Fix Mail System

It’s time that the mail system gets improved so we don’t have wait 10 minutes after each mail we send.


As an officer in the corp, I tend to often send a lot of mails to our members, and waiting for 10 minutes after each one is a wasteful time constraint. 


Also, an option to send copy of the mail to more persons would be a good adition too.


While we’re at it, please fix the corporation member list already, so it doesn’t refresh everytime someone changes status!

It’s time that the mail system gets improved so we don’t have wait 10 minutes after each mail we send.


As an officer in the corp, I tend to often send a lot of mails to our members, and waiting for 10 minutes after each one is a wasteful time constraint. 


Also, an option to send copy of the mail to more persons would be a good adition too.


While we’re at it, please fix the corporation member list already, so it doesn’t refresh everytime someone changes status!


Yes, I agree. They need to add all the features of a normal PM system. CC other members, have special privileges to send Corp wide messages, and so on. 

Indeed. So far the recent changes have mostly been focused on getting more money, rather than improving player experience. So I remain pessimistic, but still hopeful that these little things get sorted out once the major content that they are working on gets released and done with.

Money they will never get if they dont reduce there prices. This is a free service to play THERE game. Not the other way around, 

the increase on red and black was hillarious, now no one will pay for that colours just because we’re not dumb enough to let them robe us. 


so yeah they lost potential red/black customers.

As an officer in the corp, I tend to often send a lot of mails to our members, and waiting for 10 minutes after each one is a wasteful time constraint. 

 i dont udnerstand any reason to write mails ingame?

 you have ts, you have voice.


if they would plan a possibility to trade with mails, that would be nice to use, but right now its just a useless system, i dont like click all sh… out of my mails, i loved old system when you get all directly from a mission in your inventar


(edit: ok i found 1 reason, just remembered that i have alooot mails i cant use because i got artifacts in it and im already full on 100 capacity :facepalm: )

 i dont udnerstand any reason to write mails ingame?

 you have ts, you have voice.


if they would plan a possibility to trade with mails, that would be nice to use, but right now its just a useless system, i dont like click all sh… out of my mails, i loved old system when you get all directly from a mission in your inventar


(edit: ok i found 1 reason, just remembered that i have alooot mails i cant use because i got artifacts in it and im already full on 100 capacity :facepalm: )

you can send mail to Offline members, and most of the time it is more efficient (in a sense of delivery) than sending message on SC forum/Corporation forums.

 i dont udnerstand any reason to write mails ingame?

 you have ts, you have voice.


if they would plan a possibility to trade with mails, that would be nice to use, but right now its just a useless system, i dont like click all sh… out of my mails, i loved old system when you get all directly from a mission in your inventar


(edit: ok i found 1 reason, just remembered that i have alooot mails i cant use because i got artifacts in it and im already full on 100 capacity :facepalm: )


Not everybody is always online to talk to, and we have 100 members from all over the world (timezone problem), some mails I am sending copy/paste in mass since it’s the most efficient way to spread important news, a lot of people tend to miss what’s going on in forums and even daily announcements, there are also other things.


Not everybody is always online to talk to, and we have 100 members from all over the world (timezone problem), some mails I am sending copy/paste in mass since it’s the most efficient way to spread important news, a lot of people tend to miss what’s going on in forums and even daily announcements, there are also other things.

important news like:    *are you active?* *yes/no* kick* ?* =)



and … wasnt there a comand to set a message in corp chat? im not sure about it

but i think there was something that you can see every time you login or so…


or maybe a message in ts however…

on mumble in esb i see no problem all you must know u can find in mumble

important news like:    *are you active?* *yes/no* kick* ?* =)



and … wasnt there a comand to set a message in corp chat? im not sure about it

but i think there was something that you can see every time you login or so…


or maybe a message in ts however…

on mumble in esb i see no problem all you must know u can find in mumble

It is not about 3d party tools available to people, its about ability to use some of them in the game, and it is always better to have everything in the same place.

It is not about 3d party tools available to people, its about ability to use some of them in the game, and it is always better to have everything in the same place.


I agree, there is always pros to cons of having an ingame mail system. A decent system would be nice to have as to eliminate the use of third party material. 

a voice chat isnt realy  to definate as a third party tool, its a must have for every serious Corp

(i personally start first my voice client, then my game client :slight_smile:

a voice chat isnt realy  to definate as a third party tool, its a must have for every serious Corp

(i personally start first my voice client, then my game client :slight_smile:




Its sad, that a game that supposedly promotes teamwork, is now throwing out the window. 


  • Squad sizes
  • Increased rewards for DYING or losing a match
  • native support for teamspeak

  • A crappy ping system 

a voice chat isnt realy  to definate as a third party tool, its a must have for every serious Corp

(i personally start first my voice client, then my game client :slight_smile:

We use Team Speak, and it is a pain to send offline messages via that medium. It is not meant for this, yes you can set “daily general message” in Corp chat and on main page of TS but you can not have “mail style” communication

important news like:    *are you active?* *yes/no* kick* ?* =)


Let’s say if you want to organise an event, practice training, or are just gathering other information from the players instead of just “active”, at NASA, we observe our pilots more closely than just that. And to get timely response, mail in game is the most effective system. Everyone always reads and replies to private correspondence from an officer, because it is the first thing you notice when you log into the game and you have just the time for that. Forums in particular, are very ineffective of spreading the news fast, because only a certain number of members frequently visit them.


If mail system or other means of communications for corporations would be improved, organizing bigger scale events and developments would be much more easier, and would also happen more frequently as well, because right now doing this is quite a hassle. Corporations would also be taken more seriously since there would be more meaning and activity behind it. Because as of now, we have a very poor leadership>membership means of communication trough the game, and everything outside the game is not very efficient nor expected of everyone to be using it.