And who is this ‘we’ you keep referring to? I don’t seem to recall any official involvement
My Suggestion to you is concern yourself with the things that involve you. I acknowledge you feel threatened, but there is no need for that.
I am a very fair person and i have the betterment of any game i am part of at heart, not for individual(s) but for all.
I have always been months or years ahead of people when it has come to the design of this game. I would like to demonstrate this
I warned that the tier system would become problematic when the open world came, Now we see tier 5’s camping gates picking on lower level players.
I warned that the tier system would never be balanced, yet it has continued to be problematic for Tier 1 to fight Tier 2, etc.
I warned, that the game will never obtain sufficient population unless improvement other ways of play have come into the game.
It seems as always i am months or years a head of people, non-the less i will try to help you guys understand.
Game development is about a mixture of psychology, and mechanics. With out a fairly even balance (in some cases more psyc is better)
A game will lack the immersion factor to keep people interested.
When it comes to money, players should have the possibility to hit the jackpot. 10 millions is a great option for that. I am not advocating it should be normal, it should be
maybe 10-20 Asteroids every 1000 or so, its the hope of scoring big and the excitement of that that makes the aspect of mining exciting and enjoyable. The effect of this
Is players want to take another option from fighting, to mining to obtain this excellent chance. So under such situations, No 10 Million is totally reasonable, Even more is
I would support up to 100 million in a 0.10% Chance for asteroids. And 10 million is not a lot of credits in Star conflict. Also, just because you (the individual who is saying its
easy to get money) find it easy, it does not make it so for others, especially considering benefits of license’s.
You have to understand, Star conflict lacks people for a very important reason. The Game is purely PvP Based. This is great for PvP Players, but it lacks the attraction
of people who are not interested in those other aspects, this is why a year ago i advocated so greatly for the release of this content.
Things do change over time, as you can see from the above. The Future of the game is bigger then you can imagine, if only you were aware of the things that await you.
Don’t Be in opposition to an idea until you ask why, It makes you ignorant, emotional and beyond reason.