Finniric Inc.

Greetings New Pilots,


Finniric Inc [Finn] is an English speaking Corporation and is looking for active pilots ready for Dreadnought battles.  We require you to participate in our Teamspeak3 and out Website.   If you are interested please follow this link to submit an application!


You can also contact myself, Xr8eD via the Star Conflict Mail system, Finn’s Website or replying here.


In-Game Finn Administration:














Thanks for your interest and we hope to hear from you soon!  :012j:


Xr8eD, Co-Founder and Vice President, Finniric Inc.

Welcome to the forum, I added your website to the english corp list. :slight_smile:

On behalf of the Dark Side, welcome!

I have the urge to say welcome, but…

Well, congratulations on making the post then, and I look forward to testing weapons alongside you!

Thanks all, I had been putting this off for too long anyway  :005j:

Recruiting Bump! Looking for pilots who would like to participate in T3 Dreadnought battles!  Even if you dont have a T3 yet we would like to speak with you! Visit Finn for details!

Welcome to the forum. Seen you around, good luck out there on the battlefield.

The Finniric Invasion Guide is now on our website. Get with us and learn what we can teach you. See for yourself what can be done with a great corp. Finn for the Win!