FaF missiles

I would love a fire and forget function for Jerry torps. I’m not a big fan of being completely defenseless while flying one. I rarely use them unless I’m chasing down a fleeing foe or just S/D before someone kills me to do extra dmg.

The entire point of jericho lrfs is to be almost defenseless while flying your torp. The torps do significant damage, have considerable range, and leave the radiation cloud behind. the drawback being you have little way of defending yourself. You can however use active modules as well as your missiles while controlling your torp. You can also see your shield/hull status, so you know if you are being attacked. If you find yourself being attacked while controlling a missile, activate an RT or a multi-phase shield generator (or both). This way you can still keep flying your torp and give yourself a few more seconds to finish off the enemy with the torp, then defend yourself properly. You could also drop a minefield in hopes of destroying the foe who is attacking you.


Worst-case scenario, detonate the missile mid-flight and defend yourself. If you survive the assault, you can keep firing the torps.


If you truly want an FaF missile, use the cruise missile, despite how easy they are to dodge, you have decent chances of hitting an enemy frig from across the map with one.

An FaF missile as the ability would defeat the purpose of the jerry lrf.

You can’t use a minefield or secondary weapons while in scope view. Only modules.

DF, stop making suggestions simply because it would make your experience easier for your current ship. It’s annoying. Stop.

You can’t use a minefield or secondary weapons while in scope view. Only modules.


Oh, then that has changed since the last time I played jerry lrf (a month-ish). You used to be able to use missiles too.

Oh, then that has changed since the last time I played jerry lrf (a month-ish). You used to be able to use missiles too.

It’s hard to criticize acueately when yer not up-to-date. :wink:

And I just want a FaF option. Being able to fly torps when you want accuracy; but then just let one loose with simple missile AI would make this module much more worth-while to a frig that fights in close-combat. Being the tampering little bug that I am, I would probably (irl scenario) just take the navigational component out of a cruise missile and replace a few of my RC components in my torps. It is not that hard. Life is fun because there’s something for everybody. Being forced to fly something with immense firepower so far from battle that you can’t hit anything is kinda counter-intuitive.

It’s hard to criticize acueately when yer not up-to-date. :wink:

And I just want a FaF option. Being able to fly torps when you want accuracy; but then just let one loose with simple missile AI would make this module much more worth-while to a frig that fights in close-combat. Being the tampering little bug that I am, I would probably (irl scenario) just take the navigational component out of a cruise missile and replace a few of my RC components in my torps. It is not that hard. Life is fun because there’s something for everybody. Being forced to fly something with immense firepower so far from battle that you can’t hit anything is kinda counter-intuitive.


Aside from that one thing, I am perfectly up-to-date.

And like Efefay said, you are only writing this because it would make your experience in a specific ship better. Changing the way a ship role works is not something that will happen, as the ship role is perfectly fine as it is.

The entire point of jericho lrfs is to be almost defenseless while flying your torp. The torps do significant damage, have considerable range, and leave the radiation cloud behind. the drawback being you have little way of defending yourself. You can however use active modules as well as your missiles while controlling your torp. You can also see your shield/hull status, so you know if you are being attacked. If you find yourself being attacked while controlling a missile, activate an RT or a multi-phase shield generator (or both). This way you can still keep flying your torp and give yourself a few more seconds to finish off the enemy with the torp, then defend yourself properly. You could also drop a minefield in hopes of destroying the foe who is attacking you.

> torps have high damage

yfw Imperial Disintegrator does MORE damage


> considerable range

yfw Disintegrator has MORE range.


> radiation cloud

yfw that cloud is utterly useless


> using MP modules

yfw Imps have more survivability because you leave the Disintegrator window far more quickly instead of being a sitting duck for 5 whole seconds.



Imperial LRFs are superior in every way, compared to Jericho LRFs. The only advantage Jericho has going for it is the fact that the Torpedo can be steered around corners. And even that has the turn radius of the Titanic.

Seventy percent of the ship suggestions are for LRF. I recommend everyone who keeps making these suggestions stop using it as a sniper.


Six cannons are good.


If you used them, you won’t have time to complain about your special.

Seventy percent of the ship suggestions are for LRF. I recommend everyone who keeps making these suggestions stop using it as a sniper.


Six cannons are good.


If you used them, you won’t have time to complain about your special.

but but but what about combat recon, where a team takes like five jericho LRFs and keeps hitting the captain? Huh? </sarcasm>


At that point, it usually gets better to simply self destruct, since all that continuous damage plus suicidal pilots tends to make for a dead captain. Jericho LRFs’ special has power in numbers. Stupid power that’s useless in any game that isn’t combat recon, but still power none the less.

> torps have high damage

yfw Imperial Disintegrator does MORE damage


> considerable range

yfw Disintegrator has MORE range.


> radiation cloud

yfw that cloud is utterly useless


> using MP modules

yfw Imps have more survivability because you leave the Disintegrator window far more quickly instead of being a sitting duck for 5 whole seconds.



Imperial LRFs are superior in every way, compared to Jericho LRFs. The only advantage Jericho has going for it is the fact that the Torpedo can be steered around corners. And even that has the turn radius of the Titanic.


Despite these things, it is far harder to hit an enemy ship with a disintegrator than a torp (especially intys). Jeri torps maneuver far better than you think, you just have to begin the maneuver ahead of time and predict the enemy motion. Despite the greater range of the disintegrator, the farther you are, the harder it is to hit a target. Torps make it easy to hit a target at long range. Also, you can leave the window just as quickly in a jeri lrf, just detonate the missile midflight. Time is about the same to leave the missile as the sniping mode.

Yes! Make that module craftable! 

Yes! Make that module craftable! 


He’s not suggesting this as an active module. He is suggesting it as an addition to the special module, which is perfectly fine as it is.

idea rejected - you can take a EM torpedo for this


the special module will not be changed by this

idea rejected - you can take a EM torpedo for this

the special module will not be changed by this

  1. EM torp doesn’t track enemies

  2. EM torp doesn’t leave radi cloud

  3. EM torp would take up my missile slot

  4. I’m not asking for it to be changed im asking for it to be added to. If I had access to the code I could turn it in to a FaF in 5 mins.

  1. EM torp doesn’t track enemies

  2. EM torp doesn’t leave radi cloud

  3. EM torp would take up my missile slot

  4. I’m not asking for it to be changed im asking for it to be added to. If I had access to the code I could turn it in to a FaF in 5 mins.

You silly person, you. How much experience with programming do you have?

You silly person, you. How much experience with programming do you have?

Enough to modify just about any code. Throw a language at me and I’m all over it. :3