Final reply on suggestions

It would really help if the topics were updated with a final decision on suggestions. Most of the suggestions here get a “we’ll think about it” or “forwarded” reply and that’s the end of story.

What’s the point of posting suggestions when they’re likely to get such reply and never get looked at again?


Apparently the only topics that get closure are the declined ones.


-header updated-


on most suggestions there is no final decision, they are aware of it and will review at a suitable time if applicable


Only definitive answers are posted which you mentioned.


But we wont explain and document our process.


Just keep in mind we treat every suggestions serious and review each individually

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As gekaler stated it is not always possible to give a final answer. We get many good and interesting suggestions from players, however it is not possible to add everything that players suggest directly. Still we try to do our best and save these suggestions and come back to them as soon as our Developers have time for it. There is always a lot and we do not want to reject an idea as long as we see potential in it.

Some suggestions do get added in some form after a long while, so it may be nice to keep it open ended. 

As gekaler stated it is not always possible to give a final answer. We get many good and interesting suggestions from players, however it is not possible to add everything that players suggest directly. Still we try to do our best and save these suggestions and come back to them as soon as our Developers have time for it. There is always a lot and we do not want to reject an idea as long as we see potential in it.

Makes sense to work on some suggestions later. But some are so useful and needed… Here’s a very good example:


I can’t see any downside to that and its not hard to implement either, from a programmer’s perspective. Yet it has been 1 year 8 months  since the last official reply and it doesn’t look like that suggestion will be implemented any time soon. Or ever

Makes sense to work on some suggestions later. But some are so useful and needed… Here’s a very good example:


I can’t see any downside to that and its not hard to implement either, from a programmer’s perspective. Yet it has been 1 year 8 months  since the last official reply and it doesn’t look like that suggestion will be implemented any time soon. Or ever

You are right, this is something small, but:

There are a lot of such small and usefull ideas on the English forum and far more on the Russian forum.

The Devs also have their work to finish and whenever there is time, they try to add small and usefull additions to the game.

Our developers are also human and need rest and food :slight_smile:

You are right, this is something small, but:

There are a lot of such small and usefull ideas on the English forum and far more on the Russian forum.

The Devs also have their work to finish and whenever there is time, they try to add small and usefull additions to the game.

Our developers are also human and need rest and food :slight_smile:

Give them more coffee :smiley: