Figates are sitting ducks....

I mean they r very slow…

And this is not really a problem (it makes sense for big ships) u can always hide somewher and hit enemies from long distance…

But anytime I find a frigade it’s very easy for me to destroy it coz it’s a sitting duck…lol

Problem is that all the 6 turrets fire in the same direction…Not good for me!!!

A think at least 2 of them must protect, at least, sides of the ship and fire automatically…

I mean on 2 turrets (at least) should be possible to select some options…kind of


  1. Defend ship

  2. Attack nearest target

  3. Attack my target

In this way i can direct main fire with four front turrets where i want while 2 turrets can fire automatically if some quick ship approaches from other sides. Best options for me would be to have another turret defending the back of the ship, so 3 front turrets and other thre defending sides and back of the ship with selectable options.

In this way attacking a frigate would be more difficault and not so easy like now coz when u fire u got to avoid fire from automatic turrets at least, instead of simply hitting a sitting duck till it bangs.

In the last skill tree there are a few skills/modules which help to make the frigate more resistant to all kinds of damage.

Your idea sounds nice, but the Federation frigates already got turrets/drones which shoot automaticly so it would be unfair if the Empire frigates would also get this ability.

adding to what error said but disagreeing with some

the idea of automatic system can only work as a special ability, frigates can be deadly if used right in close combat

as for balancing the 2 Error… i think that ship is long sailed considering the desin and extra hull+manuverability hydras get

In the last skill tree there are a few skills/modules which help to make the frigate more resistant to all kinds of damage.

Your idea sounds nice, but the Federation frigates already got turrets/drones which shoot automaticly so it would be unfair if the Empire frigates would also get this ability.


didn’t know that…Only federation frigates have drones???

This willl explane why haven’t found any till now coz i’m i federation too…

Well tried dornes on federation…

They are absolutly not as effective as turrets when under attack so i think that introducing

options like i said for 2 of the 6 turrets (at least) would be much more effective.

Maybe i’m still ignorant about his game so here is the question:

Is there any chance to equip theese drones in the same way we equip the ship? It would be nice

to choose same weapons mounted on the frigate (or anything else we like)

I think this is a great idea and will solve all the problem.

Well tried dornes on federation…

They are absolutly not as effective as turrets when under attack so i think that introducing

options like i said for 2 of the 6 turrets (at least) would be much more effective.

Maybe i’m still ignorant about his game so here is the question:

Is there any chance to equip theese drones in the same way we equip the ship? It would be nice

to choose same weapons mounted on the frigate (or anything else we like)

I think this is a great idea and will solve all the problem.

The drones are dealing decent damage. With an Interceptor it’s already hard to dodge the drones without risking to die.

The turret idea may be nice, but it would destroy the drone special.

No, the special abilities on F are fixed at the moment. I dont know about the future, but this will bring some difficult balance problems.

The drones are dealing decent damage. With an Interceptor it’s already hard to dodge the drones without risking to die.

The turret idea may be nice, but it would destroy the drone special.

No, the special abilities on F are fixed at the moment. I dont know about the future, but this will bring some difficult balance problems.

Hi error :slight_smile:

Balance is just what i’m talking about and frigates are the only ships in the game that can’t evade fire at all,

so once you find one it’s done…I think they must be rebalanced…

Am I the only one thinking that destroyng a frigate is so fuc… easy???

That’s why i think that one of those 2 options i posted it’s absolutely needed

I played kind of 20-30 battles and never never never i’ve been destroyed by a frigate in close combat!!!

I find this very very unbalanced.

Hi error

Balance is just what i’m talking about and frigates are the only ships in the game that can’t evade fire at all,

so once you find one it’s done…I think they must be rebalanced…

Am I the only one thinking that destroyng a frigate is so fuc… easy???

Frigates have the strongest hull/shield and the biggest firepower so they need a disadvantage and believe me when you get the right skill unlocked the frigate is really hard to kill.


Thats the price for the highest possible damage and a high amount of HP. It’s intended that frigates can be outmaneuvered, if they are alone. They shall need backup from their team mates. A frigate duo can be very powerful.

Edith says:

GNOOOAAAR c’mon Error! *g*

Frigates have the strongest hull/shield and the biggest firepower so they need a disadvantage and believe me when you get the right skill unlocked the frigate is really hard to kill.

Of course i believe u m8 :smiley:

But… errrr… what’s the right skill? So i can give it a try :slight_smile:

After all this is a beta and we r all here to test and improve the game quality :slight_smile:

I loved Black Prophecy pvp and i do hope this game won’t make me miss BP anymore :slight_smile:

Of course i believe u m8 :smiley:

But… errrr… what’s the right skill? So i can give it a try :slight_smile:

After all this is a beta and we r all here to test and improve the game quality :slight_smile:

I loved Black Prophecy pvp and i do hope this game won’t make me miss BP anymore :slight_smile:

Just search the last skill tree which is mostly for frigates :wink:

I agree, sometimes you really are a sitting duck when using a Frigate, but maybe you’re going in open field alone:

1- Try to buy anti-missles modules, they help alot for people firing missles at ~2000m

2- If you are trying to defend a beacon put yourself near the Guard drones, trust me that rapid-fire weapon users wont touch you (and they’re your main worry)

3- Try to be sure to always have someone/a bot following you.

Frigates may seem sitting ducks at first, but higher tier ones are really dangerous and have nearly the double of the Hull than the Tier 1 (At least me, I’ve seen T1 frigs with 6000 hull and T2 with 10000, so I don’t know)