Few suggestions to fix frigates

As for now many lower tier pllayers are complaining about op sniping and torpedo frigates but at higher tiers frigates kinda become usless. I am suggesting a way to fix that - reworking the abilities.

Lets start with Jericho.
Torpedo ability is making the ship just a missile launching, at the spawn sitting, team killing machine.

Now, how do we change that and make playing as a frigate exiting and supportive for team? I have a solution:

  • Make Torpedo ability differ between the factions.
  • Raid ability could launch a voley of missiles at moderate range (about 6000-5000 meters) at the target.
  • Tech ability would launch a short range torpedo (~500 meters) exploding into ~20 small, fast and nimble rockets that seek out nearby enemys.

Next is Federation.
I think the ability is fine with some added tweaks, but the base stats of the ship are too weak.

  • Buff The ship’s hull or shield strength ( or both) or make resistances higher.
  • increase the firing range on drones to about 2000 meters.
  • increase their health
  • add passive effect : drones automaticly respawn every 20 seconds ( similar to beacons) and have the effects of diffrent factions.
  • add active effect : send drones at  the locked target to deal damage, reactivate the ability to send them back to the owner.

Last but not least is Empire.

Personaly, i think that Sniper ability dosen’t go along with the design of the ship and has to be changed completely.

  • Activating the ability would create a shield (~2000 meters radius) blocking projectiles coming into it and regenerating hulls and shields for allies inside it.
  • The duration could be set like ~15 seconds or being active and draining energy, so that energy regen modules would increase that time.
  • Legion ability would add effect that drains energy from enemys.
  • Warden ability would add effect that slowly damages surounding enemy ships.


I think that these changes would make frigates more dynamic, more useful for the team, and would reduce players complaining on general chat about snipers being op. Thats my opinion on how to fix frigates and make them complete their role: being supportive close range tanks



P.S. Sorry for my bad english.

And the empire frigate will be OP.


“Activating the ability would create a shield (~2000 meters radius) blocking projectiles coming into it and regenerating hulls and shields for allies inside it.Activating the ability would create a shield (~2000 meters radius) blocking projectiles coming into it and regenerating hulls and shields for allies inside it.” We have mods to regenerate shield and hull, and mods to block incoming fire(that barrier who pop for 3 sec)


“Legion ability would add effect that drains energy from enemys.” The interceptor have the enegy absorver, a pain on *** to slow others ships (diseable afterburner). If you want a mod to diseable enemy afterburner in frigates, use the engine inibitor mod(i forget the name)


The fed sugestion is good, i think fed frigs deserve a power up too, but nothing of drones regeneration.


Jericho frigs is good as is.


“Warden ability would add effect that slowly damages surounding enemy ships.”  A AoE plasma web? No thanks, use the pulsar instead