Fix This. Now. (Gravi-Wave Pt4)

There is no reason, ever, period for one ship, one module, to but pressed  and insta crash everything near it, EVER!  I swear there is no skill to this game anymore… just press a button and all your troubles die in one shot. 

It’s even worse for Spatial locked destroyers… who the $$$$ on the development team thought of this? You’re joking right? Either REMOVE THIS POSSIBILITY or fix the game engine! I’m sick and tired of watching the majority or even my entire team get crashed into the very things that are supposed to protect them. I don’t care if it’s a suicide mission, at least they will kill someone… screenshot-180202-232336.jpg.6e7a66e1f7c153e2008a04e42ab149e4.jpg

Sure… make it push people away.

  • Slow pace
    • Models after repelling beam

xKostyan:  Your opinions on this module are naive at best. You cannot look me or anyone else in the game in the eye and tell them a module that takes all skill and all fighting away from a ship isnt broken. This game has gone to shi* if you honestly think that it’s not. 

Still on gravi? ^^

It’s quite simple:

remove kinetic damage

make everyone affected invoulnerable to collision damage


=>Problem solved: gravi wave will be what it was supposed to be


30 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

It’s quite simple:

remove kinetic damage

make everyone affected invoulnerable to collision damage


=>Problem solved: gravi wave will be what it was supposed to be


Then it does no damage at all? u realize the gravi wave is the wazgots only means of defense pretty much. The ship is weak af in terms of defense, the solution to your problem would be for u not to stay too close to any static objects. Ive never, not even once been crashed by a wazgot.

9 minutes ago, DeathWasp said:

Then it does no damage at all? u realize the gravi wave is the wazgots only means of defense pretty much. The ship is weak af in terms of defense, the solution to your problem would be for u not to stay too close to any static objects. Ive never, not even once been crashed by a wazgot.

That is roughly impossible in some matches except you are avoiding it completely. Plus the waz’got has plenty do defend itself, Battle station, energy converter, heck even its special module. And of course, any engineers main line of defence. Making waz’got balanced means giving it a drawback for it’s insane healing power and a lot of cheesy modules. Not making it good at everything and be by far the best healer in the game.

6 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

There is no reason, ever, period for one ship, one module, to but pressed  and insta crash everything near it, EVER!  I swear there is no skill to this game anymore… just press a button and all your troubles die in one shot. 

I’m sick and tired of watching the majority or even my entire team get crashed into the very things that are supposed to protect them.

Both sentences are implying that it was 1v1 battle as the OP was the only one that died and he was a majority/entire team. In this case placing the destroyer (and even taking a destroyer for domination) in that place was pure mistake with playing the map. That destroyer should be placed on the other side of the rock, between enemy spawn point and middle beacon, having almost all routes in firing range. Placing a destroyer in the spot like on the picture significantly reduces detection range, visibility and reducing firing arcs - all of them putting Suppressor class in disadvantage. Ergo. Destroyer was placed in the wrong place, didn’t have a possibility to detect enemy flying at breathtaking  235m/s and died. Hopefully OP will learn from this that destroyer placement on the map is the key. Which agrees with the sentence


  I swear there is no skill to this game anymore


Have a nice day.

6 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

xKostyan:  Your opinions on this module are naive at best. You cannot look me or anyone else in the game in the eye and tell them a module that takes all skill and all fighting away from a ship isnt broken. This game has gone to shi* if you honestly think that it’s not. 


Like I care what you think. The module is fine you just refuse or most likely just unable to apply any amount of brain to your playing.

1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

 only means of defense pretty much. ´

i had to smile, what a cute lie


30 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:

Have a nice day.

He is right niri, no skill just cicumstancial opportunity.

I know you thrive in that pond.


1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

Then it does no damage at all? u realize the gravi wave is the wazgots only means of defense pretty much. The ship is weak af in terms of defense, the solution to your problem would be for u not to stay too close to any static objects. Ive never, not even once been crashed by a wazgot.

yeaaaa, thats just wrong like all of it. it has heals, it has drones, i has that FREAKING MONSTER battle station that acts as a buffed +1 player for your team that never misses, it has layers after layers of extra shields. most ppl suck at building elly ships but now more and more are figuring out the op builds and using them. those that say things are ‘balanced’ are just the ones that like to abuse them with the mindset ‘oh look im so pro i melt the enemy team’.

22 minutes ago, Voydwalker said:

yeaaaa, thats just wrong like all of it. it has heals, it has drones, i has that FREAKING MONSTER battle station that acts as a buffed +1 player for your team that never misses, it has layers after layers of extra shields. most ppl suck at building elly ships but now more and more are figuring out the op builds and using them. those that say things are ‘balanced’ are just the ones that like to abuse them with the mindset ‘oh look im so pro i melt the enemy team’.

I don’t have WazGot and I say it is fine.

1 hour ago, Voydwalker said:

yeaaaa, thats just wrong like all of it. it has heals, it has drones, i has that FREAKING MONSTER battle station that acts as a buffed +1 player for your team that never misses, it has layers after layers of extra shields. most ppl suck at building elly ships but now more and more are figuring out the op builds and using them. those that say things are ‘balanced’ are just the ones that like to abuse them with the mindset ‘oh look im so pro i melt the enemy team’.

Honestly - if anyone is saying about Wazg’got being OP - that battle station always pops-up. Otherwise this ship is so meh I replaced it with a Brokk some time ago. It heals at 60% rate of Naga, it cannot tank and when damaged - it cannot heal itself. It’s signature healing gun has exactly half the healing rate of Brokk and a little more than 50% of standard eclipse. If you have a problem with Waz’got - take a gunship and kill it. It’s not that hard. If you have thar’ga - it’s even less problematic. Or take an ECM and hack that station and watch it killing it’s owner then send a Doomsday when bored with watching how Waz’got cannot even repair damage caused by it’s own module. Heck if I can kill a Waz’got in Tackler (Doomsdays + target painter ftw) then it cannot be that hard using dedicated damage dealers. Also - the battle station main gun lasers can hit you - that is true. However anyone hit with plasma missiles/kinetic rounds have to be standing still. 

9 minutes ago, niripas said:

Honestly - if anyone is saying about Wazg’got being OP - that battle station always pops-up. Otherwise this ship is so meh I replaced it with a Brokk some time ago. It heals at 60% rate of Naga, it cannot tank and when damaged - it cannot heal itself. It’s signature healing gun has exactly half the healing rate of Brokk and a little more than 50% of standard eclipse. If you have a problem with Waz’got - take a gunship and kill it. It’s not that hard. If you have thar’ga - it’s even less problematic. Or take an ECM and hack that station and watch it killing it’s owner then send a Doomsday when bored with watching how Waz’got cannot even repair damage caused by it’s own module. Heck if I can kill a Waz’got in Tackler (Doomsdays + target painter ftw) then it cannot be that hard using dedicated damage dealers. Also - the battle station main gun lasers can hit you - that is true. However anyone hit with plasma missiles/kinetic rounds have to be standing still. 

And then comes the gravi wave and insta kills you on try… so kind of doesn’t work + Waz’got gets tons of heals from special modules


If it was like you said, noone would complain.



14 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

And then comes the gravi wave and insta kills you on try… so kind of doesn’t work + Waz’got gets tons of heals from special modules



Or it doesn’t kill you, and it does not have “tons” of heals

2 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

And then comes the gravi wave and insta kills you on try… so kind of doesn’t work

I was never killed by gravi wave - it barely tickles. On interceptor it does 1.2k damage, on something heavier maybe two or three pulses. Hardly any damage in comparison to destab field/plasma web. Just watch where are you flying. 


  • Waz’got gets tons of heals from special modules

Name one that gives you that tons of heals. 

  • Hull converter - 59 HP/s

  • Nanodrone cloud with 2 Leak Stabilizers + 7-1 implant - 29HP/s base + 5450HP in 6 seconds with activation (900HP/s every 47 seconds)

  • Mass Shield generator - almost the same but every 30 seconds

  • Regenerator Shield - 212 HP/s only if your shields are still up

  • Static shield regenerator - 550 HP/s only if not under fire and only if you are not activating any modules/weapons

  • Combat Shield regenerator - with 1 damage source - 180HP/s, with 5 damage sources - 900 HP/s (hint- 900 HP/s while under fire of 5 enemy ships is not much)

  • Battle station heals 113HP/s (hull) or 150HP/s (shields) if you will chose that option instead of buff module


Let’s compare it to Brokk. In simulated battle  - how fast would it take to heal from damage done by 3 EM torps with the same resists and similar size of hull/shield on both ships? (actually Brokk had a little lower EM resists on shields, but the survivability was similar). Well results are up. Brokk - 15 seconds, Waz’got - 41 seconds. I installed all modules listed above on Waz’got, Brokk had both auras, repair station and repair kit.








5 hours ago, Voydwalker said:

yeaaaa, thats just wrong like all of it. it has heals, it has drones, it has that FREAKING MONSTER battle station 


Just stop. I can tell from this sentence alone that ure a compleat n o o b and dont know how to fly your ships.

1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:


Just stop. I can tell from this sentence alone that ure a compleat n o o b and dont know how to fly your ships.

S H O W  H I M  D A  W A Y!

18 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Both sentences are implying that it was 1v1 battle as the OP was the only one that died and he was a majority/entire team. In this case placing the destroyer (and even taking a destroyer for domination) in that place was pure mistake with playing the map. That destroyer should be placed on the other side of the rock, between enemy spawn point and middle beacon, having almost all routes in firing range. Placing a destroyer in the spot like on the picture significantly reduces detection range, visibility and reducing firing arcs - all of them putting Suppressor class in disadvantage. Ergo. Destroyer was placed in the wrong place, didn’t have a possibility to detect enemy flying at breathtaking  235m/s and died. Hopefully OP will learn from this that destroyer placement on the map is the key. Which agrees with the sentence

Gotta carry the autistic team, . I will not hide behind and do nothing, only when the entire team likes plasma arc. I didn’t build a Tryant to be long range dessy cry a lot. I shouldn’t have to “position correctly” tf that even mean, you know nothing of destroyers. I’ve been crashed three times in a destroyer, one into a body the other two into a rock… from the back… because… no skill button push child. 

I cannot believe you all think it’s balanced, what’s wrong with you all? It’s a module that ONE SHOTS EVERYTHING NEAR IT. Who cares if you die… I said that! It’s just to prove a point that it’s stupid and needs to be nerved.

It wasnt a 1v1 btw, normal pvp ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) 

26 minutes ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

I shouldn’t have to “position correctly” tf that even mean, you know nothing of destroyers.

Basically that sums it up. In NASA Bible (also known as “Tips On The Mind of SC” ) it’s described in depth role of techniques in the game. Basically one of the core ones is movement and positioning - the slower the ship, the more important it gets and more focus should be put on that. In case of destroyers with spatial lock it’s even more important - “Do I have a proper visual range? Will this position support my team better? How far am I from the obstacles? Can I see all possible enemy approach vectors here? Can someone sneak on me in that position?”. 

Do I know nothing about destroyers? Maybe. But it’s you that’s dying from 1.2km range module, not me. 




I have to say that my ship got smashed from Gravi-wave of Waz’got but never when I had full hull and shield.

Sure that G-wave can be nice in one map or two, but I don’t see that it is OP.


I would much more prefer to see that doomsday fired from close range deal damage to ship that lunch it too.

6 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:



It does not