Fight For The Free Companies!

The Free Companies is a rapidly growing Clan that has started in World of Tanks but has started to grow into other games including Warframe,War Thunder and League of Legends among others and am glad to add Star Conflict to that list. We are a varied group which includes members from all walks of life and around the world,from business owners to factory workers,retirees and college students…why even hippies and veterans are united here by their love of gaming. We are active in Clan Wars on WoT and am looking forward to getting involved in Warframe’s upcoming equivalent  So if you want to swap tactics,learn lessons,start a new game with some friendly faces or just want to enjoy a gaming session with some agreeable company,check us out at our website,,our Twitter @thecompanies or our new Facebook page,The Free Companies.Contact points include myself,SethStaples(our fearless leader) or Joatmon. We have also started a junior division for under 18 players. Free Company troopers don’t die,we just go to Hell and regroup.

good luck and welcome to the battle guys  :good:

are you guys aligned with the federation?

Thanks Tealc. Yes we are Fed…wasn’t MY idea. I’m an Imp at heart,lol.

Looks cool, I think I’ll check it out.