who were not good at aiming would waste like half of them.


Me? I probably wish there was a way to calculate how times you successfully launch a rocket and hit versus the amount of times you miss.

Me? I probably wish there was a way to calculate how times you successfully launch a rocket and hit versus the amount of times you miss.

I’d have that at around 30% or something, haha

20 rockets were AMAZING, but they were unguided, thus some pilots who were not good at aiming would waste like half of them.


Me? I probably wish there was a way to calculate how times you successfully launch a rocket and hit versus the amount of times you miss.

If I could see all the info on what I want to know there would be no end to info streaming in front of me :stuck_out_tongue: