faction's chat

just an idea, got this from my old online game ( already leave that game lol )


chat section has 3 tabs, on my screen English, Combat Log, and Corp’s chat ( only for player with corp)


i know dev try very best to make this game even more interesting, if psossible can we have faction’s chat to make even sector conquest more lively than before…


and yeah player’s with corp following their corp faction  

thank you for your input,


the chat layout is already under discussion and this have been already raised in the forum

Perhaps a chat for the corporations based on faction. That way corps would have an easier time inter squadding. 

Perhaps a chat for the corporations based on faction. That way corps would have an easier time inter squadding. 

That is what Wiz is suggesting, but thanks for the bump.


This is actually a good idea, but considering the fact that many corps in each faction are Russian, how would this work?  Would all languages be mixed or keep them seperate.  And if they are seperate, will anyone actually use this chat?