Felling bad about micropayments

Hi, i would like to congrats about the game, is awesome, but i start looking at the options you have to obtain weapons and ships and is gross, I know you people as a company do you like to gain profits and i dont discuss that, What i hate the most is went you dont give the chance to players to obtain some features ( weapons, ships and more) by playing and the only way to get those is by paying. Please change that, if i m playing a FTP game i would like to obtain those features by playing, hard playing day by day not paying and that s it.

I feel like you trying to get all money you can… and i feel like i will not pay for that just to say look i got that ship that only can get by paying,I M COOL!!!..

Went i see a game and i like it, i pay cause i wanna donate because you worth it , so this game is FTP yes but is also Pay to win and be cooler than others…

Dont get my wrong, micropayments has to be , but not at cost of gameplay.

Yeah, so far the game is reeking of P2W. Fortunatly the improvement you get with bought stuff is trivial. For now…

As i know, there is just a problem with the gold mines which cost real money.

The premium stuff is as good as the blue stuff, not better.

I don’t know about the ships.


And we have to pay to create corps and some other things with it.


But it sure that the game is in open beta because they want/need money.

And that is sad.

Definitely not P2W. T_T like Feyd i have no idea how the ships are but I know that the game doesn’t have anything game breaking that only people who pay get to have. Its strictly cosmetic or social like creating corporations or buying stickers. And last time I checked, stickers werent OP.

It’s not planned to make this game a P2W game.

All Gold weapons and ships are equal or less efficient than credit items.

The only advantage you gain by Gold items is that you need less time to unlock them and Gold ships have their synergy level on max on purchase.

this game is far from p2w… you pay to cut the grind in half… whats wrong with that… playing against others in gold ships doesn’t make their ships anybetter…

I love watching new players see nice shiney prem items above the Mk 1 and 2 items and not see that there is blue items. Error, to reduce frequency of these pay 2 win threads, why not just include green/blue/purple item information in tutorial. Like grant all newbies 1 purple item(shield booster for their fighter maybe) on their first tutorial run, and mention, Wow congrats on that rare purple item. And show them it is better than prem.

P2W argument solved!

P2W complaints are usually from those who have something against using real money in games or don’t have access to said money.  I played this game for about 4 hours and decided it was fun and worth supporting… so I bought the elite pack.   Is it P2W?.. no it’s Pay to reduce headaches.  If you’re going to play this game any amount of time it makes since to buy one of the packs.

wow… almost feels like the first 2 are Trolling to me…



Star Conflict is NOT P2W… I have no idea how morons can get that idea…




I think Star Conflict is the best looking Free to Play game out there that is NOT being greedy like other games… this is a very fair game and much more so than many out there… I have already put in about $95 into the game, $15 package for my friend, and $80 on 2 packages for my self… I would have not done so if I had thought this game was Pay to Win… and so I have given my support to this game and company… those that call this Pay to Win have NO CLUE what they are talking about…

I still believe my above suggestion on free purple to starting players would hugely reduce GM and Dev headaches on P2W topic.

OMG a company is actually encouraging players to spend money on there game? That is a tragedy, the nerve of some people, I mean do they think they should get payed for the hard work and countless hours they put into the game and I assume countless more to come with as good as it is now.  If you don’t like the micro transactions go play a subscription game that doesn’t use em. well doesn’t use em as much. Not many left. Ok done with my rant Have fun!

I’m afraid the rush of Free 2 Play games that had Pay 2 Win in the past decade have really hurt the business model. It’s almost gotten to the point where even having a cash shop will draw accusations of Pay 2 Win. Almost.



Moving on, is Star Conflict Pay 2 Win? Let’s look at this systematically.


( NOTE: This is my opinion, and only my opinion. Feel free to disagree with me, or argue against me. I always appreciate discussions.)


There are currently three major things you may buy with galactic standards (paid money):

Ships, Equipment and Boosts




If you are aware of the ship system, using galactic standards you can buy a premium ship three ranks above your current rank. This means that you can still be in tier 1, but buy a tier 2 premium ship. It sounds amazing right? Not really. Matchmaking in this game is based on tiers. Meaning that you can only use your tier 2 ship against other tier 2 ships. In addition, premium ships have stats that are similar to standard ships with maxed synergy. Because of this, buying a premium ship is almost the same as buying a regular ship. You don’t buy premium ships for power, you buy them for convenience of not having to rank up and spend credits.




Equipment in this game is divided into three ranks per tier, MKI, MKII and MKIII. Although MKI and MKII are available by default, to get MKIII versions you either need to level up a sub faction, or buy the premium version. Premium versions are the exact same as MKIII, except they cost galactic standards. MKIII versions are indeed better than their MKII counterparts. This means that in order to have the best equipment, you need to level up a sub faction. However, since equipment is divided up between six subfactions, it will take a long time to actually unlock all of it. Alternatively, you may bypass this buy paying for it using galactic standards.This once again is a matter of convenience. Either you spend the time to level up sub factions or you pay and get them immediately. I will say though, it does border the fence, as you technically are buying power. Even then though, Premium equipments are only around 10% better than MKII equipment. While it will give you an advantage, it will not make you god-like.




Boosts in this game give you some bonus. Currently combat bonuses such as extra weapon damage can be bought with credits. This means that anybody can buy a combat bonus, not just the players with galactic standards. The boosts that are galactic standards only are ones that give reputation, credit or experience bonus. This is once again a matter of convenience. If you pay for these boosts, you don’t have to wait as long to rank up, level up sub factions or get credits.




Most of the paid stuff in this game is really about convenience, not just giving raw power. Instead of spending so much time waiting to unlock stuff, you are able to unlock it outright or speed the process up. This is by far the fairest way to do micro transactions. As I mentioned in the equipment section though, being able to buy premium equipment is technically considered buying power. However, when you consider they are only around 10% better and that there is a way to MKIII equivalents for free, it is a grey area. All in all, I think Star Conflict has a mostly fair microtransaction model, that is far better than most other Free 2 Play games.


Most of the paid stuff in this game is really about convenience, not just giving raw power. Instead of spending so much time waiting to unlock stuff, you are able to unlock it outright or speed the process up. This is by far the fairest way to do micro transactions. As I mentioned in the equipment section though, being able to buy premium equipment is technically considered buying power. However, when you consider they are only around 10% better and that there is a way to MKIII equivalents for free, it is a grey area. All in all, I think Star Conflict has a mostly fair microtransaction model, that is far better than most other Free 2 Play games.


Well said.

I’m afraid the rush of Free 2 Play games that had Pay 2 Win in the past decade have really hurt the business model. It’s almost gotten to the point where even having a cash shop will draw accusations of Pay 2 Win. Almost.



Moving on, is Star Conflict Pay 2 Win? Let’s look at this systematically.


( NOTE: This is my opinion, and only my opinion. Feel free to disagree with me, or argue against me. I always appreciate discussions.)


There are currently two major things you may buy with galactic standards (paid money):

Ships, Equipment and Boosts




If you are aware of the ship system, using galactic standards you can buy a premium ship three ranks above your current rank. This means that you can still be in tier 1, but buy a tier 2 premium ship. It sounds amazing right? Not really. Matchmaking in this game is based on tiers. Meaning that you can only use your tier 2 ship against other tier 2 ships. In addition, premium ships have stats that are similar to standard ships with maxed synergy. Because of this, buying a premium ship is almost the same as buying a regular ship. You don’t buy premium ships for power, you buy them for convenience of not having to rank up and spend credits.




Equipment in this game is divided into three ranks per tier, MKI, MKII and MKIII. Although MKI and MKII are available by default, to get MKIII versions you either need to level up a sub faction, or buy the premium version. Premium versions are the exact same as MKIII, except they cost galactic standards. MKIII versions are indeed better than their MKII counterparts. This means that in order to have the best equipment, you need to level up a sub faction. However, since equipment is divided up between six subfactions, it will take a long time to actually unlock all of it. Alternatively, you may bypass this buy paying for it using galactic standards.This once again is a matter of convenience. Either you spend the time to level up sub factions or you pay and get them immediately. I will say though, it does border the fence, as you technically are buying power. Even then though, Premium equipments are only around 10% better than MKII equipment. While it will give you an advantage, it will not make you god-like.




Boosts in this game give you some bonus. Currently combat bonuses such as extra weapon damage can be bought with credits. This means that anybody can buy a combat bonus, not just the players with galactic standards. The boosts that are galactic standards only are ones that give reputation, credit or experience bonus. This is once again a matter of convenience. If you pay for these boosts, you don’t have to wait as long to rank up, level up sub factions or get credits.




Most of the paid stuff in this game is really about convenience, not just giving raw power. Instead of spending so much time waiting to unlock stuff, you are able to unlock it outright or speed the process up. This is by far the fairest way to do micro transactions. As I mentioned in the equipment section though, being able to buy premium equipment is technically considered buying power. However, when you consider they are only around 10% better and that there is a way to MKIII equivalents for free, it is a grey area. All in all, I think Star Conflict has a mostly fair microtransaction model, that is far better than most other Free 2 Play games.


games like Star conflict and WoT have the perfect buisness plan. You pay (almost) strictly for convenience. The only Pay to win game i recently played was APB: Reloaded. They are the perfect example of Pay to Win filth, and its hurting them more than they think.