Flak Burst [Weapon]

Name: Flak Burst (Flak Cannon)

Type: LRF Main Weapon

Damage: 1,100 Kinetic

Rate of Fire: 90 rounds/min

Critical chance: 20%

Critical damage bonus: 50%

Explosion radius: 300m

Detection radius: 200m

Projectile speed: 3,200 m/s

Max range: 3,750m

Spread: 0-2°

Full overheating/cooling: 10/2.5s

Tooltip: Long range Kinetic weapon to suppress targets from a distance. Explodes twice with the second explosion dealing an additional 1,200dmg after 0.5s.

Creates large flak clouds to disorientate/confuse enemy ships. Ships are pushed away from centre of explosions at 50m/s. This would cause more trouble for ships flying towards the firing ship, but would also have the effect of pushing fleeing ships away faster!

Okay were do I have to begin?

To much damage.

To much critdamage%.

To much critchance%.

To much range.


To much heatingrate.

I was kinda modelling it off of a mix between positron and coil, but given that it’s only for LRF’s this seems quite fine. Though maybe with a bit less RoF.

Then again, the devs can do whatever they want with the final numbers.

I was kinda modelling it off of a mix between positron and coil, but given that it’s only for LRF’s this seems quite fine. Though maybe with a bit less RoF.

Then again, the devs can do whatever they want with the final numbers.

What you have done is: Giving it the range of meson, next to the same damage, the spread? of positron and the explosion of coil and finished it with giving it superior critchance and damage.

Especially this explosionradius is borderline op… not even a torpedo have such a splash radius…

Okay here. Lemme tone the damage down and add spread.

Fox, for most suggestions you seem to forget that the weapons you’re looking at on your ships are already affected by modifiers like other mods, ship bonuses, crews, boosts, number of turrets, you know.

Try to conceive them without already thinking how they should look like after you apply all the mods. 6250 + R2 fed implant + 1 horizon goes beyond 10km. Think about it. 30% crit + 30% more from mods goes 60%, beats even Falcon M with shrapnel.

/constructive criticism

Oh right lol. I always forget the implants/mods exist. Gimmie a sec.

Edited stats down.

I was expecting:


Name: Flak Burst (Flak Cannon)
Type: LRF Main Weapon
Damage: 1,100 Kinetic
Rate of Fire: 90 rounds/min
Critical chance: 20%
Critical damage bonus: 50%
Explosion radius: 300m
Detection radius: 400m
Projectile speed: 3,200 m/s
Max range: 3,750m
Spread: 2°
Full overheating/cooling: 7/3s
Tooltip: Long range Kinetic weapon to suppress targets from a distance. Explodes twice with the second explosion dealing an additional 900dmg after 0.4s.


Creates large flak clouds to disorientate/confuse enemy ships. Ships are pushed away from centre of explosions at 50m/s and assigned a random rotation value of up to 10° per hit, causing variations in flight path. This would cause more trouble for ships flying towards the firing ship, but would also have the effect of pushing fleeing ships away faster!


I like a lot the idea, but it’s a little bit OP. But the core of the suggestion is really good, IMO. 

Ive thought about this long ago (idea taken from planetside 2 with every flak weapon); a relatively fast fire rate, very low dmg, low projectile speed, big spread and big explotion radius. Perfectly good to deal with interceptors, bad to take out frigates and bigger. Now the question would be: why would you pick interceptors? take destroyers, a bunch of flak LRFs and you can take out everything you want. I would really love seing a weapon like this, but, something would have to be done first in order to keep roles being effective.