Farm, farm, farm

Dear Star Conflict Develloppers.
I’ve been playing since 2016 and I still love this beautiful game.
But, I have a few questions:

  • Why don’t you permanently leave the bundle at 200 iridium for 50% credits for 24 hours? the price is more within the reach of new players who are desperately short of credits.
  • Why aren’t there more open space adventures? they’re such a change from the rest! like a breath of fresh air :slight_smile:
  • Why aren’t there more events like “paint your favorite ship” with 3 winning places? it was fun to see all the achievements :slight_smile:
  • And please, stop drowning us in events to farm resources all the time! we farm resources for normal ships, we farm resources for event ships, we farm resources for the exorbitant price of passive modules to put them in MK5, we farm resources to pass attack/defense levels, we farm resources to find rare seed chips that cost an arm and a leg to improve! we farm resources for the smallest thing! I know, this is done on purpose: players prefer to buy so as not to have to farm anymore. and if possible with the CB, it’s done for that, I know.
    Yes, sometimes you give gifts, but they are so quickly absorbed that the need remains the same… it’s too much! and even I who am very patient, I am tired of it and I am bored… so please, let us breathe a little ?

I think this is more or less an issue of the economy at large - the major disparity between the least paying activities and the highest is telling of how much the developers expect players to earn compared to how much they actually do when engaging with the core activities of the game.
PvP wins on average giving 250,000 credits for older modes while four lives gives around 900,000 is telling enough.

Adventures is a relatively new mode - there have been a few added every couple of updates but they’re usually fairly short since they’re adventures. There might be longer ones again in the future but only time will tell.

thanks for your reply :slight_smile: About space adventures, it"s nice to imagine that there are more in the future :slight_smile:
About the bundle for more credits i must say that i didn’t really understand your answer :grinning: i just see that it is constantly difficult to find enough credits to be comfortable.
regarding the rest, I spoke for myself, but I assure you that it is very difficult for new players to motivate themselves to farm everything, and many abandon the game out of boredom, after a few months, often. .which is a shame :frowning:

The problem with Star Conflict’s economy is that rewards are rarely ever updated. Heck, the rewards of older activities have seen more nerfs than buffs.
The statement is moreso about how many credits are required for typical gameplay now compared to when these activities would have been implemented - so for most that would be around 2013-2015.

  • Regular PvP game modes typically result in a base credit reward hanging around ~200k.

  • So this would be Domination, Beacon Hunt, Detonation and Team Battle.

This is in comparison to how many credits you lose in the process. If you’re using a Destroyer and you’ve spawned at all then you have already lost 50,000 credits - add 100,000 for every death in the battle. So with 2 deaths in a destroyer you’re already at a net loss from the battle even if you win.

Now in comparison to what we burn for newer content at the same time;

  • T6 weapons require 16,000,000 credits to mk4

  • New ships require 10,000,000 credits to build

  • Seed chips normally eat 20,000,000 credits to mk4

  • Ellydium nodes outside of Ze’ta can easily ask for 5,000,000+ credits to unlock with moderate progress

These numbers are typically infrequent with new ships realistically releasing every 2 months but these loops are more or less only ignored by the playerbase at large as newer income opportunities are so much stronger.
Just killing random Enclave enemies frequently yields as much as one PvP battle and just as often yields 1,000,000+ credits from a single intact container. This isn’t even looking at mining which has long since dominated the resource loop for any willing to participate in it as a single asteroid can yield 6,000,000 credits.

Uhh rambling aside (haven’t used the forums for forum stuff in a hot minute);
Old activities don’t give enough credits
New activities give enough credits to participate in newer content

okay:) I’m still not convinced, but you’re probably more professional than me about this :slight_smile: thanks for taking the time to explain !