[F] Immortal Interceptor (Its not what you think)

So… out of curiosity, I have no hull… at all… I take it we actually have to go into the negatives to die?



Nice one! 

I guess its like the marker on beacon-huint: You only see full digits, so maybe your ship had about 0.00001 HP left on Hull (actually it also could have been 0.99999).

In short there is hull left, but not shown. 

Yeah… I looked at that and thought… good thing I had that duct tape on the wing, or id be screwed… was just too good to not screenshot, hence why there’s nothing around me, didnt want to bump into anything and blow up before i had the chance.

This has happened to me several times. It’s funny as hell!

Your hp isn’t integer number. 0 means 0-0.49(9).

So… it was the duct tape… cool.

I’ve got to ask: who the hell buys those temporary boosts? They’re pretty much worthless…

Obviously I do… I enjoy my 7% speed and 10% hull resists… That screenshot wouldnt have been possible without the hull resist.

And when you stack resists… it all adds up. Its why my gunships have 100 resists on all the hulls, same with my engineers. Its why plasma arc only tickles me 3k a tick is better than 8k a tick.

There only good if you make alot of money per match…

Epic Screenshot.


Happend to me twice since closed Beta. 0HP and still alive.

Obviously I do… I enjoy my 7% speed and 10% hull resists… That screenshot wouldnt have been possible without the hull resist.

And when you stack resists… it all adds up. Its why my gunships have 100 resists on all the hulls, same with my engineers. Its why plasma arc only tickles me 3k a tick is better than 8k a tick.


Guards can become invincible when stacking resists. PHASE SHIELD FTW.

100 Resis is 50% Damage reduction. more is not worth it. 200 Res will give you 60%. Rather stack health then. Pushes Surviveabilty way higher


Edit: 200 resis are 66,67% DR.

Nice to know that. Gentaei, where can I find a full tab on the effectiveness of resists?

really so, 150 is the magic number for resist?

I think I’ll make a guide for resists and other intricacies in Star Conflict for some of the more seasoned players.

Any form of guide regarding that subject will be much appreciated  :good:

[Here you go.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20051-intermediate-to-seasoned-player-guide-community-input-required-add-your-knowledge/)


It’s not complete, but it’s supposed to be completed by the community as a whole to make a nice, balanced viewpoint with knowledge added by more experienced players.

Nice to know that. Gentaei, where can I find a full tab on the effectiveness of resists?


I once had a little tool to calculate the resis and such stuff, but its outdated and needs some updates. I guess i need to do some… (poor brain, will get hard work)

Here is a base list of Resists, I stole it from somewhere, and have reposted it several times.

50 Resis reduce incomming by 33,33%

100 Resis -------------------------> 50%

150 Resis -------------------------> 60%

200 Resis -------------------------> 66%

250 Resis -------------------------> 71.4%

Its not EXACT, but it should be within 1%

Here is a base list of Resists, I stole it from somewhere, and have reposted it several times.

50 Resis reduce incomming by 33,33%

100 Resis -------------------------> 50%

150 Resis -------------------------> 60%

200 Resis -------------------------> 66%

250 Resis -------------------------> 71.4%

Its not EXACT, but it should be within 1%


I guess having higher then 150 is kinda useless. 

Thank celestia that I have 100 Resistance of thermal on my kite…