
After some days of gameplay i keep find hard to understand why sime ship get so good resistence , i tryed fit my ship with item for shield resitence to all weapons or to specific kind of damage but i keep go down quite easy in many situations , same about hull , meewile i often find hard to lower some enemy ships well fitted .

i think is a situation that happend to very lot of people , and that make leave the game too soon, i ask more clearence about effect of modules and how to make them work in conjuntion eachother.

Also about detonation mode is still a mistery to me how someone pick up bomb immediately  , since i instead i need wait some seconds befor grab those.


After some days of gameplay i keep find hard to understand why sime ship get so good resistence , i tryed fit my ship with item for shield resitence to all weapons or to specific kind of damage but i keep go down quite easy in many situations , same about hull , meewile i often find hard to lower some enemy ships well fitted .

i think is a situation that happend to very lot of people , and that make leave the game too soon, i ask more clearence about effect of modules and how to make them work in conjuntion eachother.

Also about detonation mode is still a mistery to me how someone pick up bomb immediately  , since i instead i need wait some seconds befor grab those.


It is possible to stack passive resistance modules. Combined with active modules like aegis you can reach extremely high lvls. Also the reason you go down so quickly may be because just as some people focus on stacking resistances, some focus on stacking attack bonuses.


As for Detonation I am not 100% sure but I THINK Interceptor pick it up faster similarily to how they have a 20% increase in beacon capture rates. This is purely speculation on my part tho as I never actually checked.