Explaining the games problems

Below is a soundbite explaining an detailed review on the game. This is presented on a developer / Design level, So apologies if you are unable to keep up with it,

I have tried to make it as easy as possible for the general person to understand. Thanks for listening!




Overview resolutions and changes


  • Create a better aim/motion interface

  • Reduce weapon damage significantly

  • Improve projectile speed

  • Cap spread rates from 0-3.0

  • Reduce and classify modules into three categories

    - (Heavy) Heavy Cool down, heavy effect

    - (Moderate) Moderate Cool down, Moderate effect

    - (Light) Light Cool down, light effect

  • Redesign Frigate Abilities

  • Redesign Interceptor class concepts

  • Reassign Interceptor modules according to  new design concepts

  • Remove Credit Cost from ships (requires a refund to all players who currently own ships)

  • Create a better aim/motion interface

Well better interface is, better


  • Reduce weapon damage significantly

Why? So it’s more like eve?


  • Improve projectile speed

I dont fly inty but this is probably going to make them useless


  • Cap spread rates from 0-3.0



  • Reduce and classify modules into three categories

    - (Heavy) Heavy Cool down, heavy effect

    - (Moderate) Moderate Cool down, Moderate effect

    - (Light) Light Cool down, light effect

Don’t see why, modules are already class specific


  • Redesign Frigate Abilities

LRF need rework


  • Redesign Interceptor class concepts

Concept is fine


  • Reassign Interceptor modules according to  new design concepts

ECM modules need some rework so it is more interesting


  • Remove Credit Cost from ships (requires a refund to all players who currently own ships)

No way this is gonna happen

Looks like a major overhaul… though I’m not quite sure if we’re in need of a change of such a scale.


Below is a soundbite explaining an detailed review on the game. This is presented on a developer / Design level, So apologies if you are unable to keep up with it,

I have tried to make it as easy as possible for the general person to understand. Thanks for listening!


(sound bite coming soon)


Overview resolutions and changes


  • Create a better aim/motion interface → always nice, but better is subjective. will look forward to the soundbites

  • Reduce weapon damage significantly → why oh why? 

  • Improve projectile speed →  likewise, why oh why? 

  • Cap spread rates from 0-3.0 → not exactly sure what to make of this… weapons might end up being too similar to each other

  • Reduce and classify modules into three categories → again, why oh why? the distinction’s already there: TP/IB are ‘light’, plasma arc/stasis/ion diffuser are ‘moderate’, and warp gate is ‘heavy’

    - (Heavy) Heavy Cool down, heavy effect

    - (Moderate) Moderate Cool down, Moderate effect

    - (Light) Light Cool down, light effect

  • Redesign Frigate Abilities → I’ll hate to see LRFs lose their modules, but they need some kind of improvement somehow. don’t mind changes to engies or guards as long as they’re good and fun.

  • Redesign Interceptor class concepts → not sure what this entails… as long as it’s still fun 

  • Reassign Interceptor modules according to  new design concepts → i’m happy with status quo, but surprise me (in a positive way)

  • Remove Credit Cost from ships (requires a refund to all players who currently own ships) → IMO very strange, so why oh why?

This seems really dumb

Overview resolutions and changes


- Create a better aim/motion interface

This has been improved, but overall isn’t required.


- Reduce weapon damage significantly

What reasoning is there behind this? I can understand slight weapon damage decrease, but interceptors are in a decent spot of having to dodge damage and soak it.


- Improve projectile speed

Missles are currently at a nice spot, they leave room for outmanuvering behind obstacles. Railguns/Plasma/Lasers are already in established spots.


- Cap spread rates from 0-3.0

Reducing spread would be nice, from a pilot’s perspective. However, why is this any better for the game?


- Reduce and classify modules into three categories

    - (Heavy) Heavy Cool down, heavy effect

    - (Moderate) Moderate Cool down, Moderate effect

    - (Light) Light Cool down, light effect


And remove persistent regneration auras? Please, I’d love to see ship healing greatly reduced. I don’t think these module type changes will affect the healing issue we have currently, and with damage values going down, will only intensify the problem that engineering, and healing is.


- Redesign Frigate Abilities

Snipers should be kept, I’m willing to see other frigate abilities for engineers/guard frigates.


- Redesign Interceptor class concepts

Recon is the only one that needs redone. Covert Ops and ECM make sense. However in a battle scenario, recon is out of place.


- Reassign Interceptor modules according to  new design concepts

It’s included with the above. However, the ships themselves need to not be limited to a module type. A ship needs to be able to be configured to a recon, covert ops, or ECM ship. The special modules need to be replacable/upgradable.


- Remove Credit Cost from ships (requires a refund to all players who currently own ships)

Meh. Synergy does this job, yes. But then what are credits going to be used for? I prefer money being the issue to advancing rather than synergy. Synergy makes you play with ships you don’t want to play with, which is bad design.

Uhmari is just wrong. True, the engineer special needs some work, but otherwise classes are sound. As for healing, its currently more of a after battle pickup than tanking regen at the moment.

Posted sound bite

Below is a soundbite explaining an detailed review on the game. This is presented on a developer / Design level, So apologies if you are unable to keep up with it,

I have tried to make it as easy as possible for the general person to understand. Thanks for listening!




Overview resolutions and changes


  • Create a better aim/motion interface ---- Dont know how they could make it better, the only thing to improve is lag compensation and hit mechanics.

  • Reduce weapon damage significantly ---- Dont see the need for it, some interceptors already take a long time to be destroyed due to maneuverability, if weapons were weaker it would take even longer, thats not to mention higher tier battles which ships have higher surv.

  • Improve projectile speed ---- If every projectile is super-fast why dont make it hitscan already? (dont change please.)

  • Cap spread rates from 0-3.0 ---- I usually dont care much about spread since i use weapons with ranges that are not all that affected by it.

  • Reduce and classify modules into three categories (since you proposed this, why dont put a huge hotkey bar, and put a skilltree, with class utlimates and turn it into an MMORPG of ships?) (Dont see the benefit on this, since we already have modules on low, medium and heavy cooldowns).

    - (Heavy) Heavy Cool down, heavy effect

    - (Moderate) Moderate Cool down, Moderate effect

    - (Light) Light Cool down, light effect

  • Redesign Frigate Abilities ----(What abilities are you talking about, engeneer is already dificult sometimes to stay alive, having to control the heal in a diferent way may complicate things too much, guards are broken on LOWER TIERS because of the resist nerf that hit all guards, LRF torpedoes are sometimes OP, and sometimes garbage, same goes for the sniper ones( i guess it depends on the pilot)

  • Redesign Interceptor class concepts ---- TOO many recons nowadays, probably something isnt right, and something is OP there. ECM is anoying as hell already, and cov ops can cause any frigate to enter despair mode in seconds (or fighters too if they dont take care).

  • Reassign Interceptor modules according to  new design concepts ---- So… What modules, what diferent modules? Some module that makes raibows come out of the turbine? I agree inties have to be messed a little, since they have such a high maneuverability they shouldnt be so hard to crack as it is sometimes but just tweaking the habilities should do it.

  • Remove Credit Cost from ships (requires a refund to all players who currently own ships) — I would love to receive all the creds i spent on buying ships, but then, what would creds be used for? Buying MK1 and MK2 gear only? So we get into 1 or 2 PVEs and we have money to spend on 1 of every T2 module?

Kraimax, You missed the point, try reading through the post before just coming to reply to a post.


Dont see the need for it, some interceptors already take a long time to be destroyed due to maneuverability, if weapons were weaker it would take even longer, thats not to mention higher tier battles which ships have higher surv.



^ the purpose of this change, it to nerf their mobility.

Kraimax, You missed the point, try reading through the post before just coming to reply to a post.


^ the purpose of this change, it to nerf their mobility.

They are relatively easy to hit as is, if you build for that, why would you nerf their mobility even further?

They are relatively easy to hit as is, if you build for that, why would you nerf their mobility even further?




First lets establish the difference between speed (mobility) and agility (turn rates). I am speaking of Agility nerfs, not speed nerfs.


“If you build for that” is an extremity. The game is suffering from extreme concepts;  people call for stability, but the issue is these extreme concepts stop that stability from happening.

You cannot kill an inceptor (out side of Aoe, Mines) That has you in a deadlock/spin. You should beable to pressure the interceptor to disengage and run away in any ship class,

while at the same time the interceptor should have time to hit heal, and for it actually to be valid, sitting at 1-2 shot, The healing modules are pointless on an interceptor (out side a few rare situations, like warping away and healing)

its for this reason why the agility (not speed, but turn rates) need a nerf.



First lets establish the difference between speed (mobility) and agility (turn rates). I am speaking of Agility nerfs, not speed nerfs.


“If you build for that” is an extremity. The game is suffering from extreme concepts;  people call for stability, but the issue is these extreme concepts stop that stability from happening.

You cannot kill an inceptor (out side of Aoe, Mines) That has you in a deadlock/spin. You should beable to pressure the interceptor to disengage and run away in any ship class,

while at the same time the interceptor should have time to hit heal, and for it actually to be valid, sitting at 1-2 shot, The healing modules are pointless on an interceptor (out side a few rare situations, like warping away and healing)

its for this reason why the agility (not speed, but turn rates) need a nerf.


the only interceptors that can be build to the extreme of agility are federation ones that have 3 engine slots, and not every federation inty has a 3x engines and one of the extreme and important components of an agility (rotation) is an acceleration that occupies at least 1 engine slots).  

Jericho’s and especially Empire intys don’t have enough of a base forward speed to take advantages of  max agility, even those that have 3x engine slots will be to slow. 

So the way it is now Tankier interceptors can not reach high values of speed and agility in the same time and it is much easier to hit them while those that are very fast and agile are extremely hard to fly because they die if get hit. Frigates have ways of pressuring interceptors and it comes form combination of situational awareness, builds, positioning and manoeuvring.

 All of this is for T3+

Here’s my response in to the soundbyte. I’ll mark times, the general idea during that time, and reply to it.


[0:00] Telling the players to think about the issue in a different way - Interceptor speed example
Overall the complaints of the playerbase, and understanding that it’s ultimately the problem of the weapon damage is for the developers to figure out. Yes, the players are wrong. However, increasing the speed of interceptors was something the development team did, and thought would solve the issue. Personally I never had that issue, as a interceptor pilot main. I have a problem with this example because it was implemented. Since the devs implemented higher inty speed, it means it’s part of where they want to take the game, is it not?

However, I do agree that the playerbase is off as to the solution 80% or more of the time. They may identify the problem, but the solutions cause more problems then they fix.


[2:30] The lack of variation, especially in combat/gameplay. Due to this gameplay, the game hasn’t spread
It’s true. The game appeals to arena-based combat. It’s on par with World of Tanks, and War Thunder in terms of potential population. There are no side-quests, no mining, just dogfight combat. Personally I’m okay with it for what it is. Your larger problem is that you have never promoted friends to play, or given a small-team focus to the game. I can’t get my friends to play it because it isn’t friendly to bring in a few friends. It isn’t fun as a team.  Look at League of Legends. It’s amazing for playing with 1-4 friends. This game makes it really hard to.

[5:15] The game has a major flaw, there is no traction in the community.

Advertisement doesn’t keep people playing a game. Gameplay does. Progression does. Feeling unfairly treated by the developers has hurt this game far more than the combat. I have seen so many players swear off this game because of major changes that feel like changes for the sake of change. The camera change, the tier matching change, patch 0.8.0 (and the horrors in broken ship trees that went with it), the loyalty reward change. These changes have made a lot of players swear to never come back. Much of your playerbase doesn’t trust you to properly respect their real-money purchases or the game they paid money for.


[7:00] Getting 2-shotted with have players leave

See above, you lost a lot of the playerbase with the changes from the game people used to have.

However, I do greatly agree that interceptor speed is a problem. For veteran pilots, it’s not as big of an issue. However, even fast newbie pilots in interceptors will have a great advantage over other newbie players.


[9:00] Updated aim markers, ect
Sounds great, we’ll have to see it in action to really see what you want to do with this. It’s difficult to explain, video is much better for this.

[11:00] Change everything to projectiles
I agree, everything should be projectiles.


[14:00] Weapon damage

Why not acknowledge that the interceptor speed boost was a mistake? Why not nerf interceptor manuverability? It seems like you’re applying two fixes, where you should just choose one.


[16:45] [in response to mixing tiers]

The great thing about keeping tiers fighting their same tiers is that the players understand. Starting into T3, you understand that you’ll be fighting higher tier T3, and be at a disadvantage. A player can handle that. It’s an issue of consistency. Not knowing whether they’re going into battle weak, or strong, is more of the problem. I still support fixed tiers because a player always understands. Then you can also tweak within a single tier.


[18:45] One shots (quick kills) remove skill, and reduce the ability to respond to an attack.

Okay, now I understand why you want to do this. I’m all for it. I’d like to see the ability to do a bit more. My only qualm is that with greater targeting abilities, are we just going to prolong that one-shot into a slow unavoidable drawn out death?


[20:45] Module Progression

Yes, modules should only give a slight edge. Currently they cost too much to get Mark 3 modules…


[23:15] Interceptors are all the same

Mostly similar, but they could easily use a complete overhaul.

ECM’s are problematic in design themselves, because they run into the CC lock possibilities.

I see many of the interceptor problems as being problematic due to the issues with the game. Even in T3, we have players who still don’t go for objectives. They just want to dogfight. Are people going to use a low-damage interceptor much when they have no team to rely on? Are points fairly distributed to those who go for objectives?

_ Before you mess with interceptors, find a way to encourage team play so different roles are worth taking into combat. _


[29:15] Overdrive and Gunships

Overdrive is broken. Good thing it’s hard to hit things… (I admit, I love taking my gunship to a guard frigate and killing it in 6 seconds.)

As a note though, extra crit on a long cooldown always feels bad to me. Maybe make it an extra two crits in the next 5 seconds?


[31:30] Frigates

Frigates have always been an issue. They take a lot of damage, and used to be able to do a lot of damage. They’re hard to balance.
As a pilot, I hate them because flying-wise, they have no ability to include skill into their piloting. They need a sort of mobility.


[38:00] Beacon capturing

Beacons as they stand could be tweaked. I wouldn’t mind seeing some experimentation with the number of ships near the beacon determine how fast points tick away from the enemy team’s score (in beacon hunt), and other ways to change how capping works.



Overall, thanks for the audio clip. It’s nice to see some some transparency, and some actual design philosophy and reasoning behind changes. It’s not quite enough, in my opinion, but it’s a start. I do have something to say about the game as a whole.


Star Conflict currently has problems because it doesn’t focus on team play as of right now. I’m a T3 pilot, but I’ve been playing on and off for a bit less than a year. I have about a 1.48 win ratio, mostly because I go after the objective. I play the recon interceptor mostly because for beacons I can farm points, it can assassinate, and is about the best for objectives in every single mode. (Beacons? Warp to it. EMP? Warp to it, dance around asteroids. Captain? Warpt to it, kill it.) I can do it all by myself, and I have to. Thanks to warp, I can keep up with the long transit times after dying.


The major problem that wasn’t addressed was healing. Healing and regen is a problem. Engineers make single-use shield/hull restoration modules a joke, getting lasting damage on a captain is impossible. Once damage levels are lowered, maybe avoiding damage will be more important. Right now as it it stands, you’re going to take the damage you’re taking, getting the kill before you die is what matters. Poking and getting some damage in? Never worth it. It’s the kill or nothing.

Tacklers are really lackluster right now as well. They need a low-cd on-use module for interceptors that tear 10% of their speed and manuverability away from them. Not enough to make them worthless, just enough to make their ship feel “not right” and that they’re being hunted.

I had more to say, but I’m out of time and have gotten disorganized over the course of this post.

Why not acknowledge that the interceptor speed boost was a mistake? Why not nerf interceptor manuverability? It seems like you’re applying two fixes, where you should just choose one.



because you want the interceptor to get acros the map fast, to make the capture / tactical play upbeat, hence speed rates are good. Rolls and turning destroys the combat (because of inability to hit people).


ECM’s are problematic in design themselves, because they run into the CC lock possibilities.


Simple mechanics like a debuff, that prevents being rejammed will stop that.


Before you mess with interceptors, find a way to encourage team play so different roles are worth taking into combat.


Team play is encourage by lots of different roles doing different things on the battlefield. You cant throw random players together and expect perfect cohesion

but if you design the ships in ways that make lots of aspects of play, people will do that. The trick is making those builds work together, rather then trying to make

the player work together.


As a note though, extra crit on a long cooldown always feels bad to me. Maybe make it an extra two crits in the next 5 seconds?


10 or 15% Crit, every 30 seconds, instead of 35% every 120 or something (what ever it is)


They’re hard to balance.


No they actually are not. There is two solutions that are almost sure-fire to get it right on the first try.


Buff the Frigates back over 300-500k Tank, but this time be smart listen to uhmari and make frigate weapons projectile speed 500-1000ms, so that the frigates just fight frigates.




rename the class “frigate” into heavy fighters, and make them slightly slower, and more tanking the fighters (so 10k on ceptor, 20k on frighter, and 30k on heavy fighter).


The major problem that wasn’t addressed was healing. Healing and regen is a problem. 

This would actually fall under “different play-styles” we discussed this on my corporations teamspeak, about how the engies should not do damage, but rather their main “weapon” should be small repair ships that orbit the enemy shooting a repair beam at them (sorta like repair drones in eve).

They are relatively easy to hit as is, if you build for that, why would you nerf their mobility even further?


maybe it is easy to hit for ppl with low latency, but not for ppl with 300ms latency or more. And using lazors is not cool cause all of them stack thermal resist.

maybe it is easy to hit for ppl with low latency, but not for ppl with 300ms latency or more. And using lazors is not cool cause all of them stack thermal resist.

Don’t you think it is not a game design problem? And what will happen to the hit rate of those that have 50-100 ping if you build a game for 300-400 ping players (effectively eliminating a need for aim on a player side)

Aim bot without actual bots will happen, not good. Im one of the no lag layers by the way

well, you cant fix this game for some ppl without breaking something for others. But the world is bigger than the neighbourhood where the servers are placed. I would bet in a more lagg friendly game since it will reach more ppl, then generating more money.

well, you cant fix this game for some ppl without breaking something for others. But the world is bigger than the neighbourhood where the servers are placed. I would bet in a more lagg friendly game since it will reach more ppl, then generating more money.

If you balance a game for those with high ping it will make low ping player base overpowered which will lead to utterly demolishing all high ping out of the game anyway. No matter how you build a game high ping will be destroyed by low ping in any PvP game one way or another

If you balance a game for those with high ping it will make low ping player base overpowered which will lead to utterly demolishing all high ping out of the game anyway. No matter how you build a game high ping will be destroyed by low ping in any PvP game one way or another


I know it is a really stupid idea, but, force higher latency to all!!! MUAHAHAHAHHA!!!