Exodus of Veterans from Star Conflict

Star Citizen will have high requirements on hardware and cost lotta money, it might prevent some people from getting it. Same with Elite…but not so bad. 

I have backed SC with 36 €. That will allow me to get the digital copy of both SC and SQ42, while being able to test all the alpha and beta stages (in fact I’m playing Arena Commander from time to time)


Hardly expensive…



By the way 2 things that really broke the game to me and need to be deleted at all are the “destructor” and the “Cruise Engine Modification” that started the tacklers popers spam…


The destructor is quite a nice weapon, and very defensive, just as a guard should be. I think it needs some tweaks of the AoE radious, maybe reduce it to 600 or 550 m to give some chances to the enemy team to cap the beacon under sustained fire.


The cruise engine is a great module, don’t be fooled because some Aces use it to just use drone pooping and anything else. It has open a lot of strategies and builds. And it is a MUST in any invasion fighter build.

I have backed SC with 36 €. That will allow me to get the digital copy of both SC and SQ42, while being able to test all the alpha and beta stages (in fact I’m playing Arena Commander from time to time)


Hardly expensive…


Neat. And how do u think it goes so far? Would someone who likes SC also like Star Citizen?

imho firing the destructor at a beacon should simply not work with its aoe aura. it works if you shoot people at beacons aswell. maybe the aura should be smaller there, but with a small aura it would be pretty unspectacular as a weapon.


i have no problems with cruise engines… they use a lot of energy, and reduce your turning speed. it’s just the drones in combination which i find annoying. Not that i havent tried it, i tried it right after it was patched in and was probably the first cruise pooper, but actually the cruise tackler has a lot of better uses without any drones.



Neat. And how do u think it goes so far? Would someone who likes SC also like Star Citizen?

there is a thread in offtopic about star citizen. i think both games could coexist, since conflict brings you much more faster “battles”; the game it will really compete with is eve, bringing in all these exploration / trade stuff while keeping it first person, and working on a network solution for larger conflicts; lets see how it turns out. they got the money to solve the problem, and as programmer i can tell you, i can’t await the first dynamic instancing in the fps genre. i love the demos so far - but i would not give up conflict yet. chances are battles in citizen will be much smaller, or different. it will need a next gen pc, once it gets out, no question.

Neat. And how do u think it goes so far? Would someone who likes SC also like Star Citizen?

Arena commander is just a technical demo so far, but after the 1.0 patch went live, it is really good. I mean, it has a lot of bugs, and you can only fly around two maps which are smaller than most maps in SQ (Thing about the size of devil’s jaw)


The ship control is great, in fact I have rebinded the keys to the same ones as in SC and it feels great. The problem is that SC is a sim, so cabin view, and a lot of blackouts. You need to be gentle with your maneuvers.


They are not even balancing ships now, but so far it looks great.


They will release the FPS module soon to test the Call of duty in space side of the game.


And in the last months of this year they will release the first stages of the persistent universe (open world)


They are taking their time, but so far it looks really, really good.




imho firing the destructor at a beacon should simply not work with its aoe aura. it works if you shoot people at beacons aswell. maybe the aura should be smaller there, but with a small aura it would be pretty unspectacular as a weapon.


i have no problems with cruise engines… they use a lot of energy, and reduce your turning speed. it’s just the drones in combination which i find annoying. Not that i havent tried it, i tried it right after it was patched in and was probably the first cruise pooper, but actually the cruise tackler has a lot of better uses without any drones.

And that’s exactely what i was going to post. This should be forwarded to devs. That’s the way the weapon should work.


Cruise engine is a wrong module to me. I’don’t mean it’s overpowered but been in capture the beacons matches where 4 of 4 in the opposite team were on 700 speed tacklers. Those ships are replacing the recons in t5…





And that’s exactely what i was going to post. This should be forwarded to devs. That’s the way the weapon should work.


Cruise engine is a wrong module to me. I’don’t mean it’s overpowered but been in capture the beacons matches where 4 of 4 in the opposite team were on 700 speed tacklers. Those ships are replacing the BAD recons in t5…




I still have to find a cruise tackler that can replace my job with a Jarl or a Berserker.



I still have to find a cruise tackler that can replace my job with a Jarl or a Berserker.

:smiley: I love the berserker. my build does 3300 dps with 30% crit chance and 98%+ bonus (cpu is green)


it’s also pretty tanky. xD 

:smiley: I love the berserker. my build does 3300 dps with 30% crit chance and 98%+ bonus (cpu is green)


it’s also pretty tanky. xD 

Yeah, but you can’t hit anything past 800 m…

Ok, not sure where else to put this but here seems as close to topic as i can see.


On topic this…

Now I’m getting a bit philosophic here, but put simply, I’m trying to say is that people come and people go. Veterans will be replaced by new veterans. The old ones are in a way going into retirement. And there’s nothing wrong with that.


Very true, however from what iv heard lately the T1 battles are full of Doomsday firing ppl that are ruining the game mode. I shouldnt need to bore anyone with the details of how a doomsday missle is way more powerful in T1 than T2 or even T3 an for a new player qing up for thier 1st game in T1 I can see how that would ruin things for you an generally just quit as u have no time/cash investment an just leave.


In short id like to see a removal of dooms from T1/T2. Not many ‘farm’ these areas an those that do are getting both very little for thier time and ruining the game for many ppl, not just in the sense of silly amounts of damage but in the form of bad ‘tricks’ being learned by newer players.

But whadda i know i rarely play this level. So its not my problem just an issue of getting those new vets into the game in the long run.



But here is the other side of things, the lack of new content and it does seem to be a lack. I never thought id miss the days when i could q up at almost any time of the day an face the inty swarms of old sec con. It was never the ship selections that bothered me it is end game content and proving your worth to your corp that im after.


Now as it stands plans have to be made within the corp, lets just say 1 attack wing, no problems everyone shows up an we ready to go. We go for a sector and others seemingly unrelated to our attack dont show up, now we dont have 3 tournament style battles for control, we have one for 10% of defence taken off against another attacking force. Now im glad we got a game but if scheduled wings from other corps had shown we’d have spent 1 1/2 hours fighting for control rather than the single match we did get and no control. Or in short people just dont know what they signing up for most of the time.


I realise that other time zones being added will open up more availability for games but as i say i want end game content when i log in, a rare an expensive attack on another sector just does not cut it, neither does an undefined game mode that’ll be a tournament for control or just another dread fight.


Other than that dread fights are great love it good fun :006j:

I noticed some problems with the larger games which is kinda annoing and might make veterans leave. The people fly at times incredibly stupid or careless. As a normal player u do not see that because u are occupied with ur own stuff, but when u get better u look at the map to see what team is doing. The utter Horror! The higher the tier the better it gets, but still it can be bad even in T5. In T2 there are some games that defy my remaining believe in humanity.

People just don’t care. They don’t want to be better players. They want to press the button and see something go boom. Either the enemy or their own ship. 

People just don’t care. They don’t want to be better players. They want to press the button and see something go boom. Either the enemy or their own ship. 

You can do both in Invasion.


You collide with someone - self-destruct - criminal - BOOM - profit!