[F]ship spins around

my ship spins around even if i set the mouse cursor to the center and dont move it. and it takes a half second for weapons to fire


in single player practice, control is much much smoother and flying accurately is actually possible.


is this lag? i’m in the philippines btw. With mechwarrior online a get 250 ish milliseconds of lag

this sound like a connection problem. Press F11 in battle to see fps and ping. press f11 3 times to get the network stats too. My average is 80 ping with nearly up to no package loss.

The spinning around thing has been happening to me too. It only happens when i’m using the light ships like the Dagger. When the cursor is centered it keeps turning everything else though is working perfectly.


When I play on servers hardly ever lag so I don’t really know is its suppose to do that or not? I’m guessing its not.

After the last patch im getting allot of spinning as well. You should bounce when you hit a rock or something but any little tap or turn and im going into a tail spin. I see it more when im using afterburners. 

I am getting this problem all the time, it’s incredibly frustrating because the ship is basically uncontrollable until it stops. Maybe it’s from built up inertia from rotating the ship so often because after a while it levels out.  Also it only occurs in basic control.


Dear god please fix asap



Also to note; I have stable connection but 350-400 constant ping in match, maybe everyone with same problem has high latency too.   Occurs for every t2-t3 interceptor and fighter I fly, but not with any frigate

I experienced this issue too - the ship becomes totally uncontrollable, swinging from side to side. It makes it near on impossible to hit people or keep them in your view, you can’t maneuver around asteroids or debris because you go careering straight into them and bouncing all around the place. I experienced this with the Swift-M ship, but have not experienced this in the Raptor. As the previous poster said, dear god please fix asap - because its making the interceptors impossible to play!



The issue is caused ----------- the Skill implant which gives +30% turning in all axes and/or Collision Accelerator passive which grats extra turning on axes aswell.


Hopefully this can be addressed but atleast you can remove those mods to remove the problem :slight_smile:

Yes I’m getting this bug as well, on all ships not just the Interceptor. It’s like your ship is turning towards a non existent mouse pointer that is slowly circling your screen. It’s unplayable, which is disappointing since I just dropped $40 on the DLC!

I haven’t tried disabling the 30% turning increase, but I’m only rank 4 in that race - is it even possible to disable? Or do I have to pay for a skill respec and just not advance past there?

Still no fix on this issue? I’m starting to think it’s ping related, when it happens I have a ping of over 400 - in contrast to around 180 for League of Legends and World of Tanks (located in Australia). 

It also seems to happen more in the evenings here - GMT plus 10. I should check my ping when I’m not having the issue to see if it’s different. (and no, I don’t have anything running in the background)


It is VERY annoying, even more so since I paid for the DLC before the issue appeared… Has something changed in the last patch?

Really easy to circumvent fix it would be to give us a ping limit option in our settings, and not include us from matchmaking into any game with a ping over whatever we set.

happends to me as well , only on interceptors

ping is 190-210 average


tried using the 5% speed implant / removing collision compensator but it still spin on its own.


the spinning happends with basic control setting and it seem to fix itself using expert.

happends to me as well , only on interceptors

ping is 190-210 average


tried using the 5% speed implant / removing collision compensator but it still spin on its own.


the spinning happends with basic control setting and it seem to fix itself using expert.

O.o How you are able to even play with such ping…



Really easy to circumvent fix it would be to give us a ping limit option in our settings, and not include us from matchmaking into any game with a ping over whatever we set.

^This. Please.


Try to change your video settings too. Switching windowed/fullscreen usually helps. Also set “controlled by application” setting in your video driver tool(CCC or Nvidia one)

This happens on the basic control scheme with a ship that’s too manuverable for it to keep up with. It seems that the higher your ping, the slower your ship has to be in order to be controllable on the “Basic” setting. If you switch it to “Expert” (this option is under “Game” in settings) you won’t have this issue since it fixes the camera directly behind your ship at all times. I have to switch to Expert in my interceptor, back to Basic for my frigate/fighter then if I ever trigger overdrive I have to switch back to expert in order for it not to flip out.

My ship spins randomly when I  enter a match.  I read a similar thread and it said it was due to bad ping.  I toggled my ping indicator amd my ping is downright sh*tty.   It spiked to  over 2500 at times.  How do I improve my ping? A LOT!

Any advice is apreciated.




I get great conn on War Thunder,I  have 6mbps internet ( I think) and my laptop is running off home wifi.

Switching to Expert fixed it for me.  


But I have been hating Star Conflict for the first time because of it for three days.  

There are players giving up the game while this happens.  


My DxDiag is attached in case it helps.  

My connection log would be attached but someone hasn’t set up the forum permissions:




You aren’t permitted to upload this kind of file



[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5672)

It may be a latency issue. Press F11 to show your ping.

Hit Escape



Switch controls to Expert

Fixed it for me straight away


You’ll find the controls are more sensitive but its great for dogfighting.  

I dont think that will help but I’ll try.  I know it has to do with my conn since my ping goes from 60 to four digits in less than five seconds.  usually 1500-2500 and up to 45% packet loss.  Is there a way to change server and is there a US specific server  I can log into?


EDIT:  Your solution fixes the spinngin but I am still lagging like hell (pardon my french) and have a hard time goign where i want since my ping is still spiking over 2000 :angry:

hardlining it didnt work and pingtest.com gives me a 63. WTF!

There is a conn test sticky at the top of the forum.  


I couldn’t post mine in the forums but there must be a way to get it to the programmers.  


They do actually look into specific routes for individual ISPs, WoT surveyed our clan especially because a cable had been taken out and Australians were having issues.  


I’d also unplug and replug your modem before playing, clear out any torrent connections that might be stuck in its list.