[F]Unable to connect to server (Timed out)

Hi there, every time I try to log in to the game, I get the following message:


Lost connection to server

Reason: Connection Timed out



Does anyone else have this problem or any ideas on how to fix this? Thank you.



Yep, I’ve just decided to try this game too, and have downloaded it through Steam. I’m getting the same issue as above, and can’t log in.

same here…played earlier today :frowning:

I’m getting the same problem I’ve restarted my router, computer and even reinstalled yet it is connecting when I login

5:30:37.095        | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15:30:37.095        | //
15:30:37.095        | // Build: StarConflict (Feb 28 2013 15:30:05)
15:30:37.095        | // params: -lang ENGLISH -nosteam
15:30:37.095        | //
15:30:37.095        | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15:30:37.095        |
15:30:37.098        | Preloaded 1 SStrings
15:30:37.211        | reset d3d device
15:30:37.413        | Number of audio devices: 3
15:30:37.413        | Audio device 0: Speakers (2- Creative SB X-Fi)
15:30:37.414        |     Speaker mode: STEREO
15:30:37.414        | Audio device 1: SPDIF Out (2- Creative SB X-Fi)
15:30:37.414        |     Speaker mode: STEREO
15:30:37.414        | Audio device 2: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
15:30:37.414        |     Speaker mode: STEREO
15:30:37.414        | Speaker mode: STEREO
15:30:55.435        | Entity Defs hash 01F25716. calculated in 0.67 sec
15:30:56.456        | BnRandCaller succeeded
15:31:02.397        | ====== starting level: ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’  ======
15:31:07.510        | MasterServer_RequestServerStatus
15:31:07.510        | MasterServer_RequestServerVersion
15:31:07.510        | MasterServer_RequestNewsFeed
15:31:07.510        | MasterServer_RequestServerAddresess
15:31:07.579        | ====== level started:  ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’ success ======
15:31:07.803 WARNING| frame 416 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.130998)
15:31:07.963 WARNING| frame 417 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.197760)
15:31:08.031 WARNING| frame 418 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.159924)
15:31:08.031        | MasterServer_OnServerStatus: status code 0, server status 1
15:31:08.031        | MasterServer_OnServerVersion: status code 0, version, my version is
15:31:08.046        | MasterServer_OnServerAddresess: status code 0
15:31:08.237        | MasterServer_OnNewsFeed: status code 0
15:31:12.450        | MasterServerEndpoint: connecting to load balancer at [0]…
15:31:12.519        | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to load balancer, awaiting shard address…
15:31:12.596        | MasterServerEndpoint: received shard address ( )
15:31:12.596        | MasterServerEndpoint: received chat server address ( )
15:31:12.596        | Disconnecting from load balancer
15:31:12.651        | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to shard, awaiting auth request…
15:31:35.778        | NetChannel: remote sent disconnect reason, closing ‘’
15:31:35.778        | Closed connection with masterServer addr, reason 50
15:33:07.481        | MasterServer_RequestServerStatus
15:33:07.481        | MasterServer_RequestServerVersion
15:33:07.685        | MasterServer_OnServerStatus: status code 0, server status 1
15:33:07.719        | MasterServer_OnServerVersion: status code 0, version, my version is
15:33:20.322 WARNING| frame 5348 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (4.898809)
15:35:51.337 WARNING| frame 6029 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (146.320038)
15:35:55.384 WARNING| frame 6259 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (1.934429)


  • Date: 2013-03-02 (Sat Mar 2013)

15:31:12.451     NET| connecting to lb [0]
15:31:12.519     NET| connected to 1
15:31:12.595     NET| <–( op: SCMD_ASSIGNED_SHARD, resp: 0 )
15:31:12.596     NET| disconnected with reason 0, m_sessionState 2
15:31:12.651     NET| connected to 100
15:31:12.700     NET| <–( op: SCMD_AUTH_REQ, resp: 0 )
15:31:12.701     NET| -->( op: CCMD_AUTH_REQUEST, req: 1 )
15:31:35.778     NET| disconnected with reason 50, m_sessionState 3
15:31:35.778     NET| chat: Disconnect() requested

I’ve just tried the fix in this thread, but had no luck.

I’ve just tried the fix in this thread, but had no luck.


me 2 with no luck

Same played a lot last night and now can no longer connect.

This is a big issue the game is in launch on steam and for many people this is the start of an holyday.

Not fixing this or suffering from this regulary can cost you hundred maybe more player or potential player.

Great how the dev team is so helpful

Login server seems to be down.


I restarted the game after playing a few matches and now I can’t connect, so it’s definitely something with the login server.


Edit: Back up.

Thanks. Good to see at least the community is helping.

There needs to me some live server update because this is rather frustrating.

Blah, theres an update posted allready.

Servers are back up

Not for me… T.T

Servers are back up? I am still unable to connect. Connection timeout every time.

still getting timed out ! :frowning:

new status msg…unable to retrieve data bla bla…and it hangs in “connecting” for a longer time than before i get that msg

I tried the above fix, now it just tells me that the info im entering is wrong, I went to the YuPlay site and changed to a password of my choosing, and it still doesn’t let me in.  Says connecting for about 1 1/2 minutes before telling me that it failed as well

Now there’s a que to get in. Servers are full. Oh betas. You always know how to annoy people.