feature to report match

Many times when people complain about poor match making, log files etc. are requested.


While it is not rocket science to post logs here it still takes time to do and with many games played each night people rather keep play than sending a bunch of logs.


Could you please add a button/field at the end of a match that allows someone to report the match and why? Then it automatically collects the game log and sends it to the proper person/department at Gaijin.


That way not only people on the forum would report matches and devs/support would receive more logs to work with.



Something like this has already been forwarded, but until there is a final decision we need to work with the logs from players.

Okay. Sorry if that was already suggested or is already in planing. I would think that this feature would help a lot with fixing the match maker and in my opinion it would be good to set this up sooner than later, so before making adjustments to MM.

What is the best process to properly submit matches? I would think you only need game log and a screenshot and date/time of match, but not sure if I should open a ticket or post it in the forum.