Feedback : Few points that need to change

Hi guys, i’ve got T2 Rank 6 with Jericho and Imperio at the moment, and just got T3 Rank 7 atm with Federation.


I played around 53 hours of this game and here is the changes that i think its needed to be made.

I’m a experienced gamer, been playing games since i had 6 years old, its my passion&hobby. At this moment i have 23 years old, and here is what i think DEV’s and Community.


Implant system: You guys should completly change the system you have now, not making ONLY by factions. Players should be able to buy implants like a equipment, and use on their avatar as equipment.


Here is a few points that i will flag as IMPORTANT change for this system.


  • Shop for regular implants accoarding wich ship class they play mostly.
  • Avatar page unlocking slots for implants by ranking up.
  • Special implants unlocked by Factions for those ships you play.
  • Put on win games rewards as a chance to win it / sell.

Well DEV’s i know how hard is to make a game, but i think you guys should think about it and the community too.


Next topic.


Rewards , Repairs, Premium (license), Win Rewards, Rank exp & Ship Prices.


This is a issue. Actually is a mess, need to fix and fix in a way to be actually funny to play without having to have a license.


Rewards prices should be increased and repairs should be lowered. from T3 or higher , why? All the fitting and all the stuffs are too expensive, i think for a loss it is good money at this moment but for a win should be alot more, by Tier 3 we should be making around 120 - 150k for Win and 90 -100 Loss. Ships repairs should be lowered because sometimes half of the money u just won goes for REPAIRS.

Experience (in general) and Loyalty at this moment is good for regular accounts (without licenses)!

If this actually be done, pilots with Licenses would still win the same, they are paying for it they deserve it. Can’t pay? but you can still work out your way through the ranks and fittings and experiment all the stuffs the game has to offer, LICENSES IS A BOOST!


Now here is the catch, Rank experience and Ships Prices.


Well actually i think the EXPERIENCE to RANK UP should be increased so the game time you need to stick around at that tier would be fair and reasonable of course would be harder and harder at some point, same goes for the SHIPS PRICES.


Fair and yeah changes alot for anyone that can’t affort to pay at this moment and for those who can!


Next Step.


Ships Tier’s and Rank’s.


One thing that i never saw was a LOWER TIER ship be better then a Higher Tier (ex: T2.5 better then T3 REGULAR), not fair at all. I would ratter stick around in the lower tier. Change it is not right at all, i dont feel good by ranking up into a new Tier, i think most of the players neither cause their ship sucks and the older one was better.


I think is totally unfair, check your Ships and see what you guys can do DEV’s.


I got more feedback but i will rather press the send button and see what you guys think about it.


NOTE: English is not my nature language! Dont judge me. It’s only my suggestion.


Thank you for wasting your prescious time reading this. Thumbs up please  :3


See you in the Air, PILOTS!

Interesting, I mostly agree. Did you mention how they stopped ranking up factions by every match and that you must only do contracts to level up? That needs to be changed cause they stopped it. 

Interesting, I mostly agree. Did you mention how they stopped ranking up factions by every match and that you must only do contracts to level up? That needs to be changed cause they stopped it. 

As i said, i wont be speaking about all the changes that has to be made to be fair for everyone. But thats wrong too, we should win exp off contracts and loyalty.

One thing that i dont understand too, why should i pay to sign a contract. Its like “HEY WANNA WORK FOR ME? OK GIVE ME 1K AND SIGN THIS CONTRACT!”. bump

One thing that i dont understand too, why should i pay to sign a contract. Its like “HEY WANNA WORK FOR ME? OK GIVE ME 1K AND SIGN THIS CONTRACT!”. bump


I won’t be answering to your initial post as I’ve seen plenty similar suggestions already and in all honesty I would disagree with most of them for various reasons.


But to answer quoted post - I think you misunderstood how contracts work. You don’t pay to sign a contract.

You pay for cancelling long term contract with faction A and not for signing it with faction B.

That’s why higher your rank with faction you decide to “leave” - more you pay.


Lore-wise it’s pretty cool idea, would be even better if your standing with one faction had some impact on relations with opposite faction - but I fully understand why it works like that.

I’m not so sure about your philosophy for the reward/repair balancing at T3.  I’d have to REALLY work hard at sucking to make a loss on a game.  90K being the ABSOLUTE minimum I’ve earned for a T3 game, repair costs rarely exceed 45k or so.  Half the money you win going to repairs is a fair punishment for dying that often in my opinion.


T4 is a different matter, I see you haven’t reached it yet so allow me to direct you to this thread.  Still think T3 is being mean to you?


Long story short: T4 repair costs are 60k/ death, and your reward is a maximum of 200k.