Federation abilities a bit lacking?

In another thread you said:

I have to say i completely disagree. While in tier 1 I hated the snipers like everyone else, now I’m in the third tier and things have changed a lot.
By far the strongest Frigate is the one with the drones. That’s not because of the drones, its because those pilots are in the midst and dish out way more damage then the other two over time. They are constantly aware of their surroundings and never offguard. Also they mostly run modules that help their team and no selfish ones.
Yes, even in tier 3 a torpedo and/or laser hits me now or then, might even kill me. But when i survive the hit I turn around and fly to the nearest Federation Frigate for heals, and thats usually not far if she’s not attacking with me.
With my current setup - which is a frigate-hunting overdrive fighter - i shred frigates so fast they barely scratch my hull before exploding. Why can I do that? Because they usually sit around alone camping. Come from the side, Ion rocket, take down his shields and he already panicks and its over. Not so the Fed ones. They are valued by their team and in the midst, protected by their squadron. Add to that way over 15k hull, high resists and brawler modules like the pulsar or propulsion-inhibitor. They are my nightmare.
Last night i saw a Frigate end up with a score of 15 kills and 21 assists, the highest I’ve seen so far and that was a Fed. 
The reason is _ just because of the sniping ability _, the others tend to sit still, are vulnerable and contribute little to the effort. Again, of course a Torpedo can take off the shields of all interceptors who capture a beacon, but when i fly interceptor i give a damn about my shields. I’m far away and half recharged before the 2nd torpedo arrives, more importantly i took the capture point / dropped the EMP bomb.
A fed rushes/warps in and drops his pulsar -> all interceptors run for their lives. That can buy the team important time to come defend.

I still think fed is good as it is (at least the ceptor and fighter… i dont play frig).

We have the best weapon type, we have balance between shield and hull (but from fed skills we get only shield extend :S), we are the fastest, our fighter’s skill is the best (the vanguard maybe a bit op).

vanguard only really op in pve, pvp if someone looks at a drone funny they blow up. The heal on them is great but you pretty much have to stay out of sight to keep them alive.

After playing with T2 Federation frigates for a while, I feel that their ability is really lame.


In general, here are the problems of drones:

-A missile hit generally takes out both of the drones

-Lucky hits, and lasers are also capable of taking out drones. Especially lasers, your drones will not survive.

-Their bonuses are not that great - damage is inferior. Good against interceptors in general, those interceptors that do not use lateral movement that often. However;

-Missile protection variant has a very VERY long cooldown.

-Repair variant often fails, due to these drones susceptible to any form of damage, with lasers & explosions being the prime reason that you are constantly losing them.

-In general, drone cooldown is too long.


Some suggestions (not all of them are combined, naturally):

-Lower cooldown

-If you recall the drones, the cooldown should be lowered. Lets say, you can release drones every 30 seconds, if you recall them, cooldown should go down by 15, to a minimum of 5 seconds. Just an example. 

-High explosion resistance (NOT THERMAL - like the first Federation skill - to allow them survive against a torpedo and missiles), some thermal resistance (against laser blasts) better hull points, some shield with good amount of shield regen to avoid getting one-shotted by just one lucky shot (after reading these, don’t think of huge numbers. 40-50 thermal resistance, 70-ish explosion resistance, 300-ish hull, and 300-600ish shield with 70-100 regen sounds very plausible - haven’t done any math yet though)

-Missile protection variant anti-missile cooldown lowered to something around 20-25

-Repair drones capable of repairing friendlies, aswell as each other

-4 drones, not two. Or, a little bit higher damage

-The ability to target individual drones (first click targets you, second click on you will target a drone maybe?)

-Drones using your main weapon (this would be awesome, of course, a lesser version of it to even the damage out)

-… don’t know, right now their ability feels VERY weak.


Also, suggestion for their frigates, in general:

-A modest boost to their HP & SP (I’m thinking around 15-25%); Jericho and Empire gets the most out of those modules with +%HP or +%SP, but Federation frigates doesn’t gain much as their base is lower compared to the other two. So, while Empire focuses on Hull, and Jericho focuses on Shields, Federation has to focus on both, losing valuable passive slots to compete with other frigates.

-A boost to their rotation speeds, aswell as to their lateral movement speeds (they are faster, but lateral movement and rotation is the same with that of Empire & Jericho frigates. I’m thinking about +10 to rotation  and +10-15 to lateral speeds)

-Slight improvement on resistances, and innate bonuses to main weapon damage


Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying flying with one. However, Empire frigates can do what Federation frigate does with better efficiency, and with a bonus disintegrator on top of it. You can easily stack HP, and throw whatever you want for your shield passive. For other passives, you can improve your hull and/or hull resists even further. But with a federation frigate, you won’t be able to get as much tanky as Empire or Jericho. Only difference I have is higher top speed. Rest; abilities, HP&SP/etc… all just bad.

In another thread you said:


Yah, I said its not the frigate, its the pilots. Reading comprehension fail.

Yah, I said its not the frigate, its the pilots. Reading comprehension fail.


i know both fighter and frigate starts with an F but pls…


 our fighter’s skill is the best (the vanguard maybe a bit op).


vanguard only really op in pve, pvp if someone looks at a drone funny they blow up. The heal on them is great but you pretty much have to stay out of sight to keep them alive.

vanguard fighter skill = hide that can’t be canceled by damage, that i think a bit op.

Was talking about Vanguard drones I only drive space school buses 

sry than, looked like you replied to my post.