Fix the wobble!

I took a while to record some minutes of invasion (to demostrate wobble). I used 2 verniers (206 pitch rate) in Europe server with 220 ping average. It just takes a little movement to make your ship wobble for several minutes, check it out by yourself. Of course, high ping not only make some players to be unable to use certain builds or ships, it also messes hard with projectile weapons and their aiming.

Video link:

PD: sorry about the vid quality and size, im a total Ace doing this (i specially downloaded fraps for this :P)

4 minutes wobble, that’s a new record. Wobble tournaments, here we come.
In other news, here’s the developers trying to debug the netcode.
That’s spaghetti-wang!

Also, this might be a reason why a lot of people stops playing this game (unconsciously), by not knowing why their ships loose control and many of their shots dont go where they were aimed (not even close). This new aim prediction marker to all ships (without locking) does not solve at all the last issue: since aim assist is not enabled when the target is not locked, many shots that should hit dont do that and instead miss because the point you have to follow with the mouse is extremately small. Also, the aiming prediction system does not provide any solution to fast targets that require a little “tweak” to the lead marker, as a matter of fact, the only thing it does is to tell you that if you aim there you will miss your shot for sure. Not following the lead marker (with high ping) means your shot comes out way behind, that means you have to extra lead (meaning you have to be a seer to know where the ship will be), wich in many cases it results that is impossible to hit the ship because most of the time its in the corner of your screen (and your mouse cant go outside your screen xD).

My suggestion: FIX THA WOBBLE!!! Also change the fire mechanic, it is awfull for high ping players that use projectile weapons and unguided missiles.

4 minutes wobble, that’s a new record. Wobble tournaments, here we come.


In other news, here’s the developers trying to debug the netcode.

hahahahah actually is almost 5 minutes :slight_smile:

And this is why i can’t fly intys with more than 100 rotation

Yes, well there  is a reason why I don’t use double vernier ever.


In regards to combatting wobble, simply hold left ctrl (or whatever you bound to free look) since it locks your reticule the ship levels out.


**edit: with double or triple vernier you’ll have to be moving for this to work

And this is why i can’t fly intys with more than 100 rotation

Sure! Blame the lag.

For me

<200 Ping (as long as no packet loss) is flyable with 3x Verniers (200 Pitch)

When you use the control/chat method to stop wobble, it usually doesn’t respond for 380ms and so your ship is pointing in a useless direction…



This is all to prevalent for me too!  Just waiting for for Error’s “For connectivity issues use this” post.  

For me

<200 Ping (as long as no packet loss) is flyable with 3x Verniers (200 Pitch)

Dont know if the difference between <200 and ~270(my ping on RU) is that great but if i fly an inty with that kind of rotation, i generally end up fighting my own ship counter-controlling its wiggle

I actually had this problem 4 days ago before I left on this vacation. Tried to complete the last of my Ms. Summer quests out in invasion. Undocked from station in my Rockwell (2x Vernier build), jumped into next system, got ping over 1000 on European sever with loss of 9%, ship began to wobble uncontrollably without any input from me at all. I literally could not complete the mission because I couldn’t fly. At all.

Ended up self-destructing just to return to the station.

Dont know if the difference between <200 and ~270(my ping on RU) is that great but if i fly an inty with that kind of rotation, i generally end up fighting my own ship counter-controlling its wiggle

yeah at 270, 100 pitch as about it

Info: connection losses, high ping and related issues

When you use the control/chat method to stop wobble, it usually doesn’t respond for 380ms and so your ship is pointing in a useless direction…




hahaha the plasma arc part is hilarious xDD

the way the sight moves is insane, you can hardly land a few shots at that fighter

Info: connection losses, high ping and related issues

I dont know whats the point on that, give us all a valid argument to make all that tedious work. The way i see, problem is how game handles ping (coding). Theres no issue in ping itself; you are far from the server and more nodes increase the time to connect the client and server, wich causes a delayed response. Now, what you do with that delay is in the coding: theres the problem that generates wobbling. It is pointless to give you statistics about my ping because you are not going to do a thing with my ping and conection information.

This (wobble) happens to anyone with high ping/pitch rate because is inside the game mechanics. Anyone suffering this issue can go and play training battle and get 0 wobble, 0 delayed shots (no extra leading and weird weapon convergence), instantaneous response for mods and things…because…you have 0 ping! Ping is not the problem (its a difficulty), the way you handle ping it is.

When you use the control/chat method to stop wobble, it usually doesn’t respond for 380ms and so your ship is pointing in a useless direction…



The pain of successfully sneaking up behind an LRF with just one or two seconds of cloak left and using plasma arc only for this to happen ;_;

I dont know whats the point on that, give us all a valid argument to make all that tedious work. The way i see, problem is how game handles ping (coding). Theres no issue in ping itself; you are far from the server and more nodes increase the time to connect the client and server, wich causes a delayed response. Now, what you do with that delay is in the coding: theres the problem that generates wobbling. It is pointless to give you statistics about my ping because you are not going to do a thing with my ping and conection information.

This (wobble) happens to anyone with high ping/pitch rate because is inside the game mechanics. Anyone suffering this issue can go and play training battle and get 0 wobble, 0 delayed shots (no extra leading and weird weapon convergence), instantaneous response for mods and things…because…you have 0 ping! Ping is not the problem (its a difficulty), the way you handle ping it is.

The likeliest reason of “wobble” is a bad connection to server. Need check it.

The likeliest reason of “wobble” is a bad connection to server. Need check it.

If you mean high ping by saying bad connection i agree xD. I’ll try to get the info you want when i get enough time. By the way, it seems you havent played this game with more than 200 ping, give it a try, specially with high turn/pitch rate and proyectile weapons (ideally without aim assitance).

If you don’t want to check connection to the server then I don’t know as I can help you yet