Fort Vida: elite pilot station

Idea developed by StatueOfLibroty, DirkDecent and myself in another [thread](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24170-ttg-suggestion-fort-muerto/).



Lore: (written by StatueOfLibroty)


After being hounded by pirates for years, the Empire, Federation, and Jericho peoples were tired. Many a complaint was heard about their advanced aiming technologies, and their surprisingly advanced weaponry on even their basic model ships. Soon enough, even the officials began to tire of the pirate menace. However, resources were spread thin for everyone – after the alien invasion began, no one faction could fight their way against the pirates on their own turf.


Thus was Fort Vida conceived. An extension of friendship between all three factions to fight a common enemy. The iridium mines of the Empire, gas harvest station of Jericho, and ice pits of the Federation all paid their dues - the construction materials, atmospheric gasses, and life-sustaining water all slowly, stealthily made their way towards the very base of operations for the pirate plague. Construction was done slowly, in a nearby asteroid field, as to avoid detection.


A hangar for ships of all factions was first. Small in size, it was meant to accommodate only the scant number of the frontier patrol, and perhaps a few experienced mercenaries of good reputation. Afterwards, the residential modules were built. Few and scattered, with small hangars on their own, their purpose was twofold. They eased the tensions that might have arisen from more traditional policemen upon spending, perhaps, a bit more time with their “enemies” than they would have liked. Just as much, they served as emergency backup stations, each holding a small hangar of its own, just in case of attack on the Fort.


Construction was long, but now Fort Vida stands proud, far above Fort Muerto, and yet closer than any other station cares to wander. Their police is often viewed as lower than the common police, their job given quite often as a punishment to officers who have made rather… rash decisions. However, there they survive. Some have even bonded in a strange interfaction brotherhood. Their effect seems to have been minimal upon the strong pirate base, but even the most foolish of pirates has learned not to attempt to raid them – the current record for fastest elimination of a pirate squadron is a mere half second after warp, held by the senior officer and his squadron there at Fort Vida.



Basic description of the proposal:


We propose to add a new sector called Fort Vida above Fort Muerto on the Invasion map.  It would be a new dockable station, only accessible to elite pilots (pilots who have reached t5 in all factions and have at least 500 PVP battles).  The pilots can accept very difficult missions with high rewards while docked here.  The missions they can accept will depend on their karma.



Possible appearance of Fort Vida:


Bright white nebulae on a dark sky, no planet or sun nearby. Many small asteroids scattered around, a medium-sized station in the center, and several small but unconnected buildings on the edge of the map. Buildings are a mix of all three factions’ existing buildings. Warp gates connecting to each factional frontier on the sides, and one to Fort Muerto on the bottom.  A smattering of police and engineers of all three factions patrol together in mixed squadrons.





Negative karma


  • kill 5 pilots in invasion

  • kill 10 police officers of any faction

  • kill the same person twice in a row after he used a duplicator

  • find/steal some secret documents and carry them around for ten minutes without being killed



Positive karma


  • kill a pilot who has criminal status

  • squad with a low tier pilot and escort him safely from one faction’s hangar to another

  • spend twenty minutes in the same zone farming without dying

  • find/steal some secret documents and carry them around for ten minutes without being killed



Other details:


  • A pilot with positive (negative) karma can still accept negative (positive) karma missions, but he will receive less rewards.


  • Since a pilot is sent to Fort Vida as an elite mercenary (see lore), he still remains employed by his previous faction, and as such, can still obtain vouchers from that faction for PVP/PVE.  He also still receives his daily “golden” missions in order to obtain the monocrystals he will undoubtedly need in order to build elite ships and equipment for his new very dangerous missions.


  • A pilot wishing to change faction while docked at Fort Vida can do it two ways: either travel to his new faction’s dock to sign the contract, or pay the usual communications fee (800k credits or 100 GS) if he does not wish to travel.




Topic subject to modifications as discussions unfold.  Changes will be added in blue.

Interesting. So we could Livin’ La Vida Loca. :fed_lol:

Thanks for making the topic for me, there :stuck_out_tongue:

I like it, I can already see the huge fights that would happen outside the dock good karma’s againts bad karma’s,


I really want this to happen now.


+Eleventy Gajillion 



This would be really cool combined with the Fort Muerto idea. The requirements for the stations should be +2/-2 karma level. This would make it a challenge to get in to the stations, but possible.


Maybe it could be possible for there to be an “elite operation” in which pilots of both stations would compete with each other in a battle (similar to the tournament, but in open space).


This would be really cool combined with the Fort Muerto idea. The requirements for the stations should be +2/-2 karma level. This would make it a challenge to get in to the stations, but possible.

Would this be on top of the conditions I suggest in OP, or instead of?

Maybe it could be possible for there to be an “elite operation” in which pilots of both stations would compete with each other in a battle (similar to the tournament, but in open space).

You gave me another idea for Fort Vida: it could contain a jump gate to another sector, which would be something like a neutral battle arena, to ve used for elite pilots 1v1 tournaments! I’m thinking like the structure up top in Fort Muerto. Just a plain arena, ideal for dogfighting! As for your suggestion I think we should wait to see how the dreadnoughts affect invasion first…

Thanks for the nice idea, forwarded to the devs.



(credit or blame goes to TheDarkRedFox)

Once again, +1. This would be a great addition to the game, and give more of a purpose to the karma system (which currently is good for nothing more than 10 GS per level).


I’ll write a new suggestion on how I think the karma levels can be improved and actually given a function.

Guys just wait for update. Maybe devs will add something like this?


wow this is nice. Maybe a review on some missions (like staying alive in the same map for 20 minutes…ishhh; squad should be available for any rank (even T5 players need help often); etc.)

Sounds awesome!

YEEESSSSyeeessss… +1


Thanks for the boomp

Could we have some feedback on this idea please Doombot?

Great idea ++++


But there should be no police ships/missile launchers in that sector.