Expand Friends List

I personally, as well as a few friends are having issues with friend list size, The maximum capacity is fairly small for those that like to squad up and add numerous players. I know that you can also both ‘follow’ each other, but It’s alot of extra hassle to do this. I cannot see any issue with increasing the maximum capacity on the friends list, Perhaps even expanded via Packs, to add more to them, and/or cost GC’s or Credits to expand.


I Believe the current friends cap is around 50~.


What do you think?


This is a good suggestion but dont give them new ideas how to get gcs or credits from us.

I’m having the same problem - I wasn’t even able to add all the other GM’s to my friends list as I just don’t have the space.


I remember having this issue with Vecrox - he tried to add me but my list was full. After my match finished, I deleted someone and tried adding him - only to find that his list was full too. It was an inconvenience - and it seems odd to have such limitations.


On the same note - get rid of the ‘following’ tab. Why should people be able to see what we’re doing in-game when we haven’t accepted them as friends? Just so they can stalk us? I’m not sure what the purpose of this functionality is, other than the possibility for abuse.

On the same note - get rid of the ‘following’ tab. Why should people be able to see what we’re doing in-game when we haven’t accepted them as friends? Just so they can stalk us? I’m not sure what the purpose of this functionality is, other than the possibility for abuse.

Agreed. Some peeps are using it to queue snipe. Even in fun this is annoying, not looking a anyone in particular… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I used follow list to keep my eyes on a questionable individual after he made a mess in one corp. Afterwards changed nick and joined other. This way I were able to inform them who that person really was. Also could be used to check some player profiles to see stats without bothering to send unknown player friend request.

I have no objection to the ability to bookmark other players and see their stats etc.


But the ability to see when their online and what they are doing is identical to the friends list with the sole exception that it doesn’t need the permission of the other player. That doesn’t feel right to me. I have no interest in people stalking me and seeing when I am and aint online.

I have no interest in people stalking me and seeing when I am and aint online.

Personally I couldn’t care less if some random player could see if I’m online or in match or in queue. Doesn’t bother me.

Personally I couldn’t care less if some random player could see if I’m online or in match or in queue. Doesn’t bother me.


I believe you would, If you were queue sniped by a competent squad resulting in a drastic increase of loss chance.



I believe you would, If you were queue sniped by a competent squad resulting in a drastic increase of loss chance.



Why would someone ever bother doing that? 4 players in squad waiting for some other player to queue sounds ridiculous.  :lol:

Why would someone ever bother doing that? 4 players in squad waiting for some other player to queue sounds ridiculous.  :lol:


It happens. A lot.