After a dogfight, i fell always lost. I dont know where my ship is, and where I have to flight then.
So I open the map, but in two dimension, it’s sometimes hard to understand better. (“oh, my mate is just near ! … oh no, he is 9 Km above …”)
Same problem when i looking for a beacon. Sometimes the icon is just too small, or hided behind my interface, or the icon of the beacon appear, i flight, and then the icon go behind a rock and disapear … then I’m lost again.
Well, I know I need to play a lot to recognize all maps. But I feel that the devs can improve our feeling of lost or not.
Giving us some landmarks.
I have the same problem with distance issue. I never know if someone he’s far from me or just near. I have to lock my target or pass my mouse trough to know.
If You can do anything about those issues, it would be greatly appreciate.
Seems if Devs can give us a 3D main battle screen, a 3D map screen wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.
they can always use colors as an altitude measure say light green = below you and dark green = above you being the tone what determinates the distance.
other thing that could be done and to be honest will be much better than the current pressing “t” and or “r” till the game lock what you whant is to make targeting via the radar, this means that we should be able to select wich target we whant by clicking its icon in the radar. part of the info gained when targeting someone should be altitude.
your mini radar actually already showed things around you in 3d, if the thing was above you, in your mini radar gonna make it look like T , reverse if it under you