Force by default V -Sync - ( Video Card overheat alert)

Please Force by default vSync.


The game go for default in first run  with Vsync OFF.


This is very bad


My video card give me about  250-350 FPS in game… but work a very high Temp - the game realy overheat the video card.


I must engage manualy Vsync - and the temps in game go to normaly for the video card



Your card is crap if it overheats without Vsync on.

Not is a big Hoverheat at first moment.


But play 6 hours…


And have V- Sync off…


Then you Tell me 




Your card is crap if it overheats without Vsync on.

My nVidia 670 put on a lot of heat in this game, too. It doesnt overheat, but get unnecessarily hot.


Don’t be such a xxxx all the time.

but get unnecessarily hot.


Exact !



Not is a big Hoverheat at first moment.


But play 6 hours…


And have V- Sync off…


Then you Tell me 






Longest session 13h 30min, GPU doesn’t break 70C (HD7950)

Oh look I dont have the problem therefore it doesnt exist. 


Ignorance > all.

i have no idea what the hell is going on… how can a card heat up that quickly? Does this game not accept SLI or Crossfire?

i have no idea what the hell is going on… how can a card heat up that quickly? Does this game not accept SLI or Crossfire?

Well the game doesn’t stop your GPU from rendering frames, even if your fps are absudly high.


Go to options and set the maximum number of frames to a reasonable value. 


If you press F11 ingame, you see your fps in the lower left corner. I set my max fps to 80 and that plays just as fine was with 210 :slight_smile:

My nVidia 670 put on a lot of heat in this game, too. It doesnt overheat, but get unnecessarily hot.


Don’t be such a xxxx all the time.


Wow, really?  I have a 660 and it barely even bothers to spin up the fans for Star conflict.


Back to the topic at hand, VSYNC is usually off by default anyway.  Don’t know if there’s a reason for that, but that seems to be the way it is.  Personally I usually leave it off anyway, never noticed much difference.

Vsync, if turned on, introduces a very annoying delay to mouse movement.

Running everything maxed to the gills with a GTX650 and she purrs like a kitty. I have a tight case too, so I am thinking this isn’t a developers issue, tbh.  :yes_yes:

Running everything maxed to the gills with a GTX650 and she purrs like a kitty. I have a tight case too, so I am thinking this isn’t a developers issue, tbh.  :yes_yes:

And you got over 200 frames per second ingame too?


Actually i got no clue if anything would spin up at my GPU, since my case is watercooled.

However the temperature was rising above levels from Arma3, which is frankly unneeded.


Edit: Ah nevermind, I think they patched it, now i got a max of 125 fps ingame.

Ive got a clocked 560gti and as with hollow_knight it doesnt even bother demanding moar power or use the fans more.


Maybe some other hw problem

regardless of the heating issue it would be sensible to have V-sync on as default

regardless of the heating issue it would be sensible to have V-sync on as default



I think it would be more sensible to go into your settings before any game starts and set vsync and/or FPS limit set by yourself if you know your card creates such problems. Besides - in every card control panel you can set it so vsync is turn on by default. Problem solved.

Please Force by default vSync.


The game go for default in first run  with Vsync OFF.


Why on earth you need vsync ( which sux ) when you can limit your framerate from the options?!

(if i remember well, after a clean install the fps limit was 100? )

My 7850 was roaring as well until I started playing with settings. Lowering max frames saved me a ton of card strain.