"Free Aim" Toggle

One of the things I would like implemented in addition to the “Free Aim” that must be held down (which has its uses, I’m sure) is a separate “Free Aim” keybinding that acts as a toggle instead. In this way, one would simply click to enter free aim mode and click again to exit it. Also, for those who don’t have a gaming mouse, not having a toggle makes it difficult for them to free aim because they simply don’t have that many fingers on their keyboard-hand to have to keep holding it down while maneuvering. (I have a gaming mouse so its not a big problem for me, but I recognize it would be more difficult for others.)


Thoughts / Suggestions / Thumbs Down / Thumbs Up. What do y’all think?




[EDIT] For clarification, the above poll offers three options:

Option 1 - Additional Keybinding

Option 2 - Replace Keybinding

Option 3 - No change

Yup. Make it work like for destroyers the ctrl key.



It wouldn’t be useful as in destroyers since only the front side deals 100% damage, left right above under 50% and rear 25%. In destroyers it’s something like 75% front, 25% back, broadsides 100%, up down 50%. Dont take the info to the word btw.

For frigates especially but for fighters as well it is very useful I think. Even with reduced damage. I just can’t really use it due to the lack of fingers and bad fine motor skills… or just simply because I suck. 

It wouldn’t be useful as in destroyers since only the front side deals 100% damage, left right above under 50% and rear 25%. In destroyers it’s something like 75% front, 25% back, broadsides 100%, up down 50%. Dont take the info to the word btw.

It might not be useful for you and your play style, but I think it would be useful for me and my playstyle (or else I wouldn’t be recommending it). And I’m sure others would find it useful as well.


Let me give you an example - You’re in a fighter being chased by a swarm of enemies that you can’t handle on your own - fight (die) or flight (live). You choose flight. As you are flying away and strafing to dodge fire, you’d like to pick off some of the enemy pursuing you that have low health, so you toggle free aim and start firing behind you as you continue flying away. Toggling helps much more than holding it down (for my flight style).


There’s other applications, you just didn’t think about them - Hiding on a beacon in PVE in an interceptor and wanting to more easily fire at the swarm of NPCs - would be one.

It would be useful if you are extremely fast with the mouse in situations when an interceptor is circling around you, that’s the only scenario i can think of right now, nothing else comes to mind. And the scenario you mentioned can be achieved with cruise engines easily, hope that helps, in general im not against it if it would help you but if they would change the general controls, it could mess up the gameplay for everyone else since not much players desire the feature.

There is that thing in options that allows you to set mouse sensitivity for free view (aim). It makes free aim a viable option.

+1 to OP’s suggestion.

… but if they would change the general controls, it could mess up the gameplay for everyone else since not much players desire the feature.

Which is the reason the first option in the poll creates an [additional] keybinding so it would facilitate both types of pilots.

Option 1 - Additional

Option 2 - Replace

Option 3 - No change


They have a similar two options for either [holding] to show map or [toggle] to show map. But the hold is turned off by default. I think the same could go here. Just give an extra keybind slot for it and we can use it if we want. Won’t affect anyone else.

Voted accordingly. It’s a small change maybe it will be implemented easily in the near future.

double tap alt is free look in arma, and its so awesome, other shooters started featuring it.


could be double-ctrl for this aswell, or some free bind key, yeah.


however, keep in mind, the free look camera on the small ship is not aiming the guns, and currently is a separate camera which stores its own relative position (if you move your camera holding Ctrl in free look mode, and release the button, and press it again, it will return to the position before you released it, so it remembers it’s own position)


which is a nice feature for some, but with the toggle it would not work well - so there would maybe be needed an option to switch that on and off (however this could be a setting), if it is replaced, just to keep those happy who like the things how they are; while adding yet another key might again be met with grumble.

 if it is replaced, just to keep those happy who like the things how they are; while adding yet another key might again be met with grumble.

Yeah, I realize a lot of people meet change with a grumble, regardless what the change is. But that is why I think simply adding it as an additional keybinding would be best. People who like things as they are don’t have to change anything. But people who would find it useful can either map their own keyboard/mouse key to the new function or replace the other one. It’s all up to them.

I love free aim when flying intie :slight_smile: I have currently assigned it to ctrl, so my left hand is doing some acrobatics to control the craft and pressing this key all the time as well. Yes, please add toggle option!

I love free aim when flying intie :slight_smile: I have currently assigned it to ctrl, so my left hand is doing some acrobatics to control the craft and pressing this key all the time as well. Yes, please add toggle option!


is it possible to put free aim into caps lock right now?

I Plus 1 this idea because this is an issue and should most certainly have a way to toggle keys, at least free aim and more specifically, for myself using a gamepad for casual play, I have mapped free aim to the select button on my gamepad and cant move around due to now having a third thumb and having to hold the button down. simple just having a toggle switch next to the binding would be ideal like in most games.