free flight so people can make machinimas and storys of the game

it would be nice if we had free flight because some people might want to make machinimas of this game (including me)


story i have in mind:

  • Lone steel harpy
  • exploring a unknown region
  •   disappears no explanation  

Hmm, what do you mean by “free flight”? If you are referring to an open world, [there are no plans to implement such a thing](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19572-open-exploration-world/?p=199047).

Fly around the map in practise mode … ?

Hmm, what do you mean by “free flight”? If you are referring to an open world, [there are no plans to implement such a thing](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19572-open-exploration-world/?p=199047).

If i am any close to guessing he maybe refers to having an app with the in-game maps and ship models and the ability to create pre-meditated and animated scenarios. OR match replays.

However Capt.Sky, if you refer to the ability to detach your camera from your ship in a live battle, i don’t see this happening since at that moment you would be out of battle and your team will rage at you, thus the stuff i mentioned above might work. Already started a topic about match replay system with about the same thoughts in mind.

Closest mod i can point out to is Freespace 2’s map / scenario creator.

If you want to create scenarios to film then start a practice game with at least one friend (or create an alt account and run it on another computer) and switch bots off. You can fly around to your heart’s content on any map you choose doing what you like.

this is what i am basing my machinima on 


If i am any close to guessing he maybe refers to having an app with the in-game maps and ship models and the ability to create pre-meditated and animated scenarios. OR match replays.

However Capt.Sky, if you refer to the ability to detach your camera from your ship in a live battle, i don’t see this happening since at that moment you would be out of battle and your team will rage at you, thus the stuff i mentioned above might work. Already started a topic about match replay system with about the same thoughts in mind.

Closest mod i can point out to is Freespace 2’s map / scenario creator.

not planing on recording battles just recording the maps

If i am any close to guessing he maybe refers to having an app with the in-game maps and ship models and the ability to create pre-meditated and animated scenarios. OR match replays.

However Capt.Sky, if you refer to the ability to detach your camera from your ship in a live battle, i don’t see this happening since at that moment you would be out of battle and your team will rage at you, thus the stuff i mentioned above might work. Already started a topic about match replay system with about the same thoughts in mind.

Closest mod i can point out to is Freespace 2’s map / scenario creator.

they are planing on adding spectate though

nice to hear about spectate mode

also, i found this:   ALT + H

it removes the hud completely at least , your ship still shows unless theres an option to remove it from view as well