Fort Vida: elite pilot station

Maybe OS will not change much… But everything else does? What if you can now fly in OS with totally different ships? With totally different possibilities?

A ship with the capability to control enemy AI like predators or hunters, spawn cruisers and use them? pffff

Even if they would introduce such an ‘interesting’ system papitas, it would suck in OS.

Either you afk farm with it, they are way to weak, or you are balanced to be ultraslow/big and such a target not being able to use it flexible in OS.

Even if they would introduce such an ‘interesting’ system papitas, it would suck in OS.

Either you afk farm with it, they are way to weak, or you are balanced to be ultraslow/big and such a target not being able to use it flexible in OS.

hahaha i was simply joking xD

Last time we got a long project thingy, all got a premium ship for free and weapons before that, the hype lives on lol


I’d say a hype for the autumn update would be justfified. 

