Fix the wobble!

I really feeling lucky living in a part of europe that has almost no ping (<20). I almost got sick by watching the wobbling video :fed_cool:.

If you don’t want to check connection to the server then I don’t know as I can help you yet

Working on it

Skula1975 : Is this what you need?

(I had no packet loss nor any connection issue, just high ping at Europe server, as always)


[WinMTR Results.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9485)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9486)

Yes please provide detailed network diagnostics so that the developers can better diagnose the problem.

Is this what you need?

Were ship wobbling when you was checking the connection?

We analyzed your data and we think that reason of your problems is bad network connection

Were ship wobbling when you was checking the connection?

I made the video (and connection scan) with a spectre falcon using 2 verniers and turn rate implant. I have this issue with any ship; with high ping any ship wobbles (including frigates), that wobble is intensified by a higher amount of pitch rate (the more pitch rate, the stronger the wobble). All of this happens to any player that has high ping, not just me.


We analyzed your data and we think that reason of your problems is bad network connection

This happens to anyone that has high ping; its not dependant of any ship, computer specs, place or server…just ping. It doesnt matter if your connection is flawless, you just need to be far from the server (therefore having high ping) to suffer this. I’ve played many games and stand in situations where my ping is 300 or higher and this wobble does not happen under any circunstance at all. Its not ping itself nor a connection issue, its how the game handles ping: in other words, overcompensating with delay wich leads to extra movements that were not inputed by player; this could be easily resolved by relegating the task of compensation to the client and not the server (just like thrusters effects and camera movement respond to client only, without any delay nor over compensation).

In this video i made a movement that shows wobble at highest potential…it usually doesnt lasts that much, but it does makes gameplay a hell since you loose most of the ship control (in example, its imposible to use plasma arc against a steady frigate without waiting at least 10 seconds to stabilize the ship), wich heavily affects flying and aiming, making inviable to use certain ship builds (like a high pitch rate interceptor: you cant even orbit a ship because ship trayectory does an oval wich prevents you to constantly hit the target unlike you would do (with same input) with low ping).

Im really sorry you (or the persons in charge of  attending this) dont understand or pretend like you dont understand this issue that affects many players. Any person who has been playing with high ping in ships with a fairly high pitch rate know this issue because its easy to notice.

Try to select US servers as preferred in the game options

Try to select US servers as preferred in the game options

For Papitas, since he lives in South America, that wouldn’t help quite so much.

Thats right, USA servers are the best option i got, wich means i get between 140 and 185 ping. At PVE i usually get into USA games, but for PVP theres nothing to do when most of the players are russian, and no matter the server selection you get into europe, russia or even worse SA…fortunately i havent been there in a big while.
Any way, even playing at USA means i cant use certain builds (A.K.A. spin2win) and interceptor control is limitated (plasma arch is a waste for cov ops with that ping for PVP). Also weapons are negativately affected, etc…important disadvantages for competitive gaming.

Sorry, but reason of your problems in the your internet connection. We can’t help there.

Sorry, but reason of your problems in the your internet connection. We can’t help there.

Lag interpolation should be able to be written to compensate for things like this… that’s part of what interpolation does…

I should add this: 

I should add this: 


I’ve experienced this myself, even when I had a strong network connection.

Also it appears any and all invasion servers are based in Europe, giving those who need a server in Russia/NA horrid ping.

I’ll prove it by posting screencaps from in-game, however note that my ping oddly sways between the stable-ish 50-150 range, or it jumps from 180-220, sometimes hitting the thousands.

More commonly it has been unstable and high in invasion/open space.


Okay, added photos including my server settings.

(I think I scared off Skula, or he is not active when I am)

(okay it’s been a few days now, a new topic on invasion server bugs… Im bugged.)

(No Response… This problem still persists!)







I was the first person to report wobbling back in patch 0.8.1 on May 2013
[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19797-od-inertia-issues/)


As with any lag related issues I was met with the typical get out of jail free card response of

Sorry, but reason of your problems in the your internet connection. We can’t help there.




  1. More and more people began suffering from wobbling in later patches


  1. And reading this topic and the other one it’s nice to see quite a few bit more people are having to deal with it too now


Let me reiterate the point. Wobbling did not exist before a certain date. After that patch, it suddenly appeared.


  1. We can safely conclude, new game code introduced the wobble phenomena.


  1. Yes latency may be causing wobbling but point is, something in the code made it appear. Before that change in game code, wobble did not exist.



I’ve spoken to someone who’s seen something similar happen while working on an unreal engine game. Although it may not be the same thing but the idea behind why it happens could be. With unreal he calls it Lag Smoothing. The unreal engine has something built in that tries to converge coordinates when client and server data do not match up due to latency. This happens purely client side. For example if client is currently rendering position A but server sees him at position C, client will animate / move player model to position B halfway over time autonomous of player input.


Without lag smoothing whenever client coordinates do not match up with what the server sees and the game tries to corrects that, it will simply teleport the player (from his point of view). Lag smoothing is an elegant solution to abrupt corrections and is cosmetic. Low ping players will not see high ping players teleport around if lag smoothing is not in place since each player receives data from the server directly and independently. The smoothing aspect is to make things look prettier for high ping players on their end alone.


Is wobbling lag smoothing ? No. SCon is not using the same game engine. But the idea could be related. And that is discrepancy between client - server data which in the end is latency related.


There is autonomous input correction being applied when client has high ping. The game is moving your ship on its’ own without player input. That is Wobbling.


If you were to swipe you mouse left and let go of it instantly, the ship ‘should’ turn left until it lines up with the camera and falls to rest. If you are suffering from wobbling however, as soon as the ship lines up - ‘something’ turns the ship again in the opposite direction as if to correct or counter that turn … ON IT’s OWN independent of player input. That’s is what’s causing the issue. Not latency


No funky tech needed. Quantum networking or whatnot.


All that is needed is for SCon devs to find what in the code is applying that ‘auto-correction’ and turn it the F off.


I was the first person to report wobbling back in patch 0.8.1 on May 2013

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19797-od-inertia-issues/)


As with any lag related issues I was met with the typical get out of jail free card response of






  1. More and more people began suffering from wobbling in later patches


  1. And reading this topic and the other one it’s nice to see quite a few bit more people are having to deal with it too now


Let me reiterate the point. Wobbling did not exist before a certain date. After that patch, it suddenly appeared.


  1. We can safely conclude, new game code introduced the wobble phenomena.


  1. Yes latency may be causing wobbling but point is, something in the code made it appear. Before that change in game code, wobble did not exist.



I’ve spoken to someone who’s seen something similar happen while working on an unreal engine game. Although it may not be the same thing but the idea behind why it happens could be. With unreal he calls it Lag Smoothing. The unreal engine has something built in that tries to converge coordinates when client and server data do not match up due to latency. This happens purely client side. For example if client is currently rendering position A but server sees him at position C, client will animate / move player model to position B halfway over time autonomous of player input.


Without lag smoothing whenever client coordinates do not match up with what the server sees and the game tries to corrects that, it will simply teleport the player (from his point of view). Lag smoothing is an elegant solution to abrupt corrections and is cosmetic. Low ping players will not see high ping players teleport around if lag smoothing is not in place since each player receives data from the server directly and independently. The smoothing aspect is to make things look prettier for high ping players on their end alone.


Is wobbling lag smoothing ? No. SCon is not using the same game engine. But the idea could be related. And that is discrepancy between client - server data which in the end is latency related.


There is autonomous input correction being applied when client has high ping. The game is moving your ship on its’ own without player input. That is Wobbling.


If you were to swipe you mouse left and let go of it instantly, the ship ‘should’ turn left until it lines up with the camera and falls to rest. If you are suffering from wobbling however, as soon as the ship lines up - ‘something’ turns the ship again in the opposite direction as if to correct or counter that turn … ON IT’s OWN independent of player input. That’s is what’s causing the issue. Not latency


No funky tech needed. Quantum networking or whatnot.


All that is needed is for SCon devs to find what in the code is applying that ‘auto-correction’ and turn it the F off.


awesome post, thx for supporting this left for death (from devs) huge issue. The fact that wobble was not present before patch 0.8.1 makes totally clear that issue comes from coding only (i cant see any way to refute this) and that it also can be fixed.

For the lag smoothing stuff, theres nothing to fear since all player actions are happening in real time at the SERVER, because any action has a delay that increases according to higher ping values; this means everyone is where anyone sees (wich prevents players from recieving damage right after getting cover in a safe place, getting hit from proyectiles that are missing at their client, etc) and that means theres no need for any lag smoothing (you are right, theres no lag smoothing in SC but wobble happens anyway).

awesome post, thx for supporting this left for death (from devs) huge issue. The fact that wobble was not present before patch 0.8.1 makes totally clear that issue comes from coding only (i cant see any way to refute this) and that it also can be fixed.

For the lag smoothing stuff, theres nothing to fear since all player actions are happening in real time at the SERVER, because any action has a delay that increases according to higher ping values; this means everyone is where anyone sees (wich prevents players from recieving damage right after getting cover in a safe place, getting hit from proyectiles that are missing at their client, etc) and that means theres no need for any lag smoothing (you are right, theres no lag smoothing in SC but wobble happens anyway).

The wobble could be from a similar mechanic in war thunder, where the server tries to compensate for small adjustments (basically semi-manual autopilot) over time and it supposed to aid with lag (it actually makes it worse, but it’s good for locking up controls at the worst possible moments!).


Problem is that lag exaggerates input which makes your ship spin, even with seemingly no input (the game assumes you are moving in [x] direction most of the time, I assume. I do not know.)

If you have high ping you basically have to use aim assistance otheriwise you miss all your shots - aiming ahead of a fast moving ship with 400ms guessing? No one can effectively do that. The only reason to have it off is that singularity cannon stops shooting so erratically.


Ping aware prediction did nothing noticeable. With or without aim assist.


“It’s your connection” —> It’s our location, but. You can have the most stable connections but if you have high ping you will wobble due to the auto correction or ship. I get 0 packet loss a lot of the time but high ping makes my ship wobble if rotation speed is high. 


Selecting closest server region - yeah that’s great I will wait for hours (if I can conjure up a wait time of 75 minutes on “Any” region, how do you think it will go on the least popular server “South Asia”?) And all to get a ping that’s still around 200ms. Or, even better is that I will STILL end up on Russian or Europe servers with high ping despite my selection.


Why wouldn’t you give random servers to the match when you have found a pair of teams? Because the players would experience bad performance of their ships Ooops!!! Not their connection anymore!


I would suggest some kind of option to turn off the auto alignment of ship. It seems like they incorporated the “friction” physics by this method and as such they don’t want to rework the entire physics of the ship. HOWEVER, given that I can stop the wobbling by using free aim button or opening the chat, I think it could be possible to make some kind of solution (granted the turn controls are locked when you do these options) but I do believe that Expert control also stop the wobbling…


Also I wonder what the default setting for aim assist are as new players coming in with 200+ ping and no aim assist will be wondering why all their shots are missing…


I’ve learnt to deal with the high ping but it would be nice to fly high rotation builds without them wobbling out of usability. 

I’ve learnt to deal with the high ping but it would be nice to fly high rotation builds without them wobbling out of usability. 

…or being able to lead targets you will miss 100% times when correctly aiming at prediction marker, or missing shots from a 5000m/s projectile weapon speed at a big fat frigate thats at 300m distance (using half of your screen), or being able to snipe, or…etc etc etc.