Fix Destroyers *Read* !

"Destroyers are huge ships capable of supporting your team with high firepower and their unique special modules" (Star Conflict)

You may be asking why you are seeing yet another destroyer balance post and you might just be ignoring this and moving on but I ask you to not. I know people “think” they are balanced but they are NOT(besides the Vigilant- that’s an OP destroyer) Destroyer’s are huge ships, they are supposed to have superior firepower and some think they have to much firepower and that’s fine, its a diverse situation, a man with all destroyers will say more about them than a man with none.   I am a man with 3, and I have seen both sides… Destroyer’s are the weakest ships in the game(besides Vigilant) their gigantic hitbox and their horrible survivability for a ship their size makes them weak. Truthfully when Destroyers came out I pictured them as: Huge ships with outstanding suvivibility and low damage, they were to hold down beacons and support their team, now they are just target practice, they can do nothing of what they were designed to do: support their team.

Let me run down what they can and cant do.

Cant Do

  • Capture a beacon: Why? 2.5x Damage
  • Stay within 3,000m from battlefield: Why? 2.5x Damage
  • Defend their team: Why? Heavy Drones have a repair of 300m static is your shield only and they have no healing modules also if there is a Thar’Ga your all dead.
  • Withstand any damage(No Vigilant): Why? 2.5x <750m & Explosive deals 200% damage(big ship I know) but their base surviibility makes explosive OP against them, its NOT a counter.
  • Use Modules: Why? They have lower health than a rank 7’s interceptor hull or none(explosive)

So what can they do that they were designed to do?

Can Do

  • If TIMED right they can provide fire support but it will run out quickly or you will get squashed.
  • What they were SOMEWHAT designed to do the they are very weak.

Now for what I picture Destroyers to be and what they SHOULD be

Destroyer: Archon- R8 Jericho

  • Shield: 125,000
  • Shield Kinetic: 75
  • Shield EM: 30
  • Shield Thermal 50
  • Shield Regen/s: 300
  • Hull: 75,000
  • Hull Kinetic 30
  • Hull EM 80
  • Hull Thermal 50
  • Hull Regen/s 100
  • Max Speed 90 ms
  • Afterburners 130 ms
  • Acceleration 7ms
  • Roll: 12
  • Pitch 15
  • Yaw: 18
  • Afterburner Energy Use: 175
  • Energy Cap: 4,500
  • Energy Regen: 230/s
  • Energy Cap: 6,000
  • Energy Regen: 300/s
  • Static Shield Usage: 400 Energy
  • Static Charge: 45,000
  • Static Cooldown: 2 Sec between
  • Static Size: 250m from hull( torpedo’s)
  • Static Size X> 100m across
  • Shields 2
  • Damage <750m 50%

Since it is a Jericho destroyer it’s shield should be higher than its hull like the Jericho guards.

Destroyer- R8 Empire

  • Shield: 35,000
  • Shield Kinetic 50
  • Shield EM 15
  • Shield Thermal 30
  • Shield Regen/s 175
  • Hull: 150,000
  • Hull Kinetic 30
  • Hull EM 75
  • Hull Thermal 50
  • Hull Regen/s 200
  • Max Speed 80 ms
  • Afterburners 125 ms
  • Acceleration 5ms
  • Roll: 10
  • Pitch 12.5
  • Yaw: 15
  • Afterburner Energy Use: 225
  • Energy Cap: 6,000
  • Energy Regen: 300/s
  • Static Shield Usage: 800 Energy
  • Static Charge: 60,000
  • Static Cooldown:  3Sec between
  • Static Size: 300m from hull( torpedo’s can breach)
  • Static Size X> 200m across
  • Shields 4
  • Damage increase within 750m: 80%

Destroyer- R8 Federation

  • Shield: 45,000
  • Shield Kinetic 75
  • Shield EM 45
  • Shield Thermal 65
  • Shield Regen/s 200
  • Hull: 75,000
  • Hull Kinetic 45
  • Hull EM 75
  • Hull Thermal 45
  • Hull Regen/s 80
  • Max Speed 125 ms
  • Afterburners 175 ms
  • Acceleration 10ms
  • Roll: 18
  • Pitch 22
  • Yaw: 18
  • Afterburner Energy Use: 160
  • Energy Cap: 3,000
  • Energy Regen: 225/s
  • Static Shield Usage: 350 Energy
  • Static Charge: 30,000
  • Static Cooldown: 1.5 Sec between
  • Static Size: 225m from hull
  • Static Size X> 125m across
  • Shields: 3
  • Damage <750m 35%

All other destroyers will receive boosts to these stats from Shield to Hull Regen and sometimes acceleration to yaw. THESE STATS ARE VERY EXPERIMENTAL PLEASE TELL ME IF THEY NEED CHANGED.  Destroyers are much stronger this way. Here are the gun stats and can do what they were designed to do.

Gun: Coilgun

  • Damage: 400/hit
  • ROF: 300
  • DPS: 2000
  • Crit Change: 15%
  • Crit Damage 50%
  • Projectile Speed: 4,000 ms
  • Spread 1.2 to 0.5
  • Range: 2,750m
  • Overheat: 10 seconds

Gun: Halo

  • Damage: 1,750
  • ROF: 80
  • DPs: 2327.5
  • Crit Chance: 20%
  • Crit Damage 75%
  • Projectile Speed 2,000
  • Spread 0.6 to 0.2
  • Range 3,000
  • Overheat: 7 seconds

Gun: Meson

  • Damage: 250/hit
  • ROF 250-600
  • DPS: 1040-2500
  • Crit Chance 8%
  • Crit Damage 45%
  • Proj Speed: 7,500
  • Spread 0.7 to 0.2
  • Range: 3,250
  • Overheat 12.5 S

Gun: G’Thar’Du

  • Damage: 2,250
  • ROF: 60
  • DPS: 2,250
  • Crit Chance 10%
  • Crit Damage 75%
  • Projectile Speed: 1,400
  • Spread 0.8 to 0.3
  • Range: 4,000m
  • Overheat: 5
  • Web Range: 125m
  • Web Pull: 100ms
  • Web Active: 0.7 seconds

Level 4/8 Bonus’s

Jericho- ALL 3 No diverse bonus’s

  • 4-1: Increase Shield Resistance by 20 All
  • 4-2: Increas Shield Cap by 15%
  • 4-3 Increase Shield Regen by 15% and Cap by 4%
  • 8-1: Energy Regen +30/s
  • 8-2 Energy Ammount +15%
  • 8-3 Afterburner Energy - 10%


  • 4-1 Hull Res 15 All
  • 4-2 Hull Cap by 12%
  • 4-3 Hull Regen by 15% and Cap by 6%
  • 8-1 MW Damage Increased by 6%
  • 8-2 Static Charge Increased by 10%
  • 8-3 Energy Regen By 12%

Federation- ALL 3

  • 4-1 Shield/Hull Res by 10
  • 4-2 Hull/Shield Cap by 6%
  • 4-3 Regen Both by 10%
  • 8-1 Max Speed by 5%
  • 8-2 Energy Ammount 10%
  • 8-3 Suppressor Module Energy % usage by 10%


I will add other things later, give me your thoughts for now!


I understand the point that they have so many hitpoints yet all the damage they take is multiplied. but thing is. they’re not for support of their teammates. they’re suppressors. 

they’re not supposed to go balls deep into enemy territory nor sit in the frontline either. they’re made to sit behind their team and use their extra range and damagefor suppression, and to punish those who extend into enemy territory.

only tweak they need is taking advantage of their high hitpoints  that they got punished of having. destroyers right now are fine for their role but they still have the survivability (or lifetime) of an average engineer that gets focus-fired.

I honestly think destroyers should be something that can take a beating but that takes a while to regenerate. but they accidentally made them the other way around. they regenerate rather fast while dying too quick for their slow and sluggish build.

a buff? no.

rework. sure.

the destroyer META right now focuses too much on the wormhole projector or the shield resist module. which leaves you with only two suppressor modules… which kinda sucks.

4 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

Truthfully when Destroyers came out I pictured them as: Huge ships with outstanding suvivibility and low damage,

You expect low damage from a thing called “Destroyer” funny…

And ur suggestions about numbers are trash; 25k shield and 50k hull on procyon?

If ur trolling, its funny. But if not, dont expect me to take u serius.

The suggestion you made is not very well thought of. There’s a lot of stuff you missed in terms of experience with them and what not, im sorry. #nohate

3 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

The suggestion you made is not very well thought of. There’s a lot of stuff you missed in terms of experience with them and what not, im sorry. #nohate

What are you talking about? This suggestion is highly experimental, destroyers are very weak and this one step to balance them. I was one of the first to create a destroyer. ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) 

3 hours ago, WiseAlert said:

You expect low damage from a thing called “Destroyer” funny…

And ur suggestions about numbers are trash; 25k shield and 50k hull on procyon?

If ur trolling, its funny. But if not, dont expect me to take u serius.


3 hours ago, WiseAlert said:

You expect low damage from a thing called “Destroyer” funny…

And ur suggestions about numbers are trash; 25k shield and 50k hull on procyon?

If ur trolling, its funny. But if not, dont expect me to take u serius.

Its also HIGHLY experimental. 

It’s okay, i have 7 of them so far thinking of completing the collection. The current nerf destros got just needs a tweak and its all done, no more destro tinkering.

I agree that destroyers are actual trash right now, but with with number of whiners in the game and forums now, there’s no hope for them.

Best use for them now is away missions for alien panels to stay ahead of the alien ship race.

Aside from getting composite panels, they are generally useless now. If I was going to “fix” them, it would be like this: 


  1. Give them a maximum weapon range of about 4,000m.

  2. Remove increased incoming damage.

3) Make then permanently visible to all pilots on the field no matter the range.

  1. Make heavy repair drones naturally appear once hull is damaged.

  2. Make static shields stop explosion and piercing damage.

  3. Give them a plasma arc-like secondary option in place of static shields to take out enemies that dare venture too close. (<750m)

  4. Make wormhole projector act more like a wormhole projector and less like a single use EM cannon. Like a suggestion I made a while ago. Double the cooldown as well.

  5. Make maximum forward speed cap at 250m/s, but increase rotational speeds.

  6. Allow normal warp speed through gates. (2,000m/s instead of 500m/s.)

10) Tune active modules to where they recharge much slower, but also are much more powerful. For instance, the pyro would have maximum of 5,000m range, about doubled damage, and have half the windup time, in exchange for 2.5x reload time.

  1. Slightly decrease all resistances.


This would make them in to extremely deadly and tanky ships that have extremely limited effective range, but once a ship ventured close enough, it could obliterate it. The proposed maximum weapon range cap would allow for enemies to fire in from a range safely, but also give the destroyer a chance against quick, close-quarters combat ships like covops and Ellydium ships. Beyond this, there would be many complaints about the range and stuff, but it would actually make them 1) worth-while and 2) more strategical. They would maintain somewhat of an ability to rush in to scatter the enemies from cover, but once separated from their team, they would be easily picked off by the enemy frigates and long range ships.

![:00555:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00555.png “:00555:”) ![:00555:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00555.png “:00555:”) ![:00555:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00555.png “:00555:”) ![:00555:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00555.png “:00555:”) shouldnt this be in the off topic section of the forum? cause right now its a brilliant joke

Well TheDarkRedFox, you are going in the opposite direction than devs. At least destroyers are usable in OS and PVE.

For me, I just want my Federation speed and roll back. Even 2.5x dmg is fine, destro can repel mosquitoes well if team does effort to back it a little. Desto should  suppress , not dominate battle.

Destroyers are excellent counters to the current Guard meta and thus higly effective. I see no reason for a buff at all. (The Isotope Harvester might need a buff, its currently useless af.)

you forget to mention that those mission “kill dessy” are also a big problem when you are the only dessy player on a team and 3 unstopable nasa player are on you durring the whole match.

the only thing i want is that remove those frea* 2.5x more dmg in close range, this make no sense, it’s annoying, and make everyone give u a hug.

but hey it’s ok it will only happen a maximum of 4 time in a match because it will take you over a min to come back…

then you have to repaire the ship… 350k. i love the fact that when i’m playing i loose money more than i won, it’s funny.


dessy are great in os… haha yea until a predator or 2 came close to you ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”) and it’s the same for pve. *cough*demoman*cough*turttle*cough*


oh and i forgot to mention that we can’t use photon and halo in close combat anymore, no need to tell why

21 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

you forget to mention that those mission “kill dessy” are also a big problem when you are the only dessy player on a team and 3 unstopable nasa player are on you durring the whole match.

the only thing i want is that remove those frea* 2.5x more dmg in close range, this make no sense, it’s annoying, and make everyone give u a hug.

but hey it’s ok it will only happen a maximum of 4 time in a match because it will take you over a min to come back…

then you have to repaire the ship… 350k. i love the fact that when i’m playing i loose money more than i won, it’s funny.


dessy are great in os… haha yea until a predator or 2 came close to you ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”) and it’s the same for pve. *cough*demoman*cough*turttle*cough*


oh and i forgot to mention that we can’t use photon and halo in close combat anymore, no need to tell why

hahaha when i notice demoman way too close (and thus late) im like: “ wheres the eject button???”…or turtles when im out of tempest/photon/destabilizing field/not using halo or gthardu/etc: “oh im so done”.

Btw did you see my bug report?

 I wonder where skula is ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

42 minutes ago, Papitas said:

hahaha when i notice demoman way too close (and thus late) im like: “ wheres the eject button???”…or turtles when im out of tempest/photon/destabilizing field/not using halo or gthardu/etc: “oh im so done”.

Btw did you see my bug report?

 I wonder where skula is ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

Its weekend, nobody’s working xd

But 2,5x damage multiplier is applied only to PVP and COOP, or am I wrong on this?

OS and PVE is unaffected in this 2,5 damage multiplier, at least the threat marker don’t show.

4 minutes ago, ntboble said:

But 2,5x damage multiplier is applied only to PVP and COOP, or am I wrong on this?

OS and PVE is unaffected in this 2,5 damage multiplier, at least the threat marker don’t show.

Oh it shows alright, but in a different way lol

10 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Oh it shows alright, but in a different way lol

![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)  What?? I’m lost… ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)


Right after the damage multiplier was implemented it appear in OS and PVE. I remember that, but in the next patch it disappear. I assumed it was only used in PVP and COOP where it still appear.
Well i have my destroyers forgotten and I only use them for spec ops.

It works in all modes. It just shows in a different way by just showing the death screen. XD